Sexual Health Support and Resources for Educators
York Region Public Health collaborates with school boards and educators to support human development and sexual health education through consultation, workshops, curriculum and school support.
Sexual health clinics Information and appointment booking line
A Public Health nurse is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by calling the sexual health line at 1-800-361-5653, option 1. Educators and school personnel are encouraged to refer students to clinics when needed. Educators can call or email to access support and consultations, book clinic tours for students and request curriculum support resources including posters and clinic promotion tear offs.
Sexual health kits
York Region Public Health has provided most secondary schools with sexual health kits. Update your kit now. Find up-to-date Sexual Health Fact Sheets on various sexual health topics including menstruation, abstinence, birth control methods and STIs.
Replenish your kit sample supplies by emailing or calling 1-800-361-5653 and selecting ‘1’ for the sexual health line.
York Region District School Board teachers may borrow grade 7, grade 8 and secondary school specific Sexual Health Kits from their professional library. To order these kits, teachers can use the online booking system or email
Sexual health lesson plans and classroom activities
York Region Public Health and York Region District School Board Health and Physical Education specialists have created grade-specific, curriculum matched activities for classes related to the human development and sexual health curriculum:
- Healthy relationships activity, poster and self-reflection tool (grades 7 to 12)
- Consent (secondary)
- STIs (secondary)
- Making Decisions about Sexual Health* (grade 7)
- Risks and Preventions of STIs* (grade 7)
- Relationship Changes associated with Puberty* (grade 7)
- Personal Commitments to Sexual Health Decision-Making* (grade 8)
- Decision Making and Contraception* (grade 8 and grade 9)
* ADOA copies are available to educators on request from YRDSB
Sexual Health Resources is a collection of specific resources and fact sheets related to sexual health
Comprehensive Sexual Health
We encourage schools to use our comprehensive school framework for promoting healthy relationships and healthy sexuality, including safe online behaviours in the school and in the classroom.
External Curriculum Support Resources for Schools
Sexual Health Resources
The following resources are designed to help teach students about sexuality. They include lesson plans, handouts, visual aids, student-centred activities and other resources.
- York Region District School Board (YRDSB) staff only, resources, lesson plans and tools including specific resources related to sexting and on-line safety.
- Sex and U - This website was developed by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. It contains a variety of information on sexual health topics and includes a teacher’s section. A Teaching Sexual Health Education manual is available with elementary and secondary lesson plans, student friendly videos, resources and teaching strategies. Other resources include ‘Choosing a Contraceptive That’s Right for U’ , ‘Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections’ and resources and information for teachers related to teaching youth with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.
Canadian Centre for Child Protection, in consultation with educators, law enforcement officers, crown prosecutors, child development experts and psychologists, has created two resource guides;
- Resources for Educators Catalogue
- School and family approaches to intervention and prevention: Addressing self/peer exploitation is for families to assist in managing self/peer exploitation incidents.
It also provides resources addressing sexual violence and on-line risks facing youth in grade 9 and 10, and activity booklets for students:
- OPHEA Ontario Physical and Health Education Association - Grade specific, elementary lessons for teaching and learning matching the new human development and sexual health curriculum
- Alberta Health Services: Teaching Sexual Health - This innovative website was developed by Alberta educators and health professionals with the goal of promoting excellence in sexual health education by providing teachers with evidence-based sexual health resources, and current lesson plans and activities. Instructional methods and a student Q & A section, including videos, are available for grades 4 to 12. It also contains lesson plans for students with differing abilities and a parent portal of sexual diversity.
- Planned Parenthood – resources including realistic videos related to sexual health geared to parents, teens and educators
- Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) provides the following resources for educators and public health units:
- Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights is a progressive, pro-choice charitable organization committed to advancing and upholding sexual and reproductive health and rights in Canada and globally
- It's Easier Than You Think! a resource for parents about talking to their kids about sexual health
- CATIE is Canada’s source for accessible, evidence-based information about HIV and hepatitis C prevention, testing, care, treatment and support. It also contains a guide which provides evidence-informed answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding sexual health education for youth with physical disabilities.
- Toronto Public Health has developed lesson plans for grades 4 to 12 and were designed to be used as a support and guide for educators teaching sexual health.
- The Fourth R Health Physical Education Program provides Grade 7, 8 and 9 students with instruction on personal safety and injury prevention, healthy growth and development, and substance use and abuse.
Resources for Elementary Teachers
Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada provides educators with health and physical resources and teaching strategies.
- Always Changing (grades five and six) is designed to help students understand their changing bodies, the stages of puberty, and the role of personal appearance in a positive self-image
- Always Changing (grades seven and up) promotes physically active and healthy lifestyles for adolescent males and females. This resource helps students develop fun, active, confident and energetic self-images.
The Always Changing and Growing Up - Co-Ed (Girls and Boys) video focuses on female and male development, helping answer the questions many kids have about what to expect during puberty.
Disclaimer: The Regional Municipality of York is not affiliated with P&G or P&G School Programs and does not endorse or recommend the use of commercial products.
Related Resources
- Breastfeeding
- Cancer
- Dental
- Environmental Health
- Food Safety
- Health Information Line - Health Connection
Health Professionals
- Announcements and Resources
- COVID-19 Information for Health Professionals
- Cannabis
- Child Growth and Development
- E-Newsletter for Health Care Professionals
- Early Years Support Services Registry
- Health Statistics and Reports
- Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Management
- Information for Dental and Other Health Professionals and Educators
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Monkeypox
- Quitting Smoking
- Sexual Health and Blood Borne Infections Information
- Substance Use and Harm Reduction Information for Health Professionals
- Tuberculosis
- Vaccination Information for Healthcare Professionals
- Healthy Schools
- Immunizations
- Infectious Diseases and Prevention
- Injury Prevention
- Inspections, Investigations and Monitoring
- Long-Term Care and Supports
- Nutrition
- Paramedic Services
- Child Growth and Development
- Children with Special Needs
- EarlyON Child and Family Centres
- Family Violence
- Feeding Babies and Young Children
- Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program
- Mental Health and Wellness in Pregnancy and Parenthood
- Parenting Education and Support
- Positive Discipline
- Prenatal and Newborns
- Transition to Parenting
- Physical Activity
- Prenatal and Newborns
- Sexual Health
- Substance Use