Housing York Inc.
Board of Directors
of the Board Meeting Held on October 1, 2015
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, regional.clerk@york.ca, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Board of Directors of Housing York Inc. met at 10:45 a.m. in Committee Room A, Regional Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, Ontario.
Directors present at this meeting:
Regional Councillor Heath, Chair
Regional Councillor Armstrong
Regional Chair Emmerson
Mayor Dawe
Mayor Hackson
Mayor Quirk
Regional Councillor Spatafora
Regional Councillor Taylor
L. Bigioni, P. Casey, R. Farrell, D. Horner, C. Jackson, C. Martin, M. Musgrave, A. Urbanski
15-38 Disclosures of Interest
15-39 Confirmation of Minutes
It was moved by Regional Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Hackson that the Board confirm the Minutes of the September 10, 2015 meeting of the Board of Directors of Housing York Inc., which was Carried.
15-40 Presentation - Risk Management Update
Carlene Jackson, Chief Financial Officer, made a presentation regarding risk management, including the benefits, outputs and key success factors of implementing an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System. The new ERM will be presented to the Housing York Inc. Board in 2016.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Mayor Dawe that the Board receive the foregoing presentation, which was Carried.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
15-41 Risk Management Update
A report of the President and Chief Financial Officer dated September 17, 2015 was presented recommending that:
1. This report be received for information.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Mayor Dawe that the foregoing recommendation be adopted, which was Carried.
15-42 Contracts for Janitorial Services
A report of the General Manager dated September 17, 2015 was presented recommending that:
1. The Board approve the award of five contracts for janitorial services to Greencare Janitorial Systems, pursuant to Request for Tender T-15-29.
2. Housing York Inc. enter into five agreements with the contractor for the janitorial services on the following terms:
a) The term of each agreement be for two years commencing on November 1, 2015 and expiring on October 31, 2017.
b) Housing York Inc. pay the contractor an aggregate fee of $573,866 for the two year terms of the five agreements.
3. The General Manager be authorized to execute the five agreements on behalf of Housing York Inc.
4. The General Manager be authorized to exercise the option to extend the five agreements for a further term of one year, expiring on October 31, 2018. The extension must be within the approved budget and is equal to the lessor of any increase in the Ontario Consumer Price index or three per cent.
It was moved by Regional Chair Emmerson, seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that the foregoing recommendations be adopted, which was Carried.
Other Business
15-43 Housing York Inc. Strategy Sessions
Board members discussed holding one or two meetings to consider strategic priorities for Housing York Inc. It was agreed that two half-day sessions would be held on November 5, 2015 and November 19, 2015. Further details will be confirmed by the Regional Clerk’s Office within the next week.
There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
J. Heath, Chair
Carrie Martin
for Denis Kelly, Secretary