Road Use and Road Sign Permits
Every day motorists take more than 2.7 million vehicle trips on Regional roads and a road closure can have a large impact. Before installing signs or doing any type of work on Regional roads, a permit is required.
The permit request process is now paperless, providing an environmentally friendly efficient and faster experience for users.
Applicants can save time, stay up to date and avoid expired permits by:
- Renewing and extending time allocated for a permit
- Referencing a previous permit when completing a new one
- Choosing automatic notifications for expiration dates and status changes
- Making payments online and viewing transaction history
Click on the tabs below for permit types, costs and instructions for applying for a permit.
Applicants requesting to close a road will be asked to inform the community by following these Road Closure Communication Guidelines.
Types of permits
This permit is for construction work on Regional roads and includes:
- Boulevard construction
- Road construction
- Rail track repair
- Road repair and maintenance
- Installation of fixtures approved by the Region
- Water/wastewater works
Approvals and Contracts
York Region Projects will have a contract number assigned to the activity. This number needs to be included in the application.
Development-related approval information and application forms are available under the Development Related Approvals accordion.
For all other work, approval may be granted upon application through the Corridor Control Office.
Applications should be submitted approximately four weeks before the anticipated start date.
Application Submission
When applying please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Traffic Management Plan
Time Restrictions
Standard Hours of Work
If work is taking place in the boulevard and the road shoulder where live lanes are not being affected, including the parking of vehicles, there are no time restrictions unless it is indicated on your permit.
All work taking place after 7 p.m. requires a noise bylaw exemption from the local Municipality.
If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours to work on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted without penalty during the following standard hours:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Weekend occupancy will also be permitted without penalty from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday
Peak Hours Lane Closures
Peak traffic times on Regional roads are when the volume of traffic and congestion is at its highest. It is highly recommended that lane closures during these hours be avoided when scheduling work on Regional Roads. The peak traffic hours have been identified as:
- a.m. peak hour 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- p.m. peak hours 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Upon review, permission to allow such closures may be granted if the impact on traffic is minimal or if the rapid completion of the work is in the public’s best interest. All peak-hour lane closures are subject to approval from Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak hour lane closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Road Closure
Approval for a road closure will only be granted if all options for completing the approved work, without closing the road, have been exhausted. Approval must be granted, before the issuance of a corridor control permit for road occupancy. The submission for road closure approval should include the following:
- Reasons for the road closure
- Proposed work to take place
- Proposed dates of the closure
- Anticipated impact of the proposed closure on surrounding roads
- The impact on existing land users within the proposed closure area
All road closures are subject to approval from Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak hour lane closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the work zone during the installation of the fixture on the road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for all companies, contractors and/or agents working on the Regional road allowance on behalf of the developer must be provided with the application and must be valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
All Other Organizations coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
The following fees will apply:
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-inspection Fee - $220
Road closures and Peak hour lane closures are associated with the categories illustrated on the Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure Map
- Road Class 1 and 2 - $130/lane/day
- Road Class 3, 4 and 5 - $38/lane/day
Pavement degradation fees are associated with the categories illustrated on the Pavement Degradation Fee Map
- Pavement less than 2 years - $38/square meter
- Pavement 2 to 4 years - $32/square meter
- Pavement 4 to 7 years - $25//square meter
- Pavement 7 to 10 years - $19/square meter
- Pavement greater than 10 years - $6/square meter
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to York Region.
Development Related Approvals
This permit is for the installation of work on Regional Roads that have been reviewed by Community Planning and Development Services, and Development Engineering and approved through the development approval process. These include but are not limited to:
- Access – Sales Office / Temporary Construction / Permanent
- Underground Services
- Above Ground Services
- Electrical Installation
- Pavement Markings and Regulatory Signs
- Streetscaping
A development approval will have a file number associated with the project. This number must be included on all applications. Your application will only be processed once Regional approval has been granted, by Development Engineering, for the type of work to be completed on the Regional road allowance.
The application for road occupancy should be submitted a minimum of four weeks before the anticipated start date.
Application Submission
The number of permit applications required for work on Regional roads by each development may vary as follows:
One Application / One Permit Fee
If approval has been granted for the whole development, the permit application shall be submitted with scheduled dates, times, traffic management plans, and 24-hour contacts for each type of work. A review of the permit application submission will be completed and the permit(s) will be issued using the date schedule provided on the application form.
Many Applications / Many Permit Fees
If approval has been granted for a portion of the development, for example, construction access, a review of the permit application submission will be completed, a permit fee will be charged and the permit will be issued. When additional work for the development has been approved, a new permit application will be required, a new review will be completed, a separate permit fee will be charged and the permit will be issued.
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- A Region reviewed Traffic Management Plan(s)
- Copy of the Approval Letter issued by Development Engineering
Revision fees apply to each revision requested. The maximum number of revisions for each permit will be limited to three, after which a new permit application will be required.
Time Restrictions
Standard Hours of Work
If work is taking place in the boulevard and the road shoulder where live lanes are not being affected, including the parking of vehicles, there are no time restrictions unless it is indicated on your permit.
All work taking place after 7 p.m. requires a noise bylaw exemption from the local municipality.
