Report of Vehicle Damage
The Regional Municipality of York is responsible for maintaining its roads according to certain legislated standards (Minimum Maintenance Standards found in the Municipal Act, 2001 and Ontario Regulation 239/02). Should you experience damage to your vehicle while driving on a road in the Region, you may submit a Road Incident Damage Report to the Region for investigation. Region staff will conduct a fair and impartial investigation of liability on a without prejudice basis.
You are required to control and limit any damage you have by choosing one of the two options noted here:
Option 1
Report the claim to your insurance company as required under the Ontario Automobile Policy. Your insurer will review/process your claim, repair your vehicle and may collect from The Regional Municipality of York if it is deemed the Region is legally at fault.
Option 2
Repair the damage to your car immediately and await determination of liability by The Regional Municipality of York.
Road Incident Damage Report Form
Report Road Incident Damage
Please complete a Road Incident Damage Report form. The Controllership Office will send the Road Incident Damage Report submission and any attachments (photos, invoices, etc.) to the Risk group for investigation. If more information is required, you will be contacted directly. Once your vehicle is repaired, please include a copy of the invoice in the Road Incident Damage Report form.
After the investigation, Region staff will contact you with detailed results. Should the Region be found liable, appropriate payment for damage will be made to the extent of liability and with consideration for depreciation.
For any questions regarding this process, please contact the Risk Claims line at 1-877-464-9675 ext. 77846.
Related Resources
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Cycling
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail
- Road Weight Restrictions
- Roads Operations
- Roundabouts
- Mailbox Damage Reimbursement
- Municipal Consent to Move or Install Utilities
- Regional Roads
- Road Use and Road Sign Permits
- Report Street Lamp Outage
- Report of Vehicle Damage
- Road Closures
- Streetscape Program
- Road Construction Schedule
- Traffic
- Transportation Demand Management
- York Region Transit (YRT)