Training and Supports for Early Learning and Child Care Professionals
Early learning and child care professionals play an important role in supporting child development and their future success in school, the workplace and their communities.
York Region is committed to building a high-quality child care and early years system that is accessible, affordable and responsive. To do this, professional development and training opportunities are offered to early learning and child care professionals across York Region. York Region offers interactive online sessions and workshops throughout the year, with a focus on themes that meet the local needs of our community.
The training and supports listed below build the capacity of professionals to provide high-quality and inclusive family-centred early learning and child care programs.
Professional Learning Funding
Early Learning and Child Care professionals who work in York Region may be eligible for reimbursement of hourly wages plus mandatory benefits to attend up to a maximum of 10 hours of professional learning sessions between January 1, 2025 and October 30, 2025.
Professional Learning Funding is a provincial investment designed to support educational opportunities that build the capacity of the early years and child care sector to deliver high-quality programs that align with How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years.
More information about how to request and receive funding will be available soon.
Professional Development Training Sessions
Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development
York Region offers professional learning and development opportunities to early learning and child care professionals employed in York Region. These opportunities are tailored to meet the needs of our local communities, while aligning with "How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years".
Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development Registration System
Our Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development Registration System will allow you to:
- Create a Participant Account
- Use the calendar of events to view and register for upcoming sessions
- Manage your registrations in one place
- Join the waiting list, if sessions are full
- Check-in and check-out of events from your own device
- Access your complete training history
For more information or if you require support creating your participant account, please email
View upcoming Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development sessions on the calendar of events.
Apply to the Registry of Qualified Facilitators
The registry of ELCC qualified facilitators is a list of pre-evaluated candidates who are available to be contracted by the Region to deliver ELCC professional development training sessions, workshops, and events.
The registry of ELCC qualified facilitators is currently full.
When the registry reopens for new applications, further information will be posted here.
A place on the registry of qualified facilitators does not guarantee use of your services.
Child Care Operators Training
New Operators Training: Child Care Operators Funding Information Session
This mandatory training provides an overview of the funding offered by York Region. Participants learn about funding options and schedules outlined in the Child Care Services Agreement including Child Care Fee Subsidy, Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.), General Operating Grant, Wage Enhancement, Special Purpose Funding, Licensed Home Child Care Base Funding and Rate Incentives. Funding conditions and information on how to apply for and comply with funding, including audit requirements, is also shared during this training.
Training is available for current and new child care operators, owners, supervisors, accountants and bookkeepers. It is held bi-monthly with a maximum group size of 20 participants.
If you have any questions, please send an email to or call 1-877-464-9675 ext. 72028.
Record of Attendance Handbook, Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.) and Understanding OCCMS Billing
This mandatory training teaches operators how to complete their Record of Attendance through the Ontario Child Care Management System (OCCMS) and reporting requirements when working with families who receive Child Care Fee Subsidy. Operators also receive information on the application process for Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.) classroom supports.
Training is available for current and new child care operators and supervisors who have a Child Care Services Agreement with York Region. Training is held monthly and space is limited.
If you have any questions, please send an email to or call 1-877-464-9675 ext. 72658.
Child Care Operators Meetings
These meetings provide participants with updates from York Region Child Care Services, including service system and contract management updates. Participants also receive Regional updates and updates from Ontario’s Ministry of Education.
Meetings are available for current and new child care operators, owners and supervisors, and are held twice a year in the spring and fall.
If you have any questions, please send an email to or call 1-877-464-9675 ext. 7213.
Early Intervention Services - Inclusion Support Services
Positive Early Childhood Education Program (PECE)
Inclusion Support Services staff offer the Positive Early Childhood Education (PECE) program to licensed early learning and child care (ELCC) programs throughout York Region. PECE is a training program that builds on the capacity of early learning and child care staff in supporting children of all abilities. The program encourages responsive care and rich learning opportunities to promote children’s social and emotional skills, and interest in learning.
The PECE programs helps educators to:
- Manage common classroom behavioural difficulties and address developmental concerns
- Improve communication with co-workers and parents about behaviour or related concerns
- Reduce stress associated with child care responsibilities
Early learning and child care programs must already be enrolled with Inclusion Support Services to participate in the PECE Program. To learn more about the PECE Program and the benefits for early learning and child care classrooms, please visit the PECE website
To begin, speak with your Early Interventionist for more information to determine if PECE is right for your program.