If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours of work on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted without lane closure fees during the following standard hours:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Weekend occupancy will also be permitted without penalty from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday
Peak Hours Lane Closures
Peak traffic times on Regional roads are when the volume of traffic and congestion is at its highest. The peak traffic hours have been identified as:
- a.m. peak hour 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- p.m. peak hours 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Region may permit road closures and lane closures during peak hours if the impact on traffic is minimal or if the rapid completion of the work is in the public’s best interest. All Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closures are subject to approval from the Commissioner of Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Road Closure
Approval for a road closure will only be granted if all options to complete the approved work, without closing the road, have been exhausted. Approval must be granted by the Region, before the issuance of a corridor control permit for road occupancy. The application for approval of a road closure should include the following:
- Reasons for the road closure
- Proposed work to take place
- Proposed dates of the closure
- Detour plan and the anticipated impact on surrounding roads
- The impact on existing land users within the proposed closure area
All road closures are subject to approval from the Commissioner of Public Works. Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Traffic Management Plan
A Traffic Management Plan is required to protect the work zone during the installation of the approved work on the road allowance. Several Traffic Management Plans may be required to accommodate all of the approved work and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Reviewed by and acceptable to the Region during the development approval process
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for all companies, contractors and/or agents working on the Regional road allowance on behalf of the developer must be provided with the application and must be valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A certificate of insurance is required for the duration of time that work is taking place on the road allowance.
The certificate of insurance must:
- Be provided on the Region’s standard Insurance Certificate form
- Name the Regional Municipality of York as an additional insured
- Be signed and stamped by the insurance company/broker
- Have coverage according to the applicant type, as follows:
Sole Proprietor coverage must include:
- Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability of $2 million per occurrence with an extension for:
- Non-Owned Automobile ($2 million) and
- Employer’s Liability ($2 million)
- Commercial Automobile Liability $2 million for vehicles registered in the organization’s name
Contractor/Company coverage must include:
- Commercial General Liability $5 million per occurrence with extension for:
- Non-Owned Automobile ($2 million) and
- Employer’s Liability ($2 million)
- Commercial Automobile Liability $5 million for vehicles registered in the organization’s name
The following fees will apply:
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-Inspection Fee - $220
Road Closures and Peak Hour Lane Closures are subject to approval from the Commissioner of Public Works. Fees are associated with the categories illustrated on Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure Map.
- Road Class 1 and 2 - $130/lane/day
- Road Class 3, 4 and 5 - $38/lane/day
Pavement degradation fees will apply where the asphalt is disturbed to accommodate the approved works. The fees are associated with the categories illustrated on the Pavement Degradation Fee Map.
- Pavement less than 2 years - $38/square meter
- Pavement 2 to 4 years - $32/square meter
- Pavement 4 to 7 years - $25//square meter
- Pavement 7 to 10 years - $19/square meter
- Pavement greater than 10 years - $6/square meter
These fees may be waived if an agreement between the developer and the Region is in place for the reconstruction of the road.
Payment options include Visa, MasterCard, or certified cheque made payable to York Region.
Driveway Entrances
Permanent Entrance
This type of permit is to allow access from private property to a Regional road. This permit is for installing, moving, improving or re-classifying an existing entrance including:
- Single-family residential driveway - A rural or urban entrance intended to provide access to a single-family residence
- Field Entrance – is intended to provide direct access for farming equipment to/from agricultural lands which are only used seasonally for keeping animals or for planting and harvesting operations
- Farm Entrance - A rural entrance intended to provide direct access to a farm dwelling, storage or other buildings and agricultural lands
Temporary Entrance
This permit is for temporary driveways to allow construction vehicles onto a property for a limited amount of time and a specific purpose.
All other entrance types must go through the local Municipal and Regional development approval process.
Number of Entrances
Generally, only one entrance per property will be approved for residential applications. Additional Field Entrances will be considered for approval where natural obstructions within the field prevent reasonable internal access.
Location Restrictions
The Region reserves the right to restrict the placement of an entrance in the interest of public safety. New entrances must be located to ensure:
- No undue interference with the safe movement of traffic, pedestrians or other road users
- Sufficient sight line, grade and alignment conditions for all traffic using the proposed entrance
New entrances on a Regional road may be refused for any of the following reasons:
- If access is available from a local municipal street
- Within a turning lane, truck climbing lane or acceleration/deceleration lanes
- Close to intersections, bridges and railway crossings
- Where there is not a clear line of sight
Landscape Features
All entrance gates, pillars and landscape features shall be installed completely on private property and will not be subject to the Region’s approval.
Applications should be submitted approximately four weeks before the anticipated start date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Site Drawings
- Traffic Management Plan
A sketch or drawing showing the location of the proposed new entrance or the existing entrance of the proposed alterations is required.
All sketches must show enough detail and measurements of landmarks to show exactly where the proposed work area is located.
Mapping and aerial photography are often an ideal starting point for this purpose and are freely available through the Region’s map website
Site Drawing Example:

Time Restrictions
Occupancy will only be permitted from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the work zone during the installation of the access on the road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for all companies, contractors and/or agents working on the Regional road allowance on behalf of the developer must be provided with the application and must be valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
All Other Organizations coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-Inspection Fee - $220
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to The Regional Municipality of York.
Security Deposit
The refundable security deposit will be a calculated rate based on the cost to complete the activity and takes into consideration the potential for damage to Regional assets.
The security deposit will not be refunded until the installation and restoration conditions of the permit have been met.
Payment for the security deposit must be made by credit card or certified cheque payable to The Regional Municipality of York. Letter of Credit will be considered on request.
Election Signs
The Election Sign Guide outlines the criteria for sign placement, duration and specifications on Regional roads as per York Region’s Sign Bylaw.
View the Election Sign Guide for Regional roads.
