Tree Cutting
York Region’s Forest Conservation Bylaw protects forests in York Region. Under the bylaw, landowners require a permit before they can remove trees from treed areas greater than 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres). A permit must be obtained before any trees are injured or removed.
Two permits are available, the Good Forestry Practices Permit and the Special Permit. Please contact York Region Forestry at or 1-877-464-9675 to learn which permit applies to your planned tree removal.
Municipal Bylaws
Please contact your local municipality before cutting any trees on your property. Many local municipalities have tree by-laws that regulate the removal of single trees from private property.
The Forest Conservation Bylaw does not apply to treed areas less than one hectare in the Town of Aurora or the Town of Newmarket. However, both towns have tree by-laws protecting trees in areas less than one-hectare and should be contacted before cutting any tree.
Good Forestry Practices Permit
Applicants are eligible for this permit if the proposed tree removal follows a silvicultural prescription for harvest prepared by a Registered Professional Forester, or are part of a Forest Management Plan under the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program administered by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Application Requirements
The Good Forestry Practices Permit has the following requirements:
- Review the Forest Conservation Bylaw before submitting your application
- Send payment of the appropriate fees with your application
- Complete all sections of the Good Forestry Permit Application, incomplete applications will not be processed
- Submit a signed silvicultural prescription and/or a copy of the approved Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program Forest Management Plan
- The application must be sent at least 45 days before the desired harvest date
For silvicultural prescription requirements please contact York Region Forestry at or 1-877-464-9675
The fee for the Good Forestry Practices Permit is $25. This fee is non-refundable.
Special Permit
A Special Permit can be issued when the proposed tree removal does not qualify for a Good Forestry Practices Permit, but is consistent with other environmental, agricultural, or land use policies in place.
For more information about permit application requirements and procedures, contact York Region Forestry at or 1-877-464-9675
Application Requirements
The Special Permit has the following requirements:
- Review the Forest Conservation Bylaw before submitting your application
- Send payment of the appropriate fees with your application
- Complete all sections of the Special Permit Application, incomplete applications will not be processed
- Submit an environmental impact study with the application (please contact for study requirements)
- Submit a description of the area
Description Requirements
The description of the area must include a map of the property which the application is for.
This map must include:
- Location and name of surrounding roads
- Location of tree removal
- Property boundaries
- Buildings on properties
- North arrow
- Preferred access points for inspection purposes
- Location of compensation planting (if required)
The cost for the Special Permit depends on the size of the affected area (the treed area from which the applicant plans to remove trees):
- $250 where the affected area is less than or equal to 0.2 of a hectare
- $500 where the affected area is greater than 0.2 of a hectare
If the applicant is a "bona fide farmer" confirmed by submission of a Farm Business Registration Number, the Special Permit fee is $25.
Effective Dates of Permits
Forestry permits are valid for one year after approval.
Please notify the office if the harvest is delayed or extension is required for any reason.
Related Resources
- Aurora - Tree Preservation Bylaw
- Newmarket – Tree Preservation, Protection, Replacement and Enhancement Policy
- Markham – Tree Preservation Bylaw
- Richmond Hill – Tree Preservation Bylaw
- Richmond Hill – Private Property Protection
- Vaughan – Tree Protection, Tree Planting, Trimming or Removal
- Vaughan – Private Property Tree Protection By-Law
Related Pages
- Municipal Consent to Move Utilities
- York Regional Forest Management
- Tree Planting Programs
- Forest Conservation Bylaw
- Emerald Ash Borer
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