R.I.S.E. Inclusion series modules
York Region Inclusion Support Services has developed four learning modules as part of the Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.) series. These modules will provide you with important information related to inclusion, what it takes to create inclusive environments and what legislation expects of us when creating community programs that are equitable and accessible to all. You will also learn about the R.I.S.E. program and how to access supports as needed to build more inclusive practices within your classroom. There will be an accompanying resources page for each module. Each module takes approximately 20 to 25 minutes to complete. Upon completion of the four modules and a short survey, participants will receive a certificate of participation.
The following topics are covered in the modules:
- What is Inclusion? (25 minutes)
An introduction to inclusion, what it means and how it can be applied in early learning settings. Learn about the benefits of inclusion for all children, families and early learning and child care professionals. - Inclusive Classrooms (20 minutes)
How do you build an inclusive environment? Learn how to identify ways to support the needs of all children in the classroom setting and create learning opportunities that allow each child to meaningfully participate in all activities. - Legislation and the Duty to Accommodate (25 minutes)
Understand how legislation, including the Duty to Accommodate and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, impacts the work of early learning and child care professionals. - The R.I.S.E. Program (20 minutes)
An overview of the Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.) program and how to access available supports as needed to apply inclusive practices in your classroom.
How to access the modules
- Visit the following link to complete the training:
- On the York Region Account Login Page, select “Enter Access Code" and when prompted, input the word “inclusion"
- Register by filling in the required fields
- After the account is set up, modules can be accessed at any time
Capacity building workshops in licensed early learning and child care programs
York Region supports inclusive programs for children from birth to 13 years of age in licensed child care programs. Child care operators can participate in virtual capacity building workshops and training sessions.
Register for Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development
Training and workshop spaces are limited. If you register and can no longer attend, please cancel your registration so your spot can be given to the next participant on the waiting list.
Capacity Building Training Videos
York Region has developed six training videos, narrated by Inclusion Support Services Early Interventionists, to help early learning and child care (ELCC) professionals learn more about inclusive practices so that all children can meaningfully and successfully participate in early learning classrooms. These educational videos will provide you with immediate and ongoing access to training information, tools and supports that you can use to build inclusive environments and support children with special needs and their caregivers. You can also download a list of accompanying resources for each video to use in your classrooms. Each training video takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete.
How to access the videos
- Provide the following link to staff who would benefit from training about inclusive practices:
- On the York Region Account Login Page, the staff member will select “Enter Access Code" and, when prompted, input the word “inclusion"
- The user will register themselves by filling in the required fields
- After the account is set up, learning videos can be accessed at any time
- After each video is completed, staff can complete a short survey, as well as access a certificate of completion from the system
Enhanced Staff e-modules
Inclusion Support Services has developed four sequential online learning modules specifically designed to strengthen the capacity of enhanced staff and increase their knowledge in building on inclusive practices in Early Learning and Child Care programs. Child care operators are encouraged to share the online learning modules with the enhanced staff and classroom educators in their programs.
How to access the modules:
- Provide the following link to staff who would benefit from training about inclusive practices:
- On the York Region Account Login Page, the staff person will select “Enter Access Code" and, when prompted, input the word “inclusion"
- The user will register themselves by filling in the required fields
- After the account is set up, modules can be accessed at any time; staff can launch a module from where they left off if they need to log out before completion
- Once all modules are completed, the staff will receive:
- A short survey
- A certificate of completion, which they will be able to print from the system
Licensed Home Child Care
The Ministry of Education licenses home child care agencies that contract individual providers/caregivers who offer child care out of their own homes. Home child care agencies recruit, screen, approve and supervise caregivers who provide child care in their own homes for children from birth to age 13.
All licensed home child care providers must follow the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 requirements.
For more information on how to become licensed and more, check out the benefits of licensed home child care for providers handout and visit the Home Child Care page.
Becoming an Early Childhood Educator
Please see the following resources and supports available to support you on your journey to becoming an Early Childhood Educator:
- College of Early Childhood Educators
- What to expect from a career as an Early Childhood Educator - Ontario Colleges
- Financial grants for early childhood education programs
Career Path to becoming an Early Childhood Educator
- Early Childhood Education FAQ video playlist
- How has your Early Childhood Education degree shaped your understanding of early learning?
- What are the most important traits students pursuing Early Childhood Education should possess?
- How can people interested in pursuing a career in Early Childhood Education enter the field?
- What challenges do new Early Childhood Education graduates face and how can they overcome them?
- Why is Early Childhood Education a great career path and opportunity for a newcomer to Canada?
- Why is gender diversity important in Early Childhood Education?