This type of permit is required when installing privately owned fixtures on the Region’s road allowance. It is needed when placing things such as (but not limited to):
- Fences
- Landscape Features (Shrubs, Plants and Ornaments)
- Signs
An encroachment permit must be in place before obtaining a Corridor Control Permit to work on the road allowance to install the fixture.
The Region reserves the right to deny or restrict the placement of any fixture(s) on the Region’s road allowance. A proposed encroachment will be refused if:
- There is sufficient space for the fixture to be placed on private property
- There is undue interference with the safe movement of traffic, pedestrians or other road users
- There are sightline or grade and alignment conditions
- It is close to intersections, bridges, railway crossings and turning lanes
- There is insufficient space on the Region’s property available to accommodate the fixture
- It does not fit into the Region’s streetscaping plan
- The installation interferes with existing or planned above or below-ground utilities
- The proposed messaging is negative or harmful to any part of the general public
Application Timeline
Applications should be submitted for consideration approximately eight weeks before the anticipated installation date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Property Information
- Site Drawings
- Traffic Management Plan
Property Information
The Owner must provide:
- A registerable legal description of the Region’s lands upon which the owner intends to encroach (include a copy of Parcel Register (PIN) and Block Map); and
- The registered owner’s name and a registerable legal description of its lands including a copy of the Parcel Register (PIN) and Block Map
- A drawing or reference plan indicating the encroaching items and the extent of the encroachment within the regional road allowance
These can be obtained, at your own expense, through your lawyer or the Land Registry Office.
A drawing of the structure is required. The following information should be included:
- Diagram of the structure
- Size and scale of structure
- Method of base attachment to the ground
Application Requirement Fees
The following fees will apply:
- Encroachment Agreement/Permit - $2,200
(Includes: Agreement and ROP Permit)
Road closure and Peak hour lane closure are associated with the categories illustrated on the Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure Map
- Road Class 1 and 2 - $130/lane/day
- Road Class 3, 4 and 5 - $38/lane/day
Payment options include; VISA, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to The Regional Municipality of York.
Time Restrictions
Standard Hours
If work is taking place in the boulevard and the road shoulder where live lanes are not being affected, including the parking of vehicles, there are no time restrictions unless it is indicated on your permit. All work taking place after 7 p.m. requires a noise bylaw exemption from the local Municipality. If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours to work on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted without penalty during the following standard hours:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Weekend occupancy will also be permitted without penalty from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday
Peak Hours Lane Closures
Peak traffic times on Regional roads are when the volume of traffic and congestion is at its highest. It is highly recommended that lane closures during these hours be avoided when scheduling work on Regional Roads. The peak traffic hours have been identified as:
- a.m. peak hour 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- p.m. peak hours 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Upon review, permission to allow such closures may be granted if the impact on traffic is minimal or if the rapid completion of the work is in the public’s best interest. All peak-hour lane closures are subject to approval from Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak hour lane closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the work zone during the installation of the fixture on the road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for all companies, contractors and/or agents working on the Regional road allowance on behalf of the developer must be provided with the application and must be valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
All Other Organizations coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Excess Load
This permit is required for commercial vehicles to carry a load heavier or larger than the maximum limit in the Highway Traffic Act. Approval is only given for roads in York Region.
Oversized Loads
Oversized loads are:
- Wider than 2.6 m
- Higher than 4.15 m
- Longer than 12.5 m (including the vehicle length)
Oversize loads may need an escort as a condition of the permit. The permit holder is responsible for organizing and paying for the escort.
An oversize load needs:
A private escort if it is between 30.5 and 36.5 m long.
A police escort if it is:
- Taller than 4.72 m
- Wider than 4.27 m
- Longer than 36.5 m
For a police escort contact York Regional Police Traffic Unit at 905-895-1221 or submit a request at
If a traffic signal is taller than 4.5 meters:
Contact a Traffic Signal Escort by contacting a York Region signal maintenance contractor at 416-688-3907.
Overweight Load
A weight distribution diagram must be submitted with the application if the weight is greater than the allowable weights indicated in the Highway Traffic Act.
Example weight per axle:

Loads 120,000 kg+ gross vehicle weight require a superload permit.
Superloads require additional time for consideration and processing. Applications require additional documentation and a thorough review by York Region Asset Management.
For gross vehicle weights over 120,000 kg, York Region requires the applicant to provide a technical study evaluating the bridges and culverts on the route and to submit the evaluation for approval.
All documentation will be subjected to review and approval by York Region before the issuance of any permit.
Moving Buildings
If the destination is in York Region then a building permit or letter of permission from the local municipality needs to be included with the application.
The Region will process the approval for eight of the local municipalities in York Region and obtain their approval. The application must be made directly to the City of Markham or the Ministry of Transportation for the use of their roads.
Description of Route
Identify specific roads that are being travelled on the application form.
Restricted Roads
Weight Restrictions
Vehicle weight is limited to five tonnes per axle on some sections of York Region roads. A load exemption permit is required for the use of the restricted roads on the list.
Truck Restrictions
Truck moving times have been limited on some sections of York Region roads. These times should be strictly followed. Exemption permits will not be considered for these areas.
Check the list of roads with restrictions.
Application Timeline
Applications should be submitted approximately two weeks before the anticipated transport date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Weight Distribution Diagram (if required)
Time Restrictions
Due to size, some loads will have time restrictions attached to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. These restrictions will be indicated on your permit.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
All Applicant's coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
The following fees will apply:
- Annual permit - $210
- Modular - $1,400
- Modular (Single) - $35
- Project - $1,400
- Project (Single) - $35
- Single Trip - $350
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to The Regional Municipality of York.
