Red Pine Decline
Red pine plantations make up part of the York Regional Forest.
Environmental conditions have led to the roots of red pine trees becoming infected with root-rotting fungi. Over the past several years, this infection has caused the death and decline of plantations in the region.
Learn more about red pine decline.
What we are doing
York Region is:
- Monitoring the condition’s status
- Removing dead or declining red pine trees that pose a hazard to trails
- Planting new trees in infected plantations
- Changing tree removal operations to reduce the impact on infected areas and reduce the spread into other areas
- Converting heavily infected areas to young hardwood forests
Related Items
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Environmental Health
- Forests
- Garbage and Recycling
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
Water and Wastewater
- Beach Water Testing
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Drinking Water Quality and Monitoring
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant
- Inflow and Infiltration
- Mobile Drinking Water Trailer
- Municipal Water Supply
- Outdoor Water-Use Bylaws
- Private Well Water Testing
- Sewer Use Permits
- Small Drinking Water System Operators
- Student Water Conservation Programs
- Upper York Sewage Solutions
- Wastewater Collection and Treatment
- Water and Wastewater Construction Projects
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan