Moving Towards Employment
To maintain eligibility for financial assistance through Ontario Works you must participate in activities that help you move toward employment. There are many ways York Region can help you gain skills, upgrade your education and get a job.
Contact your Ontario Works team for more information on employment activities.
Individualized Employment Related Supports
Ontario Works may provide you with supports to help you meet your unique needs by:
- Developing a plan to work towards your employment goals
- Making referrals to programs and services to meet your individualized needs
- Working with you to find solutions to unique challenges
- Helping with pre-employment supports like learning how to find jobs, writing a resume and preparing for an interview
Skills Training and Education
Ontario Works offers programs to help you develop new skills and prepare for work. This may include:
- Programs, services and basic educational supports like literacy and/or English language training and academic upgrading of reading, writing or math skills
- Specialized training to help you prepare for jobs
You may volunteer for a non-profit organization, community group, or service club as an employment activity. You may get extra financial assistance for expenses like transportation, child care, clothing or equipment.
Volunteering is a great way to:
- Update job skills
- Get job references
- Get new training and experience
- Build a network
- Build confidence
Finding Volunteer Opportunities
You may find your own volunteer opportunity or request resources from Ontario Works staff. If you are already volunteering, please provide details to your Ontario Works team.
If you are a non-profit or public sector agency and would like assistance to find volunteers visit Volunteer and Employee Recruiting.
Related Resources
Children's Services
- A Public Health Guide For Child Care Providers
- Child Care Fee Subsidy
- Child Care Information for Parents
- Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
- Children with Special Needs
- Early Years Support Services Registry
- EarlyON Child and Family Centres
- Funding for Child Care Operators
- KIDS Line
- Nutrition For Child Care Centres
- Recreation Subsidies
- Red Flags Guide
- Training and Supports for Early Learning and Child Care Professionals
- Financial Assistance
- Applying for Subsidized Housing
- Current Subsidized Housing Applicant Information
- Emergency and Transitional Housing
- Housing Affordability
- Housing Locations
- Housing Solutions: A place for everyone
- Housing with Supports
- Housing York Inc.
- Housing York Inc. Tenant Information
- Information for Housing Providers
- Market Rent with Housing York
- New Developments and Proposed Projects
- Rent and Utility Assistance
- Newcomer Services
- Ontario Works
- Street Outreach