Security Deposit
Some permits will require a security deposit. The amount of the security deposit depends on which road is being used. It must be enough to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the road. The minimum security deposit is $1,000.
Payment for the security deposit must be made by credit card or certified cheque payable to The Regional Municipality of York. Letter of Credit will be considered on request.
Farm Fresh Sign Program
To promote locally grown farm fresh produce and related farm products throughout York Region using identifiable signage.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a member in good standing, of the York Farm Fresh Association
- The farm must be in York Region
- Must have parking available for customers, completely on private property
- Must promote the farm through publications, media and other promotional means
- The farm does not have Tourism Signs
Application Process
Submit a completed application form and payment, directly to the York Farm Fresh Association for eligibility review and approval.
On approval, the application will be forwarded to York Region. York Region will review the sign locations indicated on the application form.
Manufacture and installation of the signs will be requested once the review is completed.
Application Timeline
Please allow six to eight weeks for submission review, manufacture and installation of the signs.
Sign Specifications
Each sign includes:
- Farm Fresh Logo Header 60 cm x 60 cm
- Farm Name Tab 60 cm x 45 cm
- Administration fee - $150.00
- Manufacture and installation of each sign - $300.00 plus HST
Number of Signs Allowed
Each farm location is eligible for a maximum of six signs.
Sign Replacement
If a sign is damaged due to an accident or becomes in a state of disrepair, the farm owner will be responsible for the purchase of a new sign. Payment can be made to York Region by cheque or credit card.
Farm Fresh Association
To submit your application, please contact the Farm Fresh Association.
Tammi Taylor
York Farm Fresh Association
Film or Photography
This permit is for film or photography projects on Regional roads.
Important considerations for filming and photography projects on Region roads are:
- Road closures should be minimized as much as possible
- Must not occur during peak traffic periods
- Proper traffic control must be provided at no cost to the Region
- Traffic associated with the event shall be under the complete control of York Regional Police
- Planned dangerous activity including fires, explosions, crashes or similar events will not be permitted
- Intermittent traffic stoppages may be permitted during off-peak hours under the complete control of York Regional Police. To arrange for York Regional Police, please contact the York Regional Police Traffic Unit at 905-895-1221 or submit a request at
Application Timeline
Applications for large film or photo projects on the road allowance should be submitted approximately three months before the anticipated film date. If the application is for a smaller project, the time requirement may be reduced to one month when necessary.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Detailed description and timeline of the film or photo project
- Maps of Routes and Detours
- Traffic Management Plan
Time Restrictions
If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours for a project on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted as follows:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the occupied zone during the project on the Road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for the event must be provided and valid during the project taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Community Events/Non-Profit Organization coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $2 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Businesses coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
- Major - $1,400
- Minor - $140
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to The Regional Municipality of York.
Security Deposit
A security deposit is required for this type of permit. The amount of the security deposit depends on the road to be used. It must be enough to cover the cost of repairing any damages to the road. The minimum security deposit is $5,000.
Payment for the security deposit must be made by credit card or certified cheque payable to The Regional Municipality of York. Letter of Credit will be considered on request.
This permit is for the investigation of conditions below the road, shoulder or boulevard surface. The activities covered under this permit type are:
- Borehole drilling – a hole dug or drilled into the earth to find water or oil
- Coring – a cylinder of material removed from the earth to determine composition
- Monitoring Well Removal or Installation – a well designed to monitor subsurface water
- Well Monitoring – Taking samples from an existing well to obtain groundwater quality and other information
A map showing all test pits, boreholes and monitoring wells installed or sampled in the right-of-way is required.
Application Timeline
Applications should be submitted approximately four weeks before the anticipated start date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Location Map
- Traffic Management Plan
Time Restrictions
Standard Hours
If work is taking place in the boulevard and the road shoulder where live lanes are not being affected, including the parking of vehicles, there are no time restrictions unless it is indicated on your permit. All work taking place after 7 p.m. requires a noise bylaw exemption from the local Municipality. If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours to work on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted without penalty during the following standard hours:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Weekend occupancy will also be permitted without penalty from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday
Peak Hours Lane Closures
Peak traffic times on Regional roads are when the volume of traffic and congestion is at its highest. It is highly recommended that lane closures during these hours be avoided when scheduling work on Regional Roads. The peak traffic hours have been identified as:
- a.m. peak hour 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- p.m. peak hours 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Upon review, permission to allow such closures may be granted if the impact on traffic is minimal or if the rapid completion of the work is in the public’s best interest. All peak-hour lane closures are subject to approval from Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak hour lane closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Pavement Degradation
When the paved surface of the road is disturbed by digging, drilling or any other means, a pavement degradation fee will be charged. The fee is based on the age of the asphalt and calculated by the area to be disturbed. Refer to our road age map to find out what the fees are for the area you are working in.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the work zone during the installation of the fixture on the road allowance and must be:
- A Traffic Management Plan completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for the company, contractor and/or agent working on behalf of the company must be provided with the application and valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
All Other Organizations coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Report on Findings
Report Submission
On completion of the study, the Region will require a report of the findings with data or information generated from geotechnical, hydrogeological or soil and/or groundwater sampling conducted in the right-of-way.
