Current Bids and Tenders
York Region frequently purchases goods and services from vendors through the bids and tenders system. York Region’s online system allows businesses to easily search for open bid opportunities. Information about submitted and awarded bids is also available.
Businesses need to log in or create an account and register for the bid before downloading the bid documents. New bid and tender opportunities are emailed to account holders.
NEW Electronic Monitoring Policy
York Region has implemented an Electronic Monitoring Policy. This policy outlines when and how employees and contractors may be electronically monitored while performing work-related duties and activities or while using Regional assets, equipment, systems or information. Please become familiar with how this policy affects your engagements with the Region.
Rescinding of the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Long-Term Care Contractors
Effective July 2024, the York Region COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Long-Term Care Contractors has been rescinded and the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination will no longer be required, with the right to reinstate it in the future, if necessary. This decision is based on the current state of COVID-19 and assumes that the situation remains stable or improves. York Region will update this page if the policy is reenacted.
For additional information or clarification, please reference support materials for contractors on Long-term Care Homes page or contact
Procurement Bylaw
Tenders and proposals will be called, received, evaluated, accepted and processed in accordance with the Region’s Procurement Bylaw and tendering/proposal procedures.
Related Resources
Procurement Bylaw No. 2021-103
Glossary of Procurement Terms
Bid Debriefing Protocol
Bid Dispute Protocol
Non-Standard Procurements Protocol
Procurement Review Committee Protocol
Schedule 1 - Exclusions Protocol
Supplier Suspension Protocol
Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders
Terms and Conditions for YTN Telecom Network Inc. Purchase Orders
- Assistance for Businesses
- Assistance for Non-profits
- Doing Business With York Region
Economic and Development Services
Land Development
- Call Before You Dig – Locates
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Development Application Supporting Studies
- Development Charges
- Development Construction Inspection
- Development Engineering Review
- Development Financial and Servicing Incentives
- Development Planning Review
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Land Development Legal Services
- Non-Potable Groundwater Requests
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
- Road Design Drawing Storage and Retrieval
- Source Water Protection Permit
- Streetscape Program
- Supporting Regional Growth
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Assistance for Businesses
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Things to do in York Region
Land Development
- Information for Investors
- Water Saving and Protection Incentives For Businesses