Roads Operations
York Region maintains all Regional roads. To learn more about road operations in York Region, please select one of the services below.
If you would like to report a road maintenance problem, such as a pot hole, broken sign or malfunctioning traffic signal, use our Report a Problem form or contact us at:
Public Works Contact Centre
Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Toll Free: 1-877-464-9675 Ext. 75000
After Hours - Roads and Traffic Operations Centre
To report urgent matters impacting the safety of road users, such as a spill, traffic signal outage or road emergency, please call:
Toll Free: 1-877-464-9675 Ext. 75200
Asphalt Repairs
York Region regularly checks the roads for potholes or cracks and schedules repairs. During the repairs, signs and safety devices are set up around the work zone. Please obey these signs and devices and give workers room.
Watch our video below to learn more:
Bridge Maintenance
Bridges are checked regularly to ensure they are in good condition. York Region staff also provides annual cleaning and arranges necessary repairs or replacements.
Catch Basin Maintenance
Catch basins are cleaned annually. This prevents sand, silt and debris from contaminating the water supply. Damage or malfunctions identified during cleaning will be scheduled for repair.
Culvert Maintenance
York Region is responsible for maintaining driveway culverts. Once a culvert is installed and approved by The Region it is regularly cleaned out and checked for repairs.
Note: York Region is not responsible for the installation of culverts that are needed for new entrances or entrance improvements. If a property owner requires one, they must apply for one using the Road Occupancy Application Form.
Visit the Road Use and Road Sign Permits page for more information.
Declaring a Significant Weather Event in York Region

In extreme weather conditions, York Region may declare a significant weather event when:
- A weather event is approaching or occurring
- The weather hazard has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of Regional roads
- Environment Canada has issued an Alert
How does the declaration impact residents?
Residents may not notice a change in road operations compared to other winter events. York Region will be monitoring weather conditions closely, deploying all available resources to address snow and ice accumulation and make roads safe for travel.
When will York Region declare a significant weather event?
York Region may declare a significant weather event when Environment Canada issues warnings for one or more of the following conditions:
- Blizzard
- Blowing snow
- Flash freeze
- Freezing drizzle
- Freezing rain
- Snowfall
- Snow squall
- Winter storm
The declaration of a significant weather event will end when Environment Canada cancels the related warning.
Double chip seal
Double chip seal is a method used to refinish a road surface and is applied over existing gravel roads to increase stability of the road.
Watch our video below to learn more:
Drainage Improvement Program (Ditch Maintenance)
Ditches can fill in over time, especially in the spring. York Region monitors ditches and maintains them regularly by clearing out vegetation and debris.
What is the purpose of York Region roadway ditches?
To convey overland/road runoff as well as road base drainage to a pre-established drainage courses or storm sewer systems.
Who regulates the drainage courses?
Drainage courses are overseen by two respective Conservation Authorities within York Region:
Does the Region get permits to ditch along their roadway?
Yes, the Region submits permit requests to perform ditch line maintenance, including culvert replacement, along our Regional Road Right-of-Ways every other year as per the Conservation Authority requirements. Our permits do not allow for changes to existing drainage patterns, we are only permitted to maintain and/or re-establish existing drainage patterns.
Who performs the Region Ditching program?
York Region maintains its ditches using its own staff as well as some competitively bid contracted companies.
Is casting ditching material in place a common practice for York Regions program?
No, it was a pilot program that went through competitive bidding for our most rural locations to maximize our budget for ditching rather than hauling. Due to its impact on our residents, and the unpleasant appearance when complete, we have reconsidered the practice and are adding hauling to any future contracts.
Grass Cutting
During the summer York Region schedules grass-cutting along Regional roads. The number of times the grass is cut depends on the classification of the road:
- Urban: 12 cuts per year
- Rural: Two cuts per year
NOTE: Please ensure that children and pets are kept away from the machinery for safety reasons. Personal property should be kept away from the road to avoid damage.
Microsurfacing is a common and cost-effective road preservation treatment designed to treat roads with minor defects and can extend the life of a road up to eight years.
Watch our video below to learn more:
Pavement Markings
Most line and surface markings on the road are applied by York Region staff. Surface markings are generally applied from May to October. Line painting is done at least once a year. Regional roads are prioritized for line painting based on factors including safety, highest traffic volumes and traffic speeds.
Watch our video below to learn more:
Road Sign Maintenance
York Region maintains all road signs on Regional roads. All road signs that are missing or damaged are replaced or repaired.
Road Sweeping
Regional roads, boulevards and medians are swept and washed in early spring to remove dirt that builds up over winter. Road sweeping is mainly done in urban and semi-urban areas, and where pavement and gravel meet. Roads are also swept after motor vehicle accidents, spills and construction.
NOTE: For the safety of the public, developers and general contractors are responsible for keeping the Regional roads near their sites clear of mud and debris.
Shoulder Grading
York Region schedules regular shoulder grading in rural and semi-rural areas. Grading protects the edge of the pavement removing bumps, ruts or potholes.
Spring Road Maintenance
York Region recognizes that well-maintained, clean roads are very important to our residents. Each spring, Transportation Maintenance Workers are busy cleaning and repairing Regional roads and boulevards.
Watch our video below to learn more:
Windrow Services
York Region does not provide sidewalk or windrow clearing (the snow left at the bottom of a driveway after a snowplow has gone by). For more information, visit your local municipalities' website or refer to the information below:
- The Town does not have a driveway windrow removal program; however, the Town has worked with Snow Angels Canada to promote windrow removal services for residents. Learn more.
Town of East Gwillimbury
- The Town does not have a driveway windrow removal program; however, the Town has worked with several agencies to promote windrow removal services for residents. Learn more.
Town of Georgina
- The Town's Windrow Snow Clearing Program is designed to help disabled and elderly residents maintain road access from their driveways during the winter season. Learn more.
Township of King
- The Township can assist disabled and elderly residents maintain road access from their driveways during the winter season. Learn more.
City of Markham
- The City's Snow Windrow Removal Assistance Program is designed to help disabled and elderly residents maintain road access from their driveways during the winter season. Residents can download and application form.
Town of Newmarket
- The Town does not have a driveway windrow removal program. The Town understands that windrows caused by road snow plowing can be frustrating for our residents. Unfortunately, to effectively plow the road, windrows cannot be avoided. Learn more.
- Requests to change the Town's policy should be directed to
City of Richmond Hill
- The City provides windrow-clearing service for all residential driveways fronting local roadways only. Learn more.
- Requests to change the City's policy should be directed to
City of Vaughan
- The City provides windrow-clearing service for all residential driveways fronting Vaughan roadways. Learn more.
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
- Windrow Removal Assistance is available to help disabled and elderly residents maintain road access from their driveways during the winter season. Residents can download an application form.
Winter Storm Preparation and Maintenance
York Region provides 24/7 maintenance during the winter. This includes snow plowing, sanding and salting Regional roads.
Watch our videos below to learn more:
NOTE: York Region does not provide sidewalk cleaning. For more information, please contact your local municipality.
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Cycling
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Lake to Lake Cycling Route and Walking Trail
- Road Weight Restrictions
- Roads Operations
- Roundabouts
- Mailbox Damage Reimbursement
- Municipal Consent to Move or Install Utilities
- Regional Roads
- Road Use and Road Sign Permits
- Report Street Lamp Outage
- Report of Vehicle Damage
- Road Closures
- Streetscape Program
- Road Construction Schedule
- Traffic
- Transportation Demand Management
- York Region Transit (YRT)