The Regional Municipality of York
Report No. 18
of the Committee of the Whole
Meeting Held on November 12, 2015
For Consideration by
The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
on November 19, 2015
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order at 9:03 a.m. on November 12, 2015 with Regional Chair Emmerson in the chair.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, N. Armstrong, D. Barrow, M. Di Biase, M. Ferri,
V. Hackson, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Jones, J. Li, S. Pellegrini,
M. Quirk, G. Rosati, J. Taylor, T. Van Bynen, D. Wheeler
D. Basso, L. Bigioni, B. Bloxam, P. Casey, L. Cugalj, S. Fung,
S. Gal, E. Hankins, B. Hughes, J. Hulton, D. Kelly, D. Kostopoulos,
B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney, W. Marshall, L. McDowell, M. Rabeau,
V. Shuttleworth, G. Szobel, K. Whitney
Table of Contents
Finance and Administration Items
Environmental Services
Regional Councillor Wheeler chaired the Environmental Services section of Committee of the Whole.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view the items]
1. Environmental Services Capital Infrastructure Status Update
[Animated version of Presentation on YouTube]
2. Invasive Species Update
3. Professional Consultant Services for Development of a Solid Waste Asset Management Plan
Finance and Administration
Mayor Barrow chaired the Finance and Administration section of Committee of the Whole.
[Click on the titles of the following Communication and Reports to view the items]
4. Communication – Finance and Administration
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt and referral to staff of the communication from Stephen Huycke, Town Clerk, Town of Aurora, dated October 1, 2015 regarding “Hotel Development Charges”.
5. Temporary Borrowing Authorization for 2016
6. Development Charge Credit Requests - Road Works and Intersections
7. 2016 / 2017 Insurance Coverage Placements for York Region, York Regional Police and York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
8. Contract Awards Report - July 1, 2015 to September 30, 2015
9. Application for Approval to Expropriate Yonge Street - Davis Drive to Green Lane, Town of Newmarket and Town of East Gwillimbury
10. Update on the Review of Options for the Appointment of an Ombudsman
11. Teranet Easement Mapping Data Acquisition
12. Open Data Program Update
13. Security Systems Agreement Amendment
14. Direct Purchase of Service and Resources for the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
15. Software Maintenance and Service Contract Renewals
Other Business
16. Infrastructure Program for Municipalities
Regional Councillor Heath advised that the Board of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities will be preparing its approach to address the new Liberal government’s promise on increasing the infrastructure program for municipalities.
The Committee was also advised that the Region delayed submission of two applications to the New Canada Building Fund pending the outcome of the Federal Election. It is expected that a report will be forthcoming in early 2016 which will provide further information on infrastructure funding opportunities available under the new federal government.
17. Green Municipal Fund
Regional Councillor Heath advised of a resolution of the Board of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to double the Green Municipal Fund.
Private Session
Committee of the Whole resolved into private session at 10:04 a.m. to consider the following:
1. Cost-sharing Agreement – Nobleton Water Resource Recovery Facility – Potential Litigation
Committee of the Whole resumed in public session at 10:09 a.m. and reported the following:
18. Cost-sharing Agreement – Nobleton Water Resource Recovery Facility
Committee of the Whole recommends adoption of the recommendation contained in the confidential report of the Commissioner of Environmental Services, dated October 27, 2015 and that the report be forwarded for consideration at Council’s private session on November 19, 2015.
The Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
November 12, 2015 W. Emmerson
Newmarket, Ontario Regional Chair
D. Kelly
(905) 830-4444 x71300