Clause 7 in Report No. 15 of Committee of the Whole was adopted, without amendment, by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York at its meeting held on October 15, 2015.
Report No. 3 of the
York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee
Meeting Held on September 23, 2015
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. on September 23, 2015.
The following were in attendance:
V. Spatafora
L. Bolt, A. Dennis, S. Foglia, K. Hill, L. Hulme-Smith, J. Hunt, B. Lynch, F. Maggisano, S. Palombo, J. Phromratsamy, D. Wheeler
K. Adeney, J. Austin, C. Clark, L. Davies, S. Doyle, R. Filippelli, H. Fok, M. Gallant, J. Hastings, M. Herder, J. Hulton, J. Mitchell, K. Shantz, M. Silver, P. Thiru, A. Urbanski, L. Van Vliet
[Click on the titles of the following Presentations to view the items]
1. York Region Administrative Centre Annex Update and Schematic Design Review
Committee received the presentation by Kellie Shantz, Project Manager, Property Services, Corporate Services and Bob Topping, DesignAble Environments, and provided input on design considerations.
2. Accessibility Spotlight on York Region Courts
Committee received the presentation by Sandra Garand, Supervisor, Court Services, Corporate Services.
3. Project Plans - 2015 Committee Visioning Exercise: Concluding Discussion
Committee received the presentation by Jason Hastings, Manager, Human Services Strategies and Partnerships, Community and Health Services.
4. Updates to the Accessibility Policy
Committee received the presentation by Lois Davies, Program Manager, Accessibility, Community and Health Services.
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view the items]
5. Telephone or Video Conference Participation at Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings
Committee received the communication from Stephen M.A. Huycke, Town Clerk, Town of Aurora, dated June 30, 2015.
6. Resignation from the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee
Committee received the communication from Linda Jones, dated September 18, 2015, advising of her resignation from the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Other Business
7. Update on Accessibility Activities
1. The province’s online Accessibility Report has been filed which confirms York Region’s completion of specific AODA requirements.
2. York Region has been awarded provincial funding for Phase II of the EnAbling Change project. Phase II of the Accessibility Self-Assessment Tool for Organizations includes creating an independent website for the tool and marketing it to organizations of all sectors across Ontario.
3. York Region has been awarded a 2015 Excellence Canada – Ontario Accessibility Award. The award recognizes and congratulates organizations that both meet and exceed the legislated standards of the AODA and have shown a commitment to providing excellent accessibility initiatives to accommodate people with disabilities. This is the second time York Region has been honoured with this prestigious award from People Access, a division of Excellence Canada
Committee received the update from Jason Hastings, Manager, Human Services Strategies and Partnerships, Community and Health Services.
8. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee is scheduled on November 18, 2015.
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
September 23, 2015 V. Spatafora
Newmarket, Ontario Chair
Carol Clark
(905) 830-4444 x71305