The information in the report may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- the location of any monitoring wells, boreholes, or test pits, as identified through GPS coordinates or other means
- monitoring well, borehole, or test pit identification number and final depth, based on metres below ground surface, of all monitoring wells, boreholes and test pits
- nature of construction of all probes, test pits, boreholes, and monitoring wells installed or sampled in the right-of-way (preferably a figure)
- borehole logs
- soil grain analysis
- depth to groundwater, as applicable
- inferred or actual direction of groundwater flow
- summary of the type and nature of the analysis conducted
- laboratory certificates of analysis and an indication of what standards samples are being compared against (e.g., O. Reg. 153/04 Table 3 full-depth site condition standards, Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards etc.).
A properly executed reliance letter using the Region’s template will be required with the report.
Report Deposit
A report deposit of $4,000 will be required before the issuance of the permit. Payment for the report deposit must be made by credit card or certified cheque payable to The Regional Municipality of York. Letter of Credit will be considered on request.
If the report is not submitted in a format satisfactory to the Region accompanied by a properly executed reliance letter within three months of the expiration date listed on an issued Permit, the Report Deposit is forfeited to the Region. If the report and reliance letter are received within three months of the expiration date or an issued Permit is revoked before the physical work is completed, the Report Deposit will either be destroyed or returned to the applicant at the applicant’s direction, without interest or deduction.
All reports must reference the correct Permit No. and be forwarded by email to the Public Works Department, Infrastructure Asset Management Water and Wastewater Branch, at
The following fees will apply:
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-Inspection Fee - $220
Road closure and Peak hour lane closure are associated with the categories illustrated on the Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure Map
- Road Class 1 and 2 - $130/lane/day
- Road Class 3, 4 and 5 - $38/lane/day
Pavement degradation fees are associated with the categories illustrated on the Pavement Degradation Fee Map
- Pavement less than 2 years - $38/square meter
- Pavement 2 to 4 years - $32/square meter
- Pavement 4 to 7 years - $25//square meter
- Pavement 7 to 10 years - $19/square meter
- Pavement greater than 10 years - $6/square meter
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to York Region.
Load Exemption
This permit is for trucks whose load is heavier than the maximum posted weight of five tonnes per axle on designated sections of Regional roads.
There are two types of weight-restricted roads:
- Year-round weight-restricted roads - will be in effect until the road is reconstructed
- Spring weight restricted roads – is in effect between March 1 and April 30 every spring and this protects the road while the ground is thawing from frost
Please check the list of Regional roads with Weight Restrictions.
Application Timeline
Applications should be submitted approximately three weeks before the anticipated start date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Specific road sections entering and exiting the restricted area
A 24-hour contact for the transport company must be provided and valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
All Applicant's coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-Inspection Fee - $220
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to The Regional Municipality of York.
Security Deposit
The security amount is calculated based on the replacement value for the distance of the load-restricted road to be used. The calculation takes into account:
- Surface type and condition
- Pavement markings and symbols
- The estimated number of loads anticipated to be shipped
- The existing condition of the road
If there are damages to the road caused by the permit holder, the security deposit will be used to cover the costs of mud clean-up and repair or replacement of the road.
The security deposit will be refunded if the road is undamaged from the permitted activity.
Payment for the security deposit must be made by credit card or certified cheque payable to The Regional Municipality of York. Letter of Credit will be considered on request.
Note: the permit can be taken away if the road starts to wear down.
Special Event
Several events occur on Regional roads that may restrict the use of the roads including:
- Parades
- Sporting Events
- Festivals
Important considerations
- Approval must be granted by the local Municipality
- Events must occur during off-peak traffic periods
- Proper traffic control must be provided at no cost to the Region
- The event shall be under the complete control of the York Regional Police
- Notification must be provided to residents, institutes and businesses fronting onto the affected road
Road closures
- The road closure must be advertised in the local area newspapers
- Police must be on-site at all times during the event. To arrange for York Regional Police (YRP), please contact the York Regional Police Traffic Unit at 905-895-1221 or submit a request at
- They should be minimized as much as possible
- Advance road closure notice signs must be posted two weeks before the event
- Advance road closure notice signs must include:
- The words - Road Closed
- The date the road will be closed
- Start and end time the road will be closed
- Event name
Application Timeline
Applications for large events on the road allowance, where the road will be closed, should be submitted approximately three months before the anticipated event date. If the application is for a smaller event, the time requirement may be reduced to one month when necessary.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Proof the event is sponsored by a recognized charity, government or other non-profit organization
- Proof that the Local Municipality approves the event
- Maps showing routes and detours
Time Restrictions
If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours for an event on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted as follows:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the occupied zone during the event on the road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Maps will be required showing all routes and detours and include the location of Police posts, location and types of signs, location and types of barriers and, any other items associated with the traffic management plan for this event.
All detours using local municipal roads will require approval through the local municipality.
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for the event must be provided and valid during the event taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Community Events/Non-Profit Organization coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $2 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Businesses coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Events sponsored by charities, municipalities or other non-profit organizations:
- No charge for charities
- Major - $1,400
- Minor - $140
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to The Regional Municipality of York.
Security Deposit
A security deposit is required for a permit if it is a for-profit organization. The amount of the security deposit depends on the road to be used. It must be enough to cover the cost of repairing any damages to regional assets. The minimum security deposit is $5,000.
Payment for the security deposit must be made by credit card or certified cheque payable to The Regional Municipality of York. Letter of Credit will be considered on request.
