Land Development Legal Services
York Region Legal Services prepares the following types of contracts and agreements for residents and businesses:
- Compliance letters
- Development charge agreements
- Site plan agreements
- Site plan amending agreements
- Release of no pre-sale agreements
- Cost sharing agreements
- Development financing agreements
York Region does not provide legal advice or representation to members of the public.
Residents seeking a lawyer or legal representation may find assistance with:
- Community Legal Clinic of York Region
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Legal Aid Ontario
- The Law Society of Upper Canada Referral Service
Compliance Letters - $140
Development Charge Agreements - $1,600
Site Plan Agreements - $2,400
Site Plan Amending Agreements - $960
Release of No Pre-Sale Agreements - $160 (Includes $18.41 in HST)
Sale of Surplus Lands Administration Fee - $2,000
Court Services Fine Default Fee - $25
All fees should be:
- Paid via certified cheque
- Made payable to the Regional Municipality of York
- Forwarded to the law clerk
Contact Information
Michelle Starnes
Senior Law Clerk – Development Law, Legal Services
1-877-464-9675 ext. 71440
Required Documents
Compliance Letters
Please direct inquiries, including a copy/scan of all applicable documents (agreements, easements, encroachments on title) to the law clerk.
Development Charge Agreements
- Reference to the draft plan number (19T-##X## Phase #)
- Subdivider’s name as it appears on the subdivision agreement
- Subdivider's legal address for service
- Names and titles of subdivider's signing authority
Site Plan and Site Plan Amending Agreements
- Reference for the site plan number (SP-X-###-##)
- Recent copy of the Property Identification Number (PIN) of the subject lands
- Name and titles of the owner's signing authority
- Owner's legal address for service
Release of No Pre-Sale Agreement
- Copy of the No Pre-Sale Agreement
- Draft Application to Delete and Draft Consent
- Copy of the Plan of Subdivision (65M- Plan)
If the Plan of Subdivision is not available, please provide:
- Copy of the draft Plan of Subdivision
- Ontario Land Surveyors (OLS) Certificate
- Duly signed subdivision agreement
- Assistance for Businesses
- Assistance for Non-profits
- Doing Business With York Region
Economic and Development Services
Land Development
- Call Before You Dig – Locates
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Development Application Supporting Studies
- Development Charges
- Development Construction Inspection
- Development Engineering Review
- Development Financial and Servicing Incentives
- Development Planning Review
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Land Development Legal Services
- Non-Potable Groundwater Requests
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
- Road Design Drawing Storage and Retrieval
- Source Water Protection Permit
- Streetscape Program
- Supporting Regional Growth
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Assistance for Businesses
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Things to do in York Region
Land Development
- Information for Investors
- Water Saving and Protection Incentives For Businesses