Pregnancy and Parenting Resources

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Title Description Additional Language
How Violence Affects Children Children's domestic abuse wheel
Immunization and Pregnancy A factsheet with information about immunizations before, during and after pregnancy
Infant Sleep Healthy sleep is important for your baby’s growth and development, metabolism and growth, learning, memory and emotional health.
Keys to Breastfeeding Recommendations for successful breastfeeding
New Mother’s Emotions Your guide to understanding maternal mental health
Self Care Plan Follow a self care plan of REST
Storing Expressed Breastmilk Guidelines on expressing and storing breastmilk
Support and Resources for Mental Health in Pregnancy and Parenthood Support and Resources for Mental Health in Pregnancy and Parenthood
Trust me trust my tummy A quick guide to help parents build healthy eating habits for their children 1 to 5 years of age
Tummy Time The benefits of placing your baby on their tummy when they are awake and supervised for some tummy time