Survey and Inspection
This type of permit is for:
- Investigation and Daylighting – opening the road or boulevard to locate underground utilities
- Land Survey – measurements taken to locate property boundaries for various construction projects
- Inspection – used to check the condition of a Regional asset such as a bridge or culvert
Application Timeline
Applications should be submitted approximately two weeks before the anticipated start date
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Traffic Management Plan
Time Restrictions
Standard Hours
If work is taking place in the boulevard and the road shoulder where live lanes are not being affected, including the parking of vehicles, there are no time restrictions unless it is indicated on your permit. All work taking place after 7 p.m. requires a noise bylaw exemption from the local Municipality. If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours to work on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted without penalty during the following standard hours:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Weekend occupancy will also be permitted without penalty from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday
Peak Hours Lane Closures
Peak traffic times on Regional roads are when the volume of traffic and congestion is at its highest. It is highly recommended that lane closures during these hours be avoided when scheduling work on Regional Roads. The peak traffic hours have been identified as:
- a.m. peak hour 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- p.m. peak hours 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Upon review, permission to allow such closures may be granted if the impact on traffic is minimal or if the rapid completion of the work is in the public’s best interest. All peak-hour lane closures are subject to approval from Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak hour lane closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Pavement Degradation
When the paved surface of the road is disturbed by digging, drilling or any other means, a pavement degradation fee will be charged. The fee is based on the age of the asphalt and calculated by the area to be disturbed. Refer to our road age map to find out what the fees are for the area you are working in.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the work zone during the permitted activity on the road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for the company, contractor, and/or agent working on behalf of the company must be provided with the application and valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
All Other Organizations coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
The following fees will apply:
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-Inspection Fee - $220
Road closure and Peak hour lane closure are associated with the categories illustrated on the Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure Map
- Road Class 1 and 2 - $130/lane/day
- Road Class 3, 4 and 5 - $38/lane/day
Pavement degradation fees are associated with the categories illustrated on the Pavement Degradation Fee Map
- Pavement less than 2 years - $38/square meter
- Pavement 2 to 4 years - $32/square meter
- Pavement 4 to 7 years - $25//square meter
- Pavement 7 to 10 years - $19/square meter
- Pavement greater than 10 years - $6/square meter
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to York Region.
Temporary Road Sign Permits
Road Sign Permits permit organizations to put up signs on Regional roads. Permits are needed for temporary signs. The signs will need to meet
For temporary signs on municipal
Temporary Signs for Businesses
This permit covers temporary "A" Frame signs that advertise things like retail events, new developments and real estate.
These signs can be in place:
- From 7 p.m. on Friday until 6 a.m. on Monday on regular weekends
- From 7 p.m. on Thursday until 6 a.m. Monday on weekends with a holiday Friday
- From 7 p.m. on Friday until 6 a.m. on Tuesday on Weekends with a holiday Monday
Permits need to be renewed every six months.
Permit Limit
People, businesses and developers can have up to 12 sign permits.
New home developments can have up to 40 sign permits.
- No charge for temporary signs advertising a community/charity event
- Six Months for each sign - $120
- Six Month Extension - $120
- Election Signs - $310/municipality
- Sign removal/recovery - $62/sign
Payment is required with the application.
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the sign will be on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region's form.
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million
limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension - $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner's liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Businesses coverage must include:
- $5 million
limit Commercial General Liability (CGL) - $2 million Non-Owned Automobile
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the
Temporary Signs for Municipal Initiatives
The Region's sign bylaw #2015-36 does not apply to mobile signs placed for Region and Local Area Municipal initiatives. However, a road occupancy permit
Temporary Signs for Community Events
- This permit covers temporary "A" Frame signs that advertise a charitable or community event.
- These signs can be put up two weeks before the event. They must be taken down within 24 hours of the end of the event.
For this type of sign permit, proof of eligibility is required. For signs advertising:
- A community event - a letter from the local Town / City indicating that it is a Town / City sponsored event
- For an event by a charitable organization - the charitable registration number must be provided
- A permit or proof of approval from the local municipality for the proposed event must also be provided
Permit Limit
A maximum of 12 permits can be issued for an event.
This type of sign permit is free of charge.
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the sign will be on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region's form.
Community Events/Non-Profit Organization coverage must include:
- $2 million
limit Commercial General Liability (CGL) - $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $2 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million
limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension - $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner's liability
- $1 million
limit Personal Automobile Liability
Sign Size
The largest acceptable size for signs is 1.22
Sign Placement
Signs can only be placed within 50
Signs cannot be placed:
- At any restricted intersection, see Bylaw #2015-36; A bylaw regulating signs on regional roads
- Where it impairs the view of drivers, cyclists or pedestrians
- Where it obstructs the view of warning devices, railways, traffic, or municipal signs
- On a
centre median, traffic island orcentre boulevard - Within five
metres of a fire hydrant, transit shelter or bus stop - Within three
metres of the edge of the road pavement - Within 10
metres of the edge of adriveway
Placement Restriction Diagram
Signs are only permitted at intersections on Regional roads as outlined in the diagram below and described above under Placement Limitations. Note: Diagram not to scale.
Accessible formats of this diagram or communication supports are available upon request.

Sign Installation and Removal
The permit holder is responsible for installing and removing their signs. Any signs that are placed in breach of the new Sign Bylaw will be removed by York Region. Signs removed by York Region will be stored for 30 days. If the signs have not been picked up after 30 days, they will be thrown out
Pick-up Pick-up Locations
Signs that have been removed by York Region can be picked up by appointment only at one of our four sites. Permit holders need to call 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000 to book an appointment during Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. All signs are subject to a $62/sign recovery fee.
