Request Paramedic Services for your Event
You can request York Region Paramedic Services to provide on-site medical support for events or request Paramedic Services to participate in educating and engaging with the community on various health and safety topics.
How to Request Medical Standby Support
York Region Paramedic Services can provide dedicated standby for your event for a fee. Paramedics will provide medical attention for any illness or injury that may occur.
York Region Paramedic Services reserves the right to decide the type of resources assigned.
Request medical standby support
How to Request Community Event and Education Support
Individuals and community organizations can submit a request for Paramedic Services to attend their event to build relationships with the community, educating on various health and safety topics and building strong and safe communities. Paramedic community event support extends to both indoor and outdoor events, large and small.
Request Paramedic Services for community engagement
Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee attendance.
Request for Consideration of Ambulance Donation
York Region Paramedic Services donates up to two decommissioned ambulances each year to support charitable and humanitarian work. Applications must be submitted by January 31 of each year to be included for consideration. Requests received after January 31 will be held for consideration in the following year.
All requests are reviewed annually through a selection committee and approved by Regional Council based on merit, not submission date.
Requests must meet York Region Paramedic Services Ambulance Donation Guidelines requirements.
Request for consideration of ambulance donation
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eligibility requirements to request donation of a decommissioned ambulance?
Donations are only made to registered charitable, not-for-profit, humanitarian aid organizations or other entities in need of ambulances for charitable or humanitarian purposes. Please see the Ambulance Donation Guidelines for full eligibility criteria.
When will applicants find out if they have been approved for donation of a decommissioned ambulance?
A final decision is usually made by York Regional Council within four months of the application deadline (January 31). Paramedic Services will inform all applicants of the outcome of their request after final approval by Council.
When will successful applicants receive the decommissioned ambulance?
Paramedic Services will contact successful applicants to make arrangements. Decommissioned ambulances are usually presented to approved applicants within 12 months of the application deadline but a timeframe for availability cannot be guaranteed.
Are there any costs for the approved applicant?
Yes, approved applicants are solely responsible for all expenses and arrangements for shipping, permits, medical supplies, equipment (e.g., stretcher) and any other related costs.
What is the condition of decommissioned ambulances?
The Regional Municipality of York makes no representation or warranties regarding the vehicle and approved applicants assume ownership on an “as is” basis.
For additional questions, please contact 1-877-464-9675 ext. 74750 or Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.