Private Well Water Testing
York Region provides water sample bottles, forms and information to local residents who own private wells and want to ensure their water is safe to drink. Sample bottles are available for pick up and drop off at several locations. Samples are sent to Public Health Ontario Laboratories to be tested for bacteria. Results of the water test can be received by telephone, mail or can be picked up directly from the Public Health Ontario Laboratories.
Well water should be tested regularly for bacteria. It is the owner’s responsibility to maintain and monitor their well. See the frequently asked questions for more details.
For more information on private well water testing, please contact Health Connection:
Phone: 1-800-361-5653
TTY: 1-866-512-6228 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)
Sample Drop-Off Locations and Hours
Georgina - 20849 Dalton Rd, Sutton, ON L0E 1R0
Sample drop off - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Georgina - 24262 Woodbine Avenue, Keswick L4P 3E9
Sample drop off - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Georgina Civic Centre - 26557 Civic Centre Road Georgina, ON L4P 3E9
Sample drop off - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Newmarket – 17150 Yonge Street, Newmarket L3Y 8V3
Sample Drop off – Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Visitor and accessible parking is available near the main entrance, for your convenience.
Richmond Hill
South Services Centre - 50 High Tech Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4N7
Sample drop off - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Vaughan – 9060 Jane Street, Vaughan, ON L4K 0G5
Sample drop off - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Markham – 4261 Highway 7, Unionville, ON L3R 9W6
Sample drop off - Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Pickup of well water sample bottle – Bottle for testing can be picked up from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Alternatively, water samples for private citizen drinking water samples can be dropped off at the Public Health Laboratory located at 81 Resources Road, Etobicoke, ON Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (closed statutory holidays).
This service is for drinking water sampling only. You must own a private well to be eligible.
Municipal water is tested regularly by York Region and the local municipality. Water samples from a municipal supply are not analyzed by the Public Health Ontario Laboratory. See Drinking Water Quality and Monitoring for more information.
This service is available at no charge.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I test my well water?
You should test your water:
- When construction is complete and the well has been disinfected
- When the well has not been used for a long time
- At least three times a year (spring, summer and fall)
- After snow melts
- After a heavy rainfall or flood
How do I properly take a water sample?
It is important to use the sampling bottles given by the lab, which are sterile 250 ml bottles with a white powder inside called sodium thiosulphate. The powder will stop the sampled water from degrading.
Samples must be collected and stored properly, and reach the lab within 48 hours. It is best to collect and drop off the sample on the same day, as this allows for enough time for transport of the sample to the lab. The public health laboratory may not test the water if it is received 48 hours from the time and date indicated on the form.
Taking a Water Sample
See our visual guide: How to take a well water sample - 10 easy steps
Select an indoor tap where you get your drinking water from such as the kitchen tap. Do not take a sample from a bathroom or laundry tap. Once you have chosen a tap, follow these steps:
- Get a water sample bottle from one of the York Region Health Services offices listed above. You can keep a bottle for one year provided it has not been opened
- Do not open the sample bottle until you are ready to take the sample. Make sure that you do not remove or rinse out the white powder
- Disconnect or by-pass water treatment devices such as water softeners and carbon filters (consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct procedure)
- Remove the aerator and washer from the end of the tap and clean the end of the tap and threads with rubbing alcohol or a mixture of bleach and water. If you are unable to remove the aerator from the end of the tap, put the end of the tap in a container of one part bleach and 10 parts water
- Run the cold water tap for three to five minutes
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you collect a water sample
- Unscrew the cap from the water sample bottle. Do not touch the inside of the cap or the neck of the bottle. Also, make sure that you do not place the cap on the counter. If you touch the inside of the lid or the neck of the bottle, the bottle must be discarded. You will then have to use a new water sample bottle and collect a new sample
- Fill the bottle with water to the 200 ml line on the bottle and put the cap back on. Do not over fill the bottle. Be sure to clean and disinfect the aerator and washer before putting it back on the tap
- Complete the form that comes with the sample bottle. It must be completed in full or your water will not be tested
- Keep your sample cold by refrigerating it. When you are ready to drop it off, bring it in an insulated cooler with an ice pack
What do the results mean?
The Public Health Ontario Laboratories test the well water for both coliform and E.coli. Coliforms include bacteria that are found in sewage and animal waste, as well as soil and vegetation. E.coli is found in the digestive systems of humans and animals. If you find E.coli in your well water it is probably from human or animal waste.
Type of Bacterial Count | Water Test Result | Meaning | Follow-up |
Total coliform per 100 ml E. coli per 100 ml | 0 0 | Water is safe to drink | Continue to test your well each spring, summer and fall |
Total coliform per 100 ml E. coli per 100 ml | 5 or less 0 | No significant evidence of bacterial contamination Do not drink the water until resamples results are obtained | Three consecutive samples, taken 1-3 weeks apart are needed to determine the stability of the well water supply. |
Total coliform per 100 ml E. coli per 100 ml | More than 5 0 | Significant evidence of bacterial contamination Do not drink the water until resamples results are obtained. | May be unsafe to drink. Call York Region Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653. |
E. coli per 100 ml | Greater than 0 | Unsafe to drink Human or animal waste contamination | Consult York Region Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653 for information immediately. |
Bacteria | EST (estimated) | Unsafe to drink | Unsafe for drinking unless boiled or treated. |
Bacteria | O/G (overgrown) | Unsafe to drink | Unsafe for drinking unless boiled or treated. |
What do I do if my water is unsafe?
