Social Media Terms of Use
These Terms of Use apply to you when you communicate with The Regional Municipality of York through social media websites (e.g., Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and Flickr).
The content posted by the public does not necessarily reflect the views of York Region. Any official content posted by York Region can be recognized by the page name and the York Region profile photo. We reserve the right to delete, without notification, any objectionable content posted by the public. Any individual who repeatedly violates the terms of this policy will be blocked from posting to the York Region page and reported to the social media website.
Objectionable content includes, but is not limited to: personal attacks, harassment, threatening/defamatory/abusive/offensive/graphic/obscene/explicit/hateful/racist content or content that suggests or encourages illegal activity.
If you post content that is deemed to be spam or is for commercial purposes, as determined by York Region at its sole discretion, we will delete the content.
The appearance of external links does not represent official endorsement by York Region.
Copyrighted Material
Social media websites are third party service providers that collect, store and manage your copyrighted material whenever you access and use the site. Please refer to the social media site’s Terms of Service for particulars. Note that York Region has no control over what social media websites do with your copyrighted material.
Personal Information
Social media websites are third party service providers that collect, store and manage your personal information whenever you access and use the site. Please refer to the social media site’s Terms of Service and privacy policy for particulars. Note that York Region has no control over what social media websites do with your personal information.
York Region also collects your personal information for the purpose of including your posts on its page and for the purpose of engaging in an interactive dialogue with you through the social media website, and does so under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 (Ontario) but subject to compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario) ("MFIPPA") and York Region's Records Retention By-law (the "By-law").
The Municipal Act, 2001, MFIPPA and the By-law prescribe rules that require York Region to retain records, including records containing personal information, for a minimum period of time, to ensure that records are not disclosed without legal authorization, and that ultimately records are destroyed upon the expiry of applicable retention periods set out in the By-law.
- Accessibility
- Bylaws
- Careers
- Community Outreach
- Contact Us
- Council and Committee
- Emergencies
- Fees for Service
- Finances
- Local Municipalities
- Municipal Election
- Permits
Plans, Reports and Strategies
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Archaeological Management Plan
- Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
- Climate Change Action Plan
- Community and Annual Reports
- Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
- Corporate Asset Management
- Strategic Plan
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Employment and Industry Report
- Energy Reporting
- Greening Strategy
- Growth and Development Review
- Healthy Built Environment
- Housing Solutions: A place for everyone
- Integrated Waste Management Master Plan
- Long Term Water Conservation Strategy
- Plan to Support Seniors
- Transportation Master Plan
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan
- York Region Paramedic Services Master Plan
- Sustainable Mobility Plan
- Privacy and Disclaimer
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Regional Property Taxes
- Regional Services
- Report a Problem
- Resources
- Senior Management
- Statistics and Data
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Vision