The Regional Municipality of York
Report No. 8
of the Committee of the Whole
Meeting Held on May 5, 2016
For Consideration by
The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
on May 19, 2016
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office,, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. on May 5, 2016 with Regional Chair Emmerson in the chair.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, N. Armstrong, M. Bevilacqua, G. Dawe, M. Di Biase,
M. Ferri, V. Hackson, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Li, S. Pellegrini,
M. Quirk, G. Rosati, F. Scarpitti, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor,
T. Van Bynen, D. Wheeler
N. Barrette, D. Basso, L. Bigioni, A.M. Carroll, P. Casey, S. Collins,
P. Freeman, S. Fung, L. Gonsalves, B. Hughes, J. Hulton, D. Kelly,
D. Kostopoulos, Dr. K. Kurji, B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney,
L. McDowell, M. Rabeau, B. Titherington, M.F. Turner,
A. Urbanski, K. Whitney
Table of Contents
Community and Health Services Items
Transportation Services
Regional Councillor Spatafora chaired the Transportation Services section of Committee of the Whole.
1. Communications – Transportation Services
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt of the communication from Daniel Kostopoulos, Commissioner of Transportation Services, dated April 21, 2016 regarding “York Region Transit (YRT/VIVA) Ridership Statistics”.
2. Receipt and endorsement of the communication from Jeffrey A. Abrams, City Clerk, City of Vaughan, dated April 25, 2016 regarding “Increased Freight Rail Traffic Through Vaughan”.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
2. Transportation Master Plan Update - Draft Network Alternatives [4.2 MB]
3. Consultant Services Fee for Additional Scope - Environmental Monitoring and Inspection Services
4. York Region Transit (YRT/VIVA) 2015 Enforcement and Security Annual Report
5. Consultant Selection for Detailed Design - Road Maintenance and Household Hazardous Waste Facility - City of Markham
6. Transportation Master Plan Advisory Task Force - Report No. 6
Environmental Services
Regional Councillor Wheeler chaired the Environmental Services section of Committee of the Whole.
7. Communication – Environmental Services
[Click on the title of the following Communication to view it]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt and referral to staff of the communication from Kimberley Kitteringham, City Clerk, City of Markham, dated April 7, 2016 regarding “Canada's First Monarch Butterfly Friendly City” to report back with a recommended approach for York Region to become “Canada’s First Monarch Butterfly Friendly Region”.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
8. Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update [3 MB]
9. Environmental Services Water and Wastewater Capital Infrastructure Status Update
Community and Health Services
Regional Councillor Taylor chaired the Community and Health Services section of Committee of the Whole.
10. Communications – Community and Health Services
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt of the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated May 5, 2016 regarding “2015 Paramedic Response Time Performance Plan Final Results”.
2. Receipt of the communication from Frank Dale, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Peel Region, dated March 18, 2016 regarding “Ambulance Communications and Dispatch Services Advocacy”.
3. Receipt of the communication from Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, dated April 20, 2016 regarding “Public Health Sector in System Transformation”.
4. Receipt of the communication from Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, dated April 20, 2016 regarding “Ontario's Publicly Funded Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Immunization Program”.
5. Receipt of the communication from Adelina Urbanski, Commissioner of Community and Health Services, dated May 5, 2016 regarding “York Region Health and Wellbeing – 2015 Year End Review”.
6. Receipt of the communication from Dr. Karim Kurji, Medical Officer of Health, Community and Health Services, dated May 5, 2016 regarding “2015 Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence” and Regional Council congratulate Bernard Mayer, Safe Water Manager, Public Health, York Region on being the recipient of this award.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
11. Hospital Capital Funding - Memorandum of Understanding Allocations - 2016
12. Seniors Strategy Advisory Task Force - Report No. 4
13. York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee - Report No. 1
Other Business
14. Mental Health Week
Regional Chair Emmerson reminded Committee that The Canadian Mental Health Association’s 65th annual Mental Health Week is May 2 to 8, 2016.
15. Emergency Preparedness Week
Regional Chair Emmerson reminded Committee that Emergency Preparedness Week is May 1 to 7, 2016 and is a Canada-wide initiative to increase awareness of individual and family preparedness. This year, York Region celebrated Emergency Preparedness Week with a fair in the York Region Administrative Centre Great Hall on Wednesday, May 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Regional Chair Emmerson indicated his desire, in the future, to coincide this event with a Regional Council meeting date.
The Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
May 5, 2016 W. Emmerson
Newmarket, Ontario Regional Chair
D. Kelly
(905) 830-4444 x71300