Southwest Roads Operations Centre
For signs that were removed from the area:
- West of Yonge Street
- East of Highway 50
- North of Steeles Avenue
- South of King Road
Southeast Roads Operations Centre
For signs that were removed from the area:
- East of Yonge Street
- North of Steeles Avenue
- South of Stouffville Road from Yonge Street to Woodbine Avenue
- South of Bloomington Road from Woodbine Avenue to York/ Durham Line
North Roads Operations Centre
For signs that were removed from the area:
- North of Davis Drive
- East of Bathurst Street
- West of York/Durham Line from Davis Drive to Ravenshoe Road
- West of Lake Ridge Road from Ravenshoe Road to Lake Simcoe
Central Roads Operations Centre
For signs that were removed from the area:
- North of King Road
- South of Highway 9/Davis Drive
- East of Highway 50
- West of York/Durham Line
How to Apply for Road Sign Permits
Applications should be sent at least two weeks before the permit is needed.
Tourism Directional Sign Program
York Region's many attractions and visitor services are an important part of the Region's economy. Tourism directional signs increase the visibility of these attractions to all travellers.
Tourism Sign Types
Signing for tourist attractions, services and facilities are divided into 2 different categories.
Major Attraction Sign
A sign assembly of a distinctive size/design with operator name and corporate logos reserved for up to two major tourist attractions that meet a minimum annual attendance rate.
- Size is 4’ x 8’
- Used where the posted speed limit is 80 km/h or more
- Two lines of text no longer than 13 characters
- Text includes spaces, symbols and, non-alpha characters
- Corporate logo
Trailblazer Signs
Signs with an Icon, the operation’s name and a directional arrow are used to lead tourists across municipal or provincial highways or wherever a change in direction is needed for travellers to locate the tourism operation. These signs are available in two sizes and are determined by speed zones.
Low-Speed Trailblazers
- Size is 1’ x 4’
- Used where the posted speed limit is less than 60 km/h
- One line of text no longer than 13 characters
- Text includes spaces, symbols and, non-alpha characters
- Standard Icon representing the facility type
High-Speed Trailblazers
- Size is 2’ x 8’
- High-speed trailblazers are used where the posted speed limit is greater than 60 km/h
- Two lines of Text no longer than 13 characters per line
- Text includes spaces, symbols and, non-alpha characters
- Standard Icon representing the facility type
Eligibility Criteria
For the Regions Tourism sign program, only signs to those facilities listed will be permitted on Regional Roads. A facility must meet the required basic criteria as well as the criteria set out under the specific tourism type. A maximum of 6 signs for any 1 tourism venue location will be allowed.
Basic Criteria
The following criteria apply to ALL operations:
- Operations may be signed only if spaces for signs exist along a route that will lead motoring tourists to their destination in a reasonably direct manner
- If the operation is on a municipal road, the municipality may agree to allow signs on its roads to complete the sequence of signs to the site.
- To be eligible for tourism signs, a tourist accommodation or attraction must (except where specific criteria explicitly state otherwise):
- Serve transient customers;
- Comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal legislation;
- Be accessible by a road open to traffic;
- Be open to the public at least 12 consecutive weeks per year, unless otherwise specified in the specific criteria for that type of operation;
- Open at least five days a week during its opening season unless specified otherwise in the specific criteria), on advertised set days and times.
- Have a reception structure – a controlled gate, staffed reception and orientation point, or permanent interpretation panels or displays;
- Advertise its location, operating season and hours, contact information and facilities, either in tourism publications or in publicity material regularly distributed to Ontario or appropriate regional/local travel information centers;
- Each operation must also meet the specific criteria that apply to its tourism type.
Additional Criteria for Major Attraction Signs
A tourism operation is eligible for a “Major Attraction” signing if it:
- Meets the basic criteria, and
- Meets specific criteria for the attraction type
- Has attendance of 30,000 people per year or more, and
- Can provide validated statements of this attendance, if required.
Specific Criteria
Each Tourism operation must meet the specific criteria outlined for its tourism type to be eligible for the Tourism signing. Please refer to the Facility Type reference sheet for more information.
How to Apply for Road Sign Permits
Applications should be submitted to for consideration approximately eight weeks before the anticipated installation date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Complete Application Form
- Map of proposed locations
The applicant will be responsible for all costs associated with the manufacture, installation and maintenance, including replacement of the signs allowed.
Sign Type | Manufacturing and Installation Fee | Annual Maintenance Fee |
Low-Speed Trailblazer | $280.00 | $42.00 per year |
High-Speed Trailblazer | $710.00 | $85.00 per year |
Major Attraction Panel | $1,100.00 | $130.00 per year |
Requests to Move Signs
When a request to remove a sign is received by the venue, a fee of $150.00 will be required to cover the cost of removal and installation.
This permit is needed for all new utility installations and the repair or maintenance of existing utilities in the Regional right–of–way.
Utility Installations
Municipal consent approval is needed before a corridor control permit for new utility installation can be approved.
Utility Repair
This permit is required for all maintenance or repair of existing utilities in the Region’s road allowance.
Application Timeline
Applications should be submitted approximately two weeks before the anticipated start date.