If your test result shows bacteria in your well water, do not drink it. Boil or chlorinate your well water before using it or choose bottled or municipal water.
Boiling Well Water
You should boil water for at least one minute. When cool, pour the water repeatedly from one clean container into another. This will rid the water of any strange flavours.
Note: Boiling water only kills bacteria. Chemicals in the water will become more concentrated from boiling. If you are concerned about chemicals in your water, have your water tested at a private lab at your own expense.
A list of private labs is provided by the Ministry of the Environment.
Chlorinating Well Water
Here are the directions for chlorinating water:
- Fill a container with one gallon of water (4 litres)
- Add a 1.25 millilitres (¼ teaspoon) of unscented liquid household bleach to 4 litres (one gallon) of water
- Mix well
- Let the water stand for 15 minutes
How do I clear bacteria from my well?
To clear your well of bacterial contamination it is recommended that you inspect, repair, disinfect and flush your well and plumbing system.
The source of the bacteria must be found and corrected in order to fix the problem. Otherwise, the problem will repeat itself. Sometimes a treatment device may be necessary. For chronic problems you may need to get an inspection of your well and plumbing system. Contact a licensed well professional for this and do not enter the well.
All dug wells, standpoints and water from lakes, rivers and streams should be treated by devices to make the water safe to drink. Water from these sources is not protected from being contaminated.
Inspect and Repair
- Inspect your well and make any necessary repairs (contact Well Aware for information on how to inspect your well and what to look for)
- If the well cannot be repaired or replaced, water treatment devices may need to be installed. Contact your local Conservation Authority to see if there is any grant money available for repairing or replacing the well
- Collect and drop off samples again after all work is completed
Disinfect and Flush
- Disinfect and flush your well and plumbing system, a licensed well installer can inspect the well and help with the procedure
- Take new water samples for testing three to four days after disinfecting and flushing the system
- If the test results are good wait one week and test it again. If your results are good after three tests, it is safe to use the water.
- If there is still bacteria in the water disinfect and flush your well and plumbing system again, then take a new water sample for testing
- If there is still bacteria in the water after two attempts at disinfecting and flushing the well may need to be replaced. The well and any other wells not being used should be abandoned by a licensed well installer
How do I disinfect my well?
A licensed well installer can disinfect the well for you. To disinfect your well yourself, please follow the steps below:
- Be sure to have a supply of drinking water available before you disinfect your well, as you will not be able to use your water taps for at least 12 hours
- If you have a filtering system, remove the carbon filter so that it does not remove the chlorine from the water
- Measure out the amount of bleach you need according the Calculating the Proper Amount of Bleach table below
- Ensure that you are using bleach that has 8.25% chlorine and does not have any additives
- Mix the bleach with several litres of water before you add it to your well. See Calculating the Proper Amount of Bleach.
- Pour the mixture into the well
- Using a garden hose connected to an outside tap, turn on the water and let it run until you can smell the chlorine bleach
- Push the hose into the entire well (this will ensure that the well is completely disinfected)
- Allow the water to circulate through the system for 5 -10 minutes
- Turn off the hose, and remove it from the well
- Turn on all cold and hot water taps indoors until you start to smell chlorine, then turn the taps off
- Let sit for 12 hours, this will also disinfect the plumbing in the house
- After at least 12 hours, use the garden hose to drain the chlorinated water from your water system into a drainage ditch (not a septic system)
- Drain the water until you can no longer smell chlorine, being careful not to run the well dry
You can also visit the Public Health Ontario Well Disinfection Tool which provides an easy way to calculate the amount of chlorine product that is needed to disinfect a well.
Calculating the Proper Amount of Bleach
The depth of water in your well will be less than the total depth of the well. For the following calculation, use the depth of water if it is known. If the depth of the water is unknown, use the total depth of the well. The total depth may be found on the well record.
Use the table below to estimate the amount of water in the well and the amount of bleach that is required. Make sure that you use 5.0% to 5.25% unscented household bleach.
Diameter of the Well Casing or Pipe (Imperial/Metric) | Volume of Bleach per 10 ft. (3 m) of Water in the Well or Pipe (Imperial/Metric) |
2 in./5 cm | 2 tsp./6 ml |
4 in./10 cm | 6 tsp./30 ml |
6 in./15 cm | 12 tsp./60 ml |
8 in./20 cm | 7 tbsp./100 ml |
10 in./25 cm | 14 tbsp./200 ml |
12 in./30 cm | 1 cup/250 ml |
24 in./60 cm | 4 cups/900 ml |
36 in./90 cm | 9 cups/2.0 L |
Note: 1 cup = 16 tbsp. = 48 tsp.
Can I get my well water tested for nitrates?
Public Health Ontario Laboratories no longer test well water for nitrates or sodium. If you want to get your water tested for nitrates and sodium, you can have it tested at a private lab.
A list of private labs is provided by the Ministry of the Environment.
What could be wrong with my water?
Problem | Possible Cause | Treatment |
Diarrhea or stomach cramps | Bacteria, parasites, viruses |
Methaemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) | Nitrate | Reverse-osmosis units |
High sodium Salty taste | Naturally occurring Water softener | Reverse-osmosis units |
Scale build-up in kettles and water heaters. Soap scum, bathtub ring. | Hardness (hard water) | Water softeners |
Red to brown slime in toilet tanks: iron staining; unpleasant taste or odours | Iron bacteria | Chlorination/filtration |
Rusty black stains on fixtures, laundry | Iron and/or manganese | Filtration; greensand filters; water softeners; chlorination/filtration units |
"Rotten-egg" smell and taste | Hydrogen sulphide and/or sulphate reducing bacteria | Chlorination/filtration units; greensand filters; aeration |
Water has laxative effects | Sulphate | Reverse-osmosis units |
Corrosive | Chloride | Reverse-osmosis units |
Gas-like smell, gas bubbles escaping from water | Gases (methane) | Aeration; activated carbon filters |
Cloudy water | Turbidity (clay) | Filters; alum treatment |
When and where will I get my results?
You can receive your sample results in three ways:
- Through the mail in five to 10 business days
- By pick up at 661 University Avenue, 17th floor reception
- By calling 1-877-723-3426 and entering the PIN number from your sample bottle, or TTY 1-866-828-2238 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)
Using contaminated water
Adults and teens may shower with untreated water as long as no water is swallowed. Older children could also be given a shower with a hand held shower head, avoiding the face. Younger children should be sponge-bathed instead of bathing in a tub. For brushing teeth, use bottled or boiled water.
Hand Washing
If you have to boil your water and there is no known outbreak of human illness, there is no need for additional hand disinfection with bleach or alcohol solution. If you choose to use an alcohol-based hand disinfectant make sure it contains more than 60% alcohol. Alcohol based disinfectants are widely used in the health care setting after washing hands or in situations when water is not available.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Toys should be cleaned and disinfected. If the toys are visibly soiled, wash them first with soap and water and then disinfect with a freshly prepared bleach solution (1/4 cup (about 60 ml) bleach in to one gallon (4.5 litres) of water). Dip toys into this solution and air-dry them. Cloth and plush toys should be washed or dry-cleaned.
Countertops, chopping boards or utensils which have come into contact with raw meat must be washed with soap and hot water first, and then disinfected with a bleach solution stronger than that used for emergency hand disinfection. Mix 60 ml (approx. 1/4 cup) bleach in to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) water for this purpose. Do not reuse or store this solution, make it fresh daily.
If your dishwasher has a hot setting, it safely disinfects dishes. If your dishwasher does not have a hot setting, soak dishes for one minute in a solution of 30 ml (1oz) of bleach mixed with 13.5 litres (3 gallons) of lukewarm water. Let dishes air dry. If you wash dishes by hand, you could use boiled water for washing dishes. Dishes washed in soap and hot water can also be rinsed in boiled water or disinfected with the following bleach solution. Mix 1 oz. (about 30 ml) bleach in to 3 gallons (13.5 litres) of water at room temperature for at least one minute. Let dishes air dry.
Continue doing laundry the way you usually do. If you have to launder sheets heavily soiled with feces, carefully remove as much feces as you can and wash as normal. Use rubber gloves when handling heavily soiled sheets.
Wading Pools
Water that is not safe for drinking should not be used in wading pools. If you do not have a source of potable water for the wading pool consider using an alternate recreational water supply or an alternate recreational facility.
Filtered Water
Filtered water should also be brought to a rolling boil for one minute before drinking or using it for cooking.
Related Resources
- Environment Resources
- Public Health Ontario
- Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
- Water Supply Wells: Requirements and Best Practices |
- Wells on your property |
- Well Aware - Green Communities Canada
- How to take a well water sample - 10 easy steps
Private well owners should also inspect their well annually to make sure it is damage-free and in good working condition.
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Environmental Health
- Forests
- Garbage and Recycling
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
Water and Wastewater
- Beach Water Testing
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Drinking Water Quality and Monitoring
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant
- Inflow and Infiltration
- Mobile Drinking Water Trailer
- Municipal Water Supply
- Outdoor Water-Use Bylaws
- Private Well Water Testing
- Sewer Use Permits
- Small Drinking Water System Operators
- Student Water Conservation Programs
- Upper York Sewage Solutions
- Wastewater Collection and Treatment
- Water and Wastewater Construction Projects
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan