Sewer Use Permits
York Region’s Sewer Use Bylaw protects our sewers, the environment and the health and safety of residents and staff by regulating the release of water and waste entering sanitary and storm sewer systems. This keeps sewers from becoming overloaded and damaged.
The Bylaw applies to all people and businesses in York Region. It outlines limits and controls for the concentration of substances such as heavy metals, natural and chemical pollutants discharged into Regional sewers.
View the York Region Sewer Use Bylaw.
In addition to York Region’s Sewer Use Bylaw, your city or town may have its own Sewer Use Bylaws aimed at protecting local infrastructure. It is important to ensure compliance with your local municipality’s Bylaw as well.
Program Fees and Rates
York Region Council approved 2022 to 2026 fees: Sewer Use Program Fees
York Region inspects, monitors and collects samples of wastewater from businesses and sewer systems to ensure compliance with the Sewer Use Bylaw. Enforcement Officers are authorized to enter businesses and properties without prior notification to conduct inspections, tests and collect samples.
If individuals or businesses do not comply with the Sewer Use Bylaw, enforcement action may be taken. A business can be fined up to $50,000 for a first conviction and up to $100,000 for any subsequent convictions under the Bylaw.
Sewer Use Programs
Compliance Program
Compliance Program is a program offered to Industrial, Commercial and Institutions (ICI) dischargers to allow regulatory relief for non-compliant wastewater discharges within a specified period of time while work is conducted in the facility to improve discharge quality.
Under Part 8 of The Regional Municipality of York Sewer Use Bylaw No. 2021-102, facilities discharging wastewater which exceeds Bylaw limits may apply to York Region for approval of a Compliance Program. While in the Compliance Program, York Region may permit a discharge that exceeds Bylaw limits, subject to terms and conditions, so the discharger can conduct improvement work necessary to bring wastewater discharges into Bylaw compliance in a specified timeframe. The proposed changes shall reduce or prevent contaminants in the company’s wastewater.
To enter into a Compliance Program, contact us at for more information.
Application Requirements
- Completed and signed Compliance Program Application Form with additional attachments (if applicable) such as: engineering calculations, drawings, equipment specifications, detailed design, and process description
- Incorporation Documents such as: certified copy of business name registration and Letters of Incorporation, Letters Patent, Charter or partnership registration and any amendments or changes to the foregoing, as applicable
- Application fee (Refer to Program Fees and Rates above)
Processing Time
Review of new compliance application takes approximately three to six weeks after receipt of completed application package.
Extension/amendment can only be requested while the Compliance Program is in effect. Expired Compliance Program Approvals cannot be extended. For this reason, extension/amendment application should be submitted on or before the date indicated in your Compliance Program Approval.
Failure to submit the Compliance Program extension/amendment application package by the due date will result in the approval expiring, potential non-compliance with the Sewer Use Bylaw and having to submit a new Compliance Program Application package with the associated new application fee.
Compliance Program Applications and Extensions or Amendments will incur a fee. This fee shall be paid upon submission of the application and is required before the application is processed.
A monthly compliance fee will be collected to recover the cost of ensuring compliance with the program. An invoice will be issued at the end of the year and/or end of the Compliance Program.
Accepted methods of payment include: cheque, electronic fund transfer (EFT) or credit card.
There is a fee for each property requested.
Compliance Program Fees | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
Application Fee | $1,410 | $1,480 | $1,550 | $1,630 | $1,710 |
Extension/Amendment Fee | $1,275 | $1,335 | $1,405 | $1,475 | $1,545 |
Monthly Compliance Fee | $130 | $135 | $140 | $145 | $150 |
How to Apply
Compliance application package can be submitted electronically at
To determine if a Surcharge Agreement or a Compliance Program meets your needs in achieving compliance with the Bylaw, please download the Surcharge Agreements and Compliance Program Comparison.
Discharger Information Report
Businesses and institutions in York Region that are discharging wastewater to the sewers must complete a Discharger Information Report upon request.
Use the Sewer Use Bylaw Services Portal to complete and submit your Discharger Information Report.
York Region uses this information to assess the potential risks associated with the facility’s wastewater discharge.
Environmental Site Assessment
York Region offers historical sewer use and water resource data for Phase One Environmental Site Assessments. This process identifies relevant environmental information about a specific property within York Region.
Protect Your Pipes
Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) build up in sewers and can cause sewer back-ups. All restaurants and other businesses that cook, process or prepare food must have a grease interceptor to stop fats, oils and grease from entering the sewer system. Grease interceptors must be maintained as per the Sewer Use Bylaw.
To clean your grease interceptor, remove solid grease at the surface and put it in the green bin; place liquid grease in a sealable container or storage bin to be recycled. It is illegal to use enzymes, bacteria, solvents, hot water or other chemicals to facilitate the passage of oil and grease through interceptors. Businesses may use a grease removal contractor to clean and maintain the grease interceptor.
Follow these tips to prevent FOG going down the drain:
- Ensure employees know how to properly dispose of FOG
- Place a screen over drains or use a grease caddy to collect FOG
- Recycle FOG: many companies provide a bin delivery and pick-up service to recycle FOG into animal feed or biodiesel
- Scrape cooled FOG from dishes and pots before washing; dispose of in green or waste bin
List of Downloads
- Download the Automotive Grease Interceptor Requirements Template
- Download the Restaurant Maintenance Requirements Template
- Download the FOG Kitchen Do’s and Don’ts Poster
- Download the What Not to Flush Washroom Poster
It is also very important that residents do not pour fats, oil and grease down the drain. For more information visit
Hauled Wastewater Receiving Program
York Region accepts hauled wastewater at designated wastewater facilities from residents and businesses not served by a municipal wastewater system.
York Region has developed a Hauled Wastewater Receiving Policy under the authority of the Sewer Use Bylaw to clarify the regulation of discharging hauled wastewater at approved facilities in York Region. The Policy establishes procedures, terms and conditions applicable to participation in the Hauled Wastewater Receiving Program.
All haulers must register, prior to using any hauled wastewater receiving facility. Annual registration is required, and permits are issued per calendar year, expiring annually on December 31.
A user account is required before a wastewater hauler registration application can be made. Apply online through the Sewer Use Bylaw Services Portal. For instructions on how to use the online service, refer to the User Reference Guide on the Portal.
The following forms must be completed and uploaded to the Portal when submitting an application:
- Download the Proof of Training Form
- Download the Certificate of Insurance Form
Hauled Wastewater Program Fees | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
Annual Registration Fee (includes one vehicle) | $300 | $305 | $310 | $315 | $320 |
Electronic/Magnetic Access Device Issuance/Replacement Fee | $60 | $60 | $60 | $60 | $60 |
Annual Registration Fee (each additional vehicle) | $30 | $30 | $30 | $30 | $30 |
Hauled Sewage Disposal Fee (per m3) | $24.24 | $24.55 | $24.87 | $25.19 | $25.51 |
Hauled Sewage Disposal Fee (per 1000 imperial gallon) | $110.20 | $111.60 | $113.06 | $114.51 | $115.97 |
Surcharge Agreement
Businesses can make a request to York Region to enter into a Surcharge Agreement to allow them to regularly dispose of certain types of concentrated sewage into York Region’s sewer system.
A Surcharge Agreement can only be made for disposal of the following substances: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Phenolic Compounds (4AAP), Total Suspended Solids.
Refer to the Program Fees and Rates above for costs associated with this program. Invoices are issued annually and include: the annual surcharge amount determined from the annual excess loading of each parameter, the maintenance fee, laboratory costs, new surcharge agreement fee (if applicable), and discharge volume fee (if applicable).
Surcharge Program Fees | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
New Agreement Fee | $400 | $415 | $430 | $445 | $460 |
Annual Maintenance Fee – Region Monitoring | $2,050 | $2,090 | $2,130 | $2,170 | $2,210 |
Annual Maintenance Fee - Self-Monitoring | $675 | $690 | $705 | $720 | $735 |
Laboratory Costs | Invoiced Based on Actual Cost | ||||
Parameter surcharge rates per kilogram: | |||||
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) | $1.11 | $1.11 | $1.11 | $1.11 | $1.11 |
Phenolic Compounds (4AAP) | $1.18 | $1.18 | $1.18 | $1.18 | $1.18 |
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) | $1.03 | $1.03 | $1.05 | $1.08 | $1.11 |
Total Phosphorus (TP) | $3.61 | $3.79 | $3.98 | $4.17 | $4.29 |
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) | $1.34 | $1.41 | $1.48 | $1.55 | $1.63 |
To determine if a Surcharge Agreement or a Compliance Program meets your needs in achieving compliance with the Bylaw, please download the Surcharge Agreements and Compliance Program Comparison.
Temporary Dewatering Discharge Program
Dewatering activities are regulated by the Sewer Use Bylaw. Any dewatering activity that discharges directly or indirectly into York Region’s infrastructure (either storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or land drainage) requires approval from York Region.
