York Region supports local municipalities by taking a comprehensive approach to enabling growth through delivery of critical infrastructure and core services. As of July 1, 2024, York Region’s planning role has changed due to provincial legislation and is no longer an approval authority on land-use matters.
While no longer an approval authority, York Region continues to support local municipal planning processes by:
- Commenting on development applications in relation to Regional interests like roads, transit and infrastructure
- Collaborating to maintain up-to-date growth estimates to ensure Regional infrastructure can be planned and delivered in a coordinated and financially sustainable manner
- Sharing data including monitoring and reporting on growth and infrastructure needs
Find information on land development planning, including fees, development approvals, permits and requests or track the status of development applications.
Data and Monitoring
York Region supports local planning by regularly monitoring and reporting on growth management trends.
- A Growth and Development Review report is released annually to provide updates on population growth, employment statistics, residential and non-residential building activity and other factors demonstrating the economic health of York Region
- The Employment and Industry Report provides a detailed overview of employment data and trends in the Region, including data collected in the annual York Region Employment Survey
- A Vacant Employment Land Inventory which provides an overview of the supply and characteristics of vacant employment lands in York Region.
- Highlights through bulletins and dashboards from Statistics Canada are produced with every census
- Walk through York Region’s Centres and Corridors through an interactive map
Regional Official Plan
York Region’s role in developing a Regional Official Plan has changed. As of July 1, 2024, implementation of Regional Official Plan has been transferred to local municipalities.
View the consolidated 2022 York Region Official Plan
View the York Region Official Plan maps:
- Maps PDF (11.5 MB)
- Appendix 1 - York Region Employment Area Zones and Densities PDF (606 KB)
- Appendix 2 - York Region Major Transit Station Areas PDF (14.4 MB)
- Appendix 3 - York Region Urban Growth Centres PDF (2.5 MB)
Find out more about York Region’s open data mapping for current and historical information.
Related Resources
- Assistance for Businesses
- Assistance for Non-profits
- Doing Business With York Region
Economic and Development Services
Land Development
- Call Before You Dig – Locates
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Development Application Supporting Studies
- Development Charges
- Development Construction Inspection
- Development Engineering Review
- Development Financial and Servicing Incentives
- Development Planning Review
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Land Development Legal Services
- Non-Potable Groundwater Requests
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
- Road Design Drawing Storage and Retrieval
- Source Water Protection Permit
- Streetscape Program
- Supporting Regional Growth
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Assistance for Businesses
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Things to do in York Region
Land Development
- Information for Investors
- Water Saving and Protection Incentives For Businesses