19th Avenue
Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street
City of Richmond Hill
Construction start: Spring 2025
Anticipated completion: Summer 2027
York Region is widening and improving 19th Avenue from Bayview Avenue to Leslie Street in the City of Richmond Hill to accommodate growth and provide more travel options.

Improvements include:
- Widening the road from two to four lanes
- Building a multi-use path on the south side of the road
- Building a sidewalk on the north side of the road
- Replacing culverts
- Installing new traffic signals and streetlights

Impacts to travellers throughout the project
- Lane reductions outside of peak travel times
- One lane will be maintained in each direction
- Access will be maintained for all driveways/entrances
Travellers are encouraged to use traffic and navigation tools. York Region provides real-time traffic and road information in open data, used by many apps.
Construction update
Residents will start to see construction activity in summer 2025, starting with crews preparing work zones and installing traffic control measures.
Working hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m
Safety reminder
Please obey all work zone signs and pavement markings in active work sites. Fines for speeding double in work zones to keep workers and travellers safe.
For safety tips and more information about York Region’s Traffic Safety Program visit york.ca/TrafficSafety
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Frequently Asked Questions
What steps does York Region take before starting a road widening project?
- Work starts eight to 10 years before construction. Steps include an environmental assessment study with community consultation, road design, property acquisition, utility relocation and permit applications
- Staff coordinate work with community partners - including ministries, local cities and towns, conservation authorities, utility companies and developers
How does York Region choose which roads are widened?
Road improvements are prioritized and approved by York Regional Council in a 10-year plan. Priorities include:
- The Region’s most congested areas to provide greater capacity and more travel options
- Major employment areas to enhance access to transit and highways
- Connections to major highways and provincial investments like the subway extension
Watch the video ‘How York Regional roads are chosen for construction’ for more information.
What is a culvert?
Culverts allow water and wildlife to pass freely under the road and improve safety by preventing water from pooling on the road. Culverts are an essential part of storm water management and keep you safe.
What type of development is taking place in the area?
Housing construction is taking place in the area. Information about city planning and development is available at richmondhill.ca
General inquiries
York Region, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
Email: transportation@york.ca
After hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Cycling
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail
- Road Weight Restrictions
- Roads Operations
- Roundabouts
- Mailbox Damage Reimbursement
- Municipal Consent to Move or Install Utilities
- Regional Roads
- Road Use and Road Sign Permits
- Report Street Lamp Outage
- Report of Vehicle Damage
- Road Closures
- Streetscape Program
- Road Construction Schedule
- Traffic
- Transportation Demand Management
- York Region Transit (YRT)