Dewatering activity includes:
- Taking water from a well or otherwise extracting groundwater
- Draining water from a permanent or temporary pond or other surface water body
- Releasing water previously stored in a tank, tanker truck, vessel or other means of water storage
- Permanent or temporary alteration of a natural or pre-existing drainage pattern discharged to a sewage works and such activity is related to a construction, land development, renovation, repair, maintenance or demolition activity at a property
Dewatering activity that does not discharge into York Region’s infrastructure does not require approval from York Region.
Dewatering activity that discharges directly to York Region’s infrastructure located in any local municipality requires a dewatering discharge approval before commencing to discharge.
Any dewatering activity located in the Towns of Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina or Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Township of King, or that discharges indirectly into York Region’s infrastructure, requires approval from York Region before any temporary dewatering discharge will commence. This type of approval is called Primary Approvals and York Region will lead in the application process.
Any dewatering activity located in the Cities of Markham, Richmond Hill or Vaughan or the Town of Newmarket that discharges indirectly into York Region’s infrastructure requires approval from both the local municipality and York Region. This type of approval is called Secondary Approvals and the local municipality will review the application first and issue an approval. Please contact and submit your dewatering discharge application to the local city or town first. York Region will only issue a Dewatering Discharge Approval after receiving the local municipality’s discharge permit before commencing to discharge.
How to Apply
For submission of new dewatering discharge application (i.e., both primary or secondary), please fill out the dewatering application form and submit all requirements online through the Sewer Use Bylaw Services Portal.
Please refer to the Dewatering Discharge Application Instructions on the detailed information on how to complete the temporary dewatering discharge application form
You will need to create an account to apply. York Region will review and activate your account, which takes a maximum of 3 business days. You will receive a confirmation email that you can access the Portal by using your selected username and password. Once logged in, you can see all the requirements for the dewatering discharge application.
If you want a consultant to submit the dewatering application or laboratory analysis results on your behalf, two different accounts (i.e., discharger and consultant) must be set up. The discharger can then add them as a consultant or a preparer (see section 3.3 of the User Reference Guide) to be able to prepare and submit applications or reports. You can access the Quick User Reference Guide to assist you in creating accounts and adding consultants.
For dewatering extension/amendment application (i.e., both primary and secondary), you still need to submit a dewatering amendment application package online through the Sewer Use Bylaw Services Portal.
Processing Time
Review of a new dewatering discharge application takes up to six weeks after receipt of completed application package. Please provide all necessary application requirements as your application will be returned if it is not complete and this may result in additional delays.
Extensions/amendments can only be requested while a Dewatering Program is in effect. Expired Dewatering Program Approvals cannot be extended. For this reason, extension/amendment applications must be submitted online to Sewer Use Bylaw Services Portal no later than six weeks prior to the Approval expiry date.
Failure to submit the dewatering extension/amendment application package by the due date will result in the approval expiring and potential non-compliance with the Sewer Use Bylaw and having to submit a new dewatering application package with the associated new application fee (applicable to primary approvals).
All primary dewatering discharge applications including primary extension/amendment applications will incur a fee. This type of fee shall be paid upon submission of the application and is required before an application is processed.
There are no new application fees and amendment/extension application fees for secondary applications.
A monthly dewatering fee for primary approvals (both storm and sanitary discharge) will be collected to recover the cost of monitoring. Dewatering volumetric discharge fee to sanitary sewer (both primary and secondary) will be collected to recover the costs of collecting and treating the discharged wastewater. Laboratory cost will also be charged based on actual analytical costs. York Region will pass on laboratory costs for analysis of samples taken by York Region staff from the dewatering site. An invoice will be issued at the end of the year and/or end of the Dewatering Program.
Accepted methods of payment include cheque, electronic fund transfer (EFT) or credit card.
Dewatering Program Fees | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
Application Fee – Flowrate > 5 L/s Sanitary Discharge, Primary | $2,130 | $2,230 | $2,330 | $2,430 | $2,530 |
Application Fee – Flowrate = < 5 L/s Sanitary Discharge, Primary | $1,880 | $1,960 | $2,040 | $2,120 | $2,200 |
Application Fee – Storm Discharge, Primary | $2,725 | $2,850 | $2,975 | $3,100 | $3,225 |
Extension/Amendment Fee – Storm & Sanitary Discharge, Primary | $1,200 | $1,260 | $1,320 | $1,380 | $1,440 |
Laboratory Cost | Invoiced Based on Actual Cost | ||||
Monthly Dewatering Fee for both Storm & Sanitary Discharge, Primary | $120 | $125 | $130 | $135 | $140 |
Dewatering Volumetric Discharge Fee to Sanitary Sewer (per m3) | $2.01 | $2.01 | $2.01 | $2.01 | $2.01 |
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