Early Years Support Services Registry

This is a resource for health, early learning and child care professionals in York Region who wish to refer a young child or their family for support services. It provides information about programs and services available including information regarding eligibility and referral.

results found

Title Description Providers
Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.)

Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.) includes a series of wraparound supports available to early learning and child care programs to support the inclusion of all children with varying abilities. R.I.S.E. includes training and other supports, such as coaching, to build the confidence of early learning and child care professionals as they support inclusive classrooms.

R.I.S.E. encompasses all services and supports available from York Region Children's Services, including:

  • Capacity Building Support Identification Tool (CBSIT)
  • Development of a classroom plan
  • Classroom consultations
  • Positive Early Childhood Education Program (PECE) coaching
  • Classroom resources
  • Capacity building workshops
  • Community resources and referrals to community providers of services and supports, such as Children’s Mental Health agencies
  • Other funded classroom supports such as, PECE online module codes, funded training and funding for classroom assistants

R.I.S.E. services and supports can be accessed by making referrals to Inclusion Support Services. For questions about the R.I.S.E. program, please email RISE@york.ca

Resources for Inclusion Support in Early Learning Settings (R.I.S.E.)

Red Flags Guide

Red Flags is a quick reference tool to assist early years and health care professionals in knowing when and where to refer children from birth to six years of age for whom there are potential health, growth and development concerns. Red Flags will assist professionals in identifying when children could be at risk of not meeting their expected health outcomes or developmental milestones. It also includes other areas that may impact child health, growth and development due to the dynamics of parent-child interaction, such as maternal mental illness and abuse.

Red Flags Guide

Mental Health Crisis Supports

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can contact one of York Region’s community crisis lines, available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Many of the crisis-response services can be accessed via telephone, web chat, text, email and/or in-person. The mental health crisis supports listed offer immediate emergency telephone counselling, usually by mental health professionals and/or trained volunteers.

Development Checklist

The Looksee Checklist by NDDS (formerly known as the Nippising District Development Screen) is a checklist providing a snapshot of a child's development until age six. It can help identify any areas where a child may need some extra help and activities to encourage development. Register children at Lookseechecklist.com for:

  • A checklist that captures a snapshot of your child’s development
  • Email reminders when it’s time to do the next checklist
  • Tips and activities to encourage a child’s development

Looksee Checklist by NDDS

Early Referral

The kit is an easy-to-use checklist that allows parents and professionals to identify developmental issues and guide them to the appropriate treatment as soon as possible. It is a system for children six months to five years of age, the years most important to a child’s development, intervention and rehabilitation.

ERIK - Early Referral and Identification Kit

Early Years Program Finder

This online tool allows parents and caregivers to search for licensed child care and EarlyON child and family programs in York Region.

Early Years Program Finder

School Boards

The York Region District School Board and the York Catholic District School Board have schools that have on-site before and after care programs operated by third party child care operators and licensed by the Ministry of Education, Quality Assurance licensing Unit.  A complete list of school locations with child care centres and/or before and after care programs and the agencies who deliver the programs is provided on their websites.

Child Care Consultation

Child care consultation service is a general consultation to support the needs of educators in planning and implementing strategies to support the needs of all children in their programs. This service provides professional development to educators around emotional, social, behavioural and self-regulation development and needs of children from birth to six years of age. To make a referral, child care supervisors must call central intake and advise the call is regarding child care consultation.

Children's Services

York Region’s Integrated Children’s Services supports children, families, child care providers and the community in providing high-quality services so children have the best start in life and grow to become part of strong communities.

Supports and services include:

  • Information on finding quality child care
  • Help paying for child care and recreation
  • Child and family programs
  • Support for child care operators

York Region Children's Services

Positive Early Childhood Education

The Positive Early Childhood Education (PECE) program was created to support the needs of caregivers in early learning settings through intervention and prevention. The program combines previously used Triple P strategies that have proven effective within the family context, and some new strategies specific to implementation in early learning settings.