Yard Waste
Please check your town or city website for your yard waste collection schedule and to find out what's accepted at the curb.
Ways to reduce your yard waste include:
- Leaf mulching
- Grass-cycling (i.e. leaving grass clipping on your lawn)
- Backyard composting
Yard waste can also be dropped off at select waste depots. Yard waste will be turned into nutrient-rich compost. Waste Depot locations, hours and fees can be found at york.ca/WasteDepots
To see if a specific item is accepted as yard waste, please use Bindicator.
What is accepted at the Yard Waste Depot
- Branches (no larger than 30 cm / 12 in. diameter and 1.8 m / 6 ft. in length)
- Christmas Tree
- Flowers and plants
- Grass clippings (Richmond Hill Compost Facility only)
- Leaves
- Shrubs
- Sod with dirt removed in small residential quantities (Richmond Hill Compost Facility only)
- Vegetable garden waste including pumpkins
- Weeds
What is not accepted at the Yard Waste Depot
- Animal waste
- Driveway and road sweepings
- Kitchen and food waste
- Rocks
- Rootballs
- Soil and clean fill
- Stumps
Drop-off locations
York Region residents can drop off excess yard waste generated within York Region for a fee at these waste depot locations in York Region:
- Georgina Transfer Station, Household Hazardous Waste and Recycling Depot
- McCleary Court Community Environmental Centre
- Richmond Hill Compost Facility
For curbside collection, please contact your city or town.
Frequently asked questions and tips
What type of bags can I use to drop off yard waste?
Kraft paper bags are acceptable. Plastic bags are not accepted. Plastic bags with yard waste in them need to be emptied at the depot site and disposed of.
How can I reduce the amount of yard waste I generate?
Try these helpful tips:
- Compost your yard waste in a backyard composter
- Practice grass cycling by leaving your grass clippings on your lawn
- Mulch leaves for use in your gardens
Related Resources
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Environmental Health
- Forests
- Garbage and Recycling
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
Water and Wastewater
- Beach Water Testing
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Drinking Water Quality and Monitoring
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant
- Inflow and Infiltration
- Mobile Drinking Water Trailer
- Municipal Water Supply
- Outdoor Water-Use Bylaws
- Private Well Water Testing
- Sewer Use Permits
- Small Drinking Water System Operators
- Student Water Conservation Programs
- Upper York Sewage Solutions
- Wastewater Collection and Treatment
- Water and Wastewater Construction Projects
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan