Rutherford Road Improvements
City of Vaughan
Bathurst Street to Peter Rupert Avenue
Construction start: Spring 2023
Anticipated completion: Fall 2025
York Region is widening and improving Rutherford Road from Bathurst Street to Peter Rupert Avenue to accommodate growth and provide more travel options for all users.

Improvements include:
- Widening Rutherford Road from four to six lanes
- Upgrading intersections and installing new traffic signals
- Installing a multi-use path and sidewalk on both sides of the road
- Replacing culverts and storm sewers
- Upgrading streetlighting
- Adding streetscape features within islands and boulevards

Impacts to travellers throughout the project:
- Temporary lane reductions required during off-peak travel hours
- Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Saturdays, 7 a.m. to 5 pm.
- Lane closures will be required for the installation of new curbs and storm sewers
There are other road projects happening near this project. York Region is widening and improving Rutherford Road from Highway 400 to Westburne Drive. For more information, visit the Vaughan Construction Projects page.
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Construction Reminders
For everyone’s safety, please reduce your speed through the construction and contact us if you notice safety issues in and around the construction site. We appreciate your patience while work is taking place.
Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps.
This work may be rescheduled due to weather conditions. York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of this project?
At the end of this project, citizens can look forward to:
- A six-lane of road that will improve traffic flow
- Updated intersections that meet Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements
- A multi-use path and a new sidewalk that provides more travel options for cyclists and pedestrians
- Updated streetlighting
- Streetscape features within islands and boulevards
Are there road closures associated with this project?
- There are no planned road closures for this project at this time
Are there lane closures or reductions associated with this project?
- Lane reductions may be required Monday to Friday between 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Lane closures will be required for the installation of new curbs and storm sewers
Will there be night work?
- There is no night work planned for this project at this time
- York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible
Can pedestrians and cyclists still use the road during construction?
- All hard surface pathways will have a detour or alternate path during any removals for pedestrians and cyclists to use
How is the natural environment considered during construction?
- Regulatory agencies have been involved during the detailed design and tender of the project
- York Region only removes trees if absolutely necessary. Each year, York Region plants thousands of trees and maintains Regional forests to offset the removal of trees during construction projects
Why are these improvements taking place?
- York Regional Council continues to invest and make transportation improvements a priority, outlined in the 10-year Roads and Transit Capital Construction Program
- Roads are identified for improvements for a variety of reasons including enhancing safety for pedestrians and cyclists, managing assets in a state of good repair and improving traffic flow to accommodate population growth by adding new lanes or creating new roads
- To support the growing communities in Vaughan, construction is planned for over 20 locations in the next five years. These projects will include:
- Road reconstruction and widening
- New transit terminal connecting to the new Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
- Intersection upgrades and improvements to enhance traffic operations
- Pavement repair, preservation and rehabilitation
- As York Region’s population and businesses grow, public roads are accommodating more travellers, goods and services
- Vaughan’s population is forecasted to grow from 316,000 in 2016 to 497,400 by 2041
- Vaughan’s employment is forecasted to grow from 209,200 jobs in 2016 to 321,500 jobs by 2041
- The travel growth in the area (daily trips to and from Vaughan) is forecasted to grow from 895,400 in 2016 to 1,315,700 by 2041, an 47% increase
- By expanding or upgrading infrastructure, we are ensuring we meet the needs of our growing communities now, rather than waiting until we run out of capacity
Why is this construction happening all at once in the City of Vaughan?
- York Region has a 10-year Roads and Transit Capital Construction Program which outlines infrastructure projects across the Region. Capital projects are undertaken to improve the community for all York Region residents
- While serving growth remains important, capital spending also focuses on asset management to extend the life of assets, such as roads and bridges, and reduce total costs over their life cycle. Over the next 10 years, $1.4 billion will go to rehabilitating and replacing existing assets. These investments help ensure that assets are in a state of good repair for current and future residents
- The Region and the City of Vaughan are investing in transportation improvements over the next five years to support the record growth in the area, the construction being completed by our partners and to maintain our roads in a state of good repair
- Infrastructure being constructed by the Region and our partners includes:
- Road widening and York Region Transit (YRT) bus terminal construction on Major Mackenzie Drive, from Highway 400 to Jane Street, with a direct benefit to the newly constructed Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
- Installation of water, wastewater and telecom infrastructure and planting street trees as part of road construction projects
- Infrastructure being constructed by the Region and our partners includes:
- The Region is addressing the growing needs of City of Vaughan residents, businesses and the travelling public, as traffic congestion is identified as the number one public concern in Vaughan
- To maximize as much work as possible, the majority of construction projects are completed in the warmer months when the ground is not frozen and temperatures for mixing and laying asphalt is ideal and traffic volumes are lower
Does York Region coordinate with other projects happening in the area?
Whenever possible, York Region coordinates with the City of Vaughan, developers, utility companies, Environmental Services and other agency infrastructure programs, including the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), Metrolinx, rail authorities, York Region Rapid Transit Corporation and York Telecom Network (YTN), when planning construction projects within the Region. Effective coordination may result in financial benefits and can help minimize impacting the public multiple times and reducing disruption to travellers
Due to the complexity and timing requirements of certain projects, it is sometimes not possible to avoid construction on adjacent or parallel roads
How these improvements benefit you?
- Travellers will benefit from the additional roadway capacity to help alleviate congestion in the City of Vaughan
- Improving the transportation network in Vaughan with more transit facilities
- Cycling and pedestrian facilities provide new opportunities for cyclists and commuters to use active forms of transportation to explore York Region. Bicycle facilities help in connecting the larger commuter and leisure cycling network
- Rehabilitating our roads ensures a safe commute for all road users
- With road widening projects, travellers will get extra lanes of the roadway in an otherwise traffic heavy area, easing congestion
- A new transit terminal and elevator pavilion, which will help connect travellers with the new hospital set to open along Major Mackenzie Drive
- Connections to the new 427 Highway extension to Highway 50 and Highway 27
General Inquiries:
York Region Transportation, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
After-hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200
For more information on other York Region construction projects or projects in the City of Vaughan, please visit the Road Construction Schedule page.
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Cycling
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail
- Road Weight Restrictions
- Roads Operations
- Roundabouts
- Mailbox Damage Reimbursement
- Municipal Consent to Move or Install Utilities
- Regional Roads
- Road Use and Road Sign Permits
- Report Street Lamp Outage
- Report of Vehicle Damage
- Road Closures
- Streetscape Program
- Road Construction Schedule
- Traffic
- Transportation Demand Management
- York Region Transit (YRT)