The Regional Municipality of York
Report No. 6
of the Committee of the Whole
Meeting Held on April 7, 2016
For Consideration by
The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
on April 21, 2016
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. on April 7, 2016 with Regional Chair Emmerson in the chair.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, N. Armstrong, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, G. Dawe,
M. Di Biase, M. Ferri, V. Hackson, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Jones,
J. Li, S. Pellegrini, M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor,
T. Van Bynen, D. Wheeler
S. Alibhai, N. Barrette, D. Basso, L. Bigioni, A.M. Carroll, P. Casey, S. Collins, R. Farrell, S. Fung, L. Gonsalves, D. Horner, R. Huetl, B. Hughes, J. Hulton, D. Kelly, D. Kostopoulos, Dr. K. Kurji, D. Kuzmyk, B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney, L. McDowell, M. Rabeau, R. Roy, J. Scholten, V. Shuttleworth, K. Strueby, G. Szobel, B. Titherington, M.F. Turner, A. Urbanski
Table of Contents
Community and Health Services Items
Transportation Services
Regional Councillor Spatafora chaired the Transportation Services section of Committee of the Whole.
[Click on the title of the following Presentation to view it]
1. Presentation – Transportation Master Plan Update
Committee of the Whole recommends receipt of the presentation by Steve Collins, Director, Infrastructure Management and Project Management Office, Transportation Services, regarding “Transportation Master Plan Update”.
2. Communications – Transportation Services
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt of the communication from Daniel Kostopoulos, Commissioner of Transportation Services, dated April 7, 2016 regarding “2015 Smart Commute Gold Workplace Designation”.
2. Receipt and endorsement of the resolution from Kimberley Kitteringham, City Clerk, City of Markham, dated March 4, 2016 regarding “IBI Group Feasibility Study on Rerouting of Freight Rail Traffic in the Greater Toronto Rail Network”.
That Regional staff prepare a similar resolution for the April 21, 2016 Council meeting.
That Regional staff work in conjunction with staff at the City of Markham, the City of Vaughan and the Town of Richmond Hill to prepare a brief for the Federal and Provincial Ministers and Metrolinx.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
3. National Public Works Week - May 15 to 21, 2016
4. 2016 Roads Capital Construction Program Update [6.6MB]
5. 2016 Annual Speed Limit Revisions
6. Consultant Services for Site Coordination and Inspection Services - St. John's Sideroad and Leslie Street, Town of Aurora
Environmental Services
Regional Councillor Wheeler chaired the Environmental Services section of Committee of the Whole.
7. Communications – Environmental Services
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt and referral to staff of the communication from Trish Barnett, Coordinator, BOD/CAO, Project and Services, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, dated March 9, 2016, forwarding resolution pertaining to communication from Dick Hibma, Chair, Conservation Ontario, dated January 21, 2016 regarding “Control of Invasive Species: Phragmites australis in Ontario”.
2. Receipt of the communication from Erin Mahoney, Commissioner of Environmental Services, dated April 7, 2016 regarding “Response to Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Posting No. 012-6844 and 012-6837: Draft Legislation, Provincial Cap and Trade Program” and endorsement of Attachment 1 and Attachment 2.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
8. 2015 Greening Strategy Achievements [4.5MB]
9. Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update [2.5MB]
10. Georgina Transfer Station and Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste Facilities Contract Extension
11. Natural Gas Procurement Update
12. Consultant Selection for Engineering Services for Rehabilitation of the Existing Southeast Collector
Community and Health Services
Regional Councillor Taylor chaired the Community and Health Services section of Committee of the Whole.
13. Communications – Community and Health Services
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt of the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated April 7, 2016 regarding “York Region Seniors Strategy Advisory Task Force Update”.
2. Receipt of the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated April 7, 2016 regarding “Immigration Settlement Strategy Update”.
3. Receipt of the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated April 7, 2016 regarding “National Paramedic Services Week – May 22 to May 28, 2016”.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
14. Integrated Community Planning for Refugees
15. Update on the York Region Home Repair Program
16. Expanding Paramedicine in the Community Update
17. Vector-Borne Disease Program 2015/2016 Annual Update
Other Business
18. York Region Paramedic Services 2016 Graduation and Awards Ceremony
Regional Chair Emmerson thanked Mayor Dawe and Regional Councillor Taylor for joining him at the York Region Paramedic Services 2016 Graduation and Awards Ceremony on April 6, 2016, where 31 paramedics graduated.
Private Session
Committee of the Whole resolved into private session at 12:53 p.m. to consider the following:
1. Belinda’s Place Women’s Shelter – Potential Litigation
Committee of the Whole resumed in public session at 12:57 p.m. and reported the following:
19. Belinda’s Place Women’s Shelter
Committee of the Whole recommends adoption of the recommendation contained in the confidential report of the Regional Solicitor, dated March 8, 2016 and that the report be forwarded for consideration at Council’s private session on April 21, 2016.
The Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned at 12:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
April 7, 2016 W. Emmerson
Newmarket, Ontario Regional Chair
D. Kelly
(905) 830-4444 x71300