Health Statistics and Reports
As directed in the Ontario Public Health Standards, York Region Public Health monitors the health status of York Region residents in areas such as health behaviours, preventive health practices and disease outcomes.
Population health information is provided to inform programs, services, policies and practices that prevent disease and protect the health of the community.
This information is useful to health care practitioners, community partners and the general public.
Chronic Disease Prevention
Public Health monitors risk factors for chronic diseases and health behaviours in York Region, in the areas of:
- Healthy eating
- Healthy weight
- Tobacco control
- Physical activity
- Alcohol use
- Cancer screening
- Substance misuse
Recent reports and short summaries include: Current State of Alcohol Use in York Region (2016), Breast Cancer Screening, Current Adult Smokers, Underage Alcohol Drinkers and Vegetable and Fruit Consumption.
In 2015, the report Preventative measures: A strategic plan to reduce chronic diseases in York Region was released and provided data on York Region residents living, working and playing in healthy environments; addressing the risks of chronic diseases; and integrating public health programs with community partners.
The York Region Student Drug Use and Health Use Survey Report examines York Region students in grades nine to 12, and provides information related to demographic and home characteristics, lifestyle and health risk factors, mental health and resiliency and York Region Community and Health Services for students.
For more related surveillance summaries and reports, visit the Statistics and Data Resources Library and filter by Chronic Disease Prevention.
Environmental Health
Public Health monitors aspects of the environment in York Region which may impact the health of residents. Surveillance is performed in areas such as: air quality, extreme heat, and safe water.
Surveillance summaries and reports will be posted in the Statistics and Data Resources Library under Environmental Health as they become available.
Infectious Diseases and Prevention
Public Health monitors infectious diseases and associated risk factors and health behaviours in York Region, including the surveillance of reportable diseases, outbreaks, immunization coverage, food safety behaviours and sexual health practices. The following dashboards are a resource for York Region residents, public health practitioners and health professionals involved in the management and control of infectious diseases.
Diseases of Public Health Significance Enhanced Surveillance Dashboard
On a weekly basis, York Region Public Health updates dashboard content to present timely, accurate, and reliable information on infectious disease trends of all reportable diseases in York Region, and in accordance with the Ontario Public Health Standards.
If you would like to view this dashboard in an alternative format for accessibility, please contact
Diseases of Public Health Significance Enhanced Surveillance Dashboard
Integrated Respiratory Dashboard
On a weekly basis, York Region Public Health updates the dashboard content to present information on COVID-19, influenza (flu), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease activity and trends in York Region. Data includes information on disease severity, high-risk populations, and the general community. If you would like to view this dashboard in an alternative format for accessibility, please contact
Integrated Respiratory Dashboard
Institutional Outbreak Summary Dashboard
Each morning, this dashboard is updated to present the most timely information about respiratory and enteric outbreaks in York Region institutional settings, including long-term care, retirement homes, and hospital settings, during the current respiratory season (September 1 to August 31).
If you would like to view this dashboard in an alternative format for accessibility, please contact
Institutional Outbreak Summary Dashboard
Annual Diseases of Public Health Significance Reports
These following reports contain a summary of descriptive epidemiology for reportable diseases for 2000-2015 and 2016, including relevant comparisons to provincial data where available:
Injury Prevention
Public Health monitors injury outcomes and associated factors in areas such as:
- Injuries
- Road and off-road safety
- Booster seats and seat belts
Recently released data summaries and reports include Preventable Fall-Related Injuries and Booster Seats and Seat Belts.
For more related surveillance summaries and reports, visit the Statistics and Data Resources Library and filter by Injury Prevention.
Maternal and Child Health
Public Health monitors indicators related to the health of pregnant women and children in York Region, such as:
- Preconception health
- Healthy pregnancies
- Reproductive health outcomes
- Healthy family dynamics
- Positive parenting
- Breastfeeding
- Oral health
- Child growth and development
Recent surveillance summaries include Dental Insurance, Support for Drinking Water Fluoridation, Attitudes toward Mothers Breastfeeding in Public Places, Folic Acid Supplementation and Live Births.
For more related surveillance summaries and reports, visit the Statistics and Data Resources Library and filter by Maternal and Child Health.
Overall Health and Well-being
Surveillance is performed on topics of Public Health importance such as factors related to the determinants of health, mental health, and other indicators of overall health. The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Health report highlights some of the social, economic and community factors which can have varied influences on health outcomes in York Region neighbourhoods. Program performance measures are highlighted in reports such as the Annual Public Health Report.
For more reports and information, visit the Statistics and Data Resources Library and filter by Overall Health and Well-being.
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