Freedom of Information Inquiries
Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), individuals have a right to request information from York Region. Anyone can submit a request for information and there are no restrictions based on age or where you live.
You can submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request if you want to:
- Access general records held by York Region
- Request your personal information
- Correct your personal information
- Access another individual's personal information (with appropriate authorization or consent of the individual)
Many York Region records can be accessed without a MFIPPA request. Contact the appropriate York Region department or to find out if a MFIPPA request is required.
Proof of identity must be provided if you request personal information records. Please note that the Ontario Health Card is not an acceptable piece of identification. Staff will contact you if proof of identity is required.
There are some exceptions to what you can obtain through the FOI request. All requested records are reviewed by the Access and Privacy staff in the Regional Clerk's Office in compliance with the Act.
For Police Reports or Records you must submit your request to York Regional Police Freedom of Information.
How to make a request
Please submit:
- The completed application (online or by mail)
- $5 application fee (Canadian funds)
Submit request by mail
Complete the Access Request Application and submit it with payment to:
Access and Privacy Officer
Office of the Regional Clerk
The Regional Municipality of York
17250 Yonge Street
Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1
If you are mailing a cheque, please make it payable to “York Region.”
What happens after I submit my Access request?
Access requests received under MFIPPA are processed as follows:
- The Regional Clerks’ Office receives the application to access municipal records and a records request is sent to the appropriate department.
- The records are reviewed to determine if exemptions may apply under the Act.
- Non-responsive or exempt information is removed from the record.
- York Region will issue an access decision letter within 30 days from receiving the request. You will be notified if a time extension is required or if a deposit fee is due.
- If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. The process is outlined below.
What are the fees for Information Requests?
The required Application Fee is $5.00 (Canadian funds).
Additional fees may apply. The processing fee is determined by the following:
- Type of information you requested (for example, general records or personal information)
- Total costs incurred by York Region to produce or prepare the information
You will receive a fee estimate letter when processing fees are over $100. A deposit of 50% of the total estimated costs may be required.
Appeals to the Information and Privacy Commissioner
You have the right to appeal any decision about access to records (including fees and time extensions). This includes appealing a decision if your request for information is denied.
You may file an appeal online with the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario by:
- Downloading and completing an appeal form (or by submitting a written letter to the contact information below)
IPC Registrar
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8
Phone: 1-800-387-0073 - Submitting the form to the Information and Privacy Commissioner Registrar within 30 calendar days of York Region giving notice of its decision
Frequently Requested Records
The following frequently requested records are not available through the FOI process:
If you have any questions, please contact the Access and Privacy staff in the Regional Clerk’s Office at
- Accessibility
- Bylaws
- Careers
- Community Outreach
- Contact Us
- Council and Committee
- Emergencies
- Fees for Service
- Finances
- Local Municipalities
- Municipal Election
- Permits
Plans, Reports and Strategies
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Archaeological Management Plan
- Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
- Climate Change Action Plan
- Community and Annual Reports
- Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
- Corporate Asset Management
- Strategic Plan
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Employment and Industry Report
- Energy Reporting
- Greening Strategy
- Growth and Development Review
- Healthy Built Environment
- Housing Solutions: A place for everyone
- Integrated Waste Management Master Plan
- Long Term Water Conservation Strategy
- Plan to Support Seniors
- Transportation Master Plan
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan
- York Region Paramedic Services Master Plan
- Sustainable Mobility Plan
- Privacy and Disclaimer
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Regional Property Taxes
- Regional Services
- Report a Problem
- Resources
- Senior Management
- Statistics and Data
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Vision