Resources, Tools and Supports
This section contains various supports such as resources, tools, information for early learning and child care professionals in York Region.
EarlyON Child and Family Centres Professionals
EarlyON agencies can access guidelines, forms, media tips and more. To access the EarlyON Dropbox Folder with the Visual Identity Guidelines, templates and logos, agencies must contact their Community Program Coordinator directly or email
Mental health supports for educators and children
York Region has developed the following resources to help child care and early learning educators support children and their families, as well as their own mental health:
Guides and Programs
A Public Health Guide for Child Care Providers
Child care providers are entrusted with the important task of caring for young children. Children depend upon their care providers to maintain a safe and healthy environment to grow and develop. The Public Health Guide For Child Care Providers offers up-to-date information and resources on how to deliver high quality child care and can be found online at
Child Care Fee Subsidy Program
York Region helps make child care more affordable for families with low and moderate income, by offering a Child Care Fee Subsidy that reduces the amount of money that families have to pay licensed child care providers to care for their child(ren) under the age of 13. Learn more at
Online tools
Early Years Community Profiles
The York Region Early Years Community Profiles is an interactive online resource designed to support program, service and policy planning for young children and their families at the neighbourhood level in York Region. The tool provides 64 neighbourhood profiles in addition to a York Region overview profile.
Plans and Reports
Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
The 2024 to 2027 Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan is York Region’s community blueprint supporting enhanced collaboration and integration among partners to respond to children and families’ evolving needs. It sets a vision, priorities and key actions to strengthen and integrate child care and early years services over the next four years for children from birth to age 12 and their families.
The plan’s vision is to work with partners and stakeholders to support children’s learning and development and families’ overall well-being through:
- Services that are accessible, affordable, responsive, and high-quality, and that are welcoming to all York Region children and families
- Planning decisions that are focused on outcomes, evidence-based and are financially sustainable
Professionals working with children with special needs
York Region Early Intervention Services (EIS)
The years between birth and school entry are critical to a child’s development. Studies have shown that intervening in a child’s development early has the greatest impact on future outcomes. York Region Early Intervention Services (EIS) assists children and their families in this important period. Early Intervention Services delivers programs that support families and early learning and child care professionals who have children with special needs at home or in licensed child care settings.
Early Intervention Services offers two programs: Inclusion Support Services and Infant and Child Development Services.
Please visit to learn more.
Provincial resources
Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) came into effect on August 31, 2015 and contains rules governing child care in Ontario. It applies to unlicensed child care, home child care providers contracted by a licensed agency, licensed home child care agencies and licensed child care centres.
Join our Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development mailing list
Sign up to our York Region Children's Services Early Learning and Child Care Professional Development mailing list to receive information on professional development and training opportunities for early learning and child care professionals who work in York Region. You will receive information about:
- Free professional development and training opportunities offered by York Region Children’s Services
- Community resources
- Sector-specific information and updates
- Other professional development training opportunities offered by the community
Connections e-newsletter
Connections is a quarterly York Region e-newsletter that informs early learning and child care professionals about news, events, programs and services in child care.
To subscribe and to learn more, visit
External Resources
- Early Childhood Educators Qualifications Upgrade Program – Financial support is available to eligible applicants in the form of an education grant, travel grant, and training allowance
- The transformation of child and family programs funded by the Ministry of Education to Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centres
- Early Referral Identification Kit
- College of Early Childhood Educators Continuous Professional Learning (CPL)
- College of Early Childhood Educators: Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
- Ontario 211 - Community and Social Services Help Line
- The Child & Family Collaborative
York Region acknowledges the Government of Ontario’s support in funding training opportunities for early learning and child care professionals.
Children's Services
- A Public Health Guide For Child Care Providers
- Child Care Fee Subsidy
- Child Care Information for Parents
- Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
- Children with Special Needs
- Early Years Support Services Registry
- EarlyON Child and Family Centres
- Funding for Child Care Operators
- KIDS Line
- Nutrition For Child Care Centres
- Recreation Subsidies
- Red Flags Guide
- Training and Supports for Early Learning and Child Care Professionals
- Financial Assistance
- Applying for Subsidized Housing
- Current Subsidized Housing Applicant Information
- Emergency and Transitional Housing
- Housing Affordability
- Housing Locations
- Housing Solutions: A place for everyone
- Housing with Supports
- Housing York Inc.
- Housing York Inc. Tenant Information
- Information for Housing Providers
- Market Rent with Housing York
- New Developments and Proposed Projects
- Rent and Utility Assistance
- Newcomer Services
- Ontario Works
- Street Outreach