Application Submission
When applying, please include the following:
- Certificate of Insurance
- Traffic Management Plan
Time Restrictions
Standard Hours
If work is taking place in the boulevard and the road shoulder where live lanes are not being affected, including the parking of vehicles, there are no time restrictions unless it is indicated on your permit. All work taking place after 7 p.m. requires a noise bylaw exemption from the local Municipality. If the shoulder or live lanes of traffic are being affected, standard hours to work on the Regional road allowance have been set to avoid interfering with peak traffic times. Occupancy will only be permitted without penalty during the following standard hours:
- Standard day time 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Standard night time 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Weekend occupancy will also be permitted without penalty from 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Monday
Peak Hours Lane Closures
Peak traffic times on Regional roads are when the volume of traffic and congestion is at its highest. It is highly recommended that lane closures during these hours be avoided when scheduling work on Regional Roads. The peak traffic hours have been identified as:
- a.m. peak hour 5 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- p.m. peak hours 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Upon review, permission to allow such closures may be granted if the impact on traffic is minimal or if the rapid completion of the work is in the public’s best interest. All peak-hour lane closures are subject to approval from Transportation Services. Road Closure and Peak hour lane closure fees will apply if approval is granted.
Traffic Management Plan
A traffic management plan is required to protect the work zone during the installation of the fixture on the road allowance and must be:
- Completed by a qualified contractor
- Following the Ministry of Transportation’s most recent Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions.
- This document is available to download on the Ministry of Transportation's Library Catalogue. Once you are on the page click on the link named, OTM Book 7 Temporary Conditions Office Edition April 2022.pdf
Traffic Plan Example
See Figure TL-6 below, to complete the information or select a more suitable traffic plan. When deciding on a traffic plan please keep in mind that all Regional roads are considered high-volume roads. If a custom traffic management plan is provided, please allow an additional two weeks for review.

A 24-hour contact for the utility company, contractor, and/or agent working on behalf of the utility company must be provided with the application and valid during the work taking place. Each contact must provide a cell phone number and be available 24 hours a day in the event of emergencies. Updates to the contact information must be provided to before taking effect.
Insurance Coverage
A valid certificate of insurance is needed for the duration of the time the permitted activity is taking place on the road allowance. All certificates must be completed by the insurance broker or insurer on the Region’s form.
For Utility companies that have Municipal Access or Franchise Agreements with the Region, insurance requirements will be as stated in the agreement document. Utilities companies that do not have an agreement with the Region will be required to meet the following insurance requirements:
Sole Proprietor/Unincorporated Partnership coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Commercial General Liability or Personal Liability with Business extension
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
Private Citizen(s) coverage must include:
- $2 million limit Personal Liability, e.g. homeowner’s liability
- $1 million limit Personal Automobile Liability
All Other Organizations coverage must include:
- $5 million limit Commercial General Liability (CGL)
- $2 million Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- $5 million Automobile Liability for vehicles registered to the organization
Utility Companies with a Municipal Access Agreement
All fees will follow the municipal access agreement between the Region and the utility company.
Utility Companies without a Municipal Access Agreement
If a municipal access agreement is not in place with the utility company all fees will be as follows:
- Permit Fee - $570
- Revision Fee - $290
- Re-Inspection Fee - $220
Road closure and Peak hour lane closure are associated with the categories illustrated on the Road Closure and Peak Hour Lane Closure Map
- Road Class 1 and 2 - $130/lane/day
- Road Class 3, 4 and 5 - $38/lane/day
Pavement degradation fees are associated with the categories illustrated on the Pavement Degradation Fee Map
- Pavement less than 2 years - $38/square meter
- Pavement 2 to 4 years - $32/square meter
- Pavement 4 to 7 years - $25//square meter
- Pavement 7 to 10 years $19/square meter
- Pavement greater than 10 years - $6/square meter
Payment options include; Visa, MasterCard or certified cheque made payable to York Region.
Frequently asked questions
Who do the fees apply to?
The permit fees apply to all applicants. This includes York Region contracts and government agencies including local municipalities, utility companies (hydro and telecommunication companies exempt under legislation and agreements) and all external contractors and companies. Fees will vary depending on permit types and other fees may apply. For more information, see the types of permits section above. Please note all fees are exempt from HST
What type of payment will the Region accept?
The Region will accept Visa, MasterCard and cheque as payment for permit fees. The permit fee must be paid before the issuance of a permit.
Do these new permit fees apply to special events and excess loads?
Fees apply to for-profit special events. However, no fee applies to special events held by a registered charitable organization. For more information, please review the special events permit details included in the types of permits section above.
Emergency repairs
If emergency repair work is needed York Region Dispatch must be notified before work starts at Roads Dispatch: 1-877-464-9675 Ext. 75200. A Corridor Control Permit application must be sent as soon as the emergency is managed.
Open roads
The Open Roads program ensures lanes remain open as much as possible, restricts lane closures and keeps congestion at a minimum around major construction projects in the Region.
Permit pickup
90 Bales Drive East, East Gwillimbury is currently closed to the public. Permits are paid online. For security deposit submission requirements please contact us at
Security deposit refund
A security deposit is needed for some types of road permits. Payment for a security deposit is accepted by Visa, MasterCard and American Express or Certified Cheque.
Please note that any refunds will be issued to the card which was originally charged unless otherwise requested.
York Region must complete a final inspection before the deposit is refunded. To arrange a final inspection, please contact us at
Related resources
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Cycling
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail
- Road Weight Restrictions
- Roads Operations
- Roundabouts
- Mailbox Damage Reimbursement
- Municipal Consent to Move or Install Utilities
- Regional Roads
- Road Use and Road Sign Permits
- Report Street Lamp Outage
- Report of Vehicle Damage
- Road Closures
- Streetscape Program
- Road Construction Schedule
- Traffic
- Transportation Demand Management
- York Region Transit (YRT)