Court Feedback
York Region Court Services is committed to providing efficient, professional and courteous customer service. We are continually looking for ways to improve our standards and enhance the customer experience. Whether you wish to acknowledge a positive experience or make a suggestion for improvement, your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
Please take a few moments to share compliments, concerns, suggestions and comments using our feedback form. The form allows you to indicate you are providing feedback specifically about Court Services, provide written feedback and make suggestions on how we can improve to better meet your needs.
Alternatively, please e-mail and someone will acknowledge receipt of your email within two business days.
Next Steps
A court service representative will contact you within two business days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint, outline the complaint process and provide contact details
An assessment and investigation into your complaint will be conducted in a private and confidential manner. This normally involves following up with appropriate staff, reviewing relevant policies, procedures and laws
You will receive a response to your complaint within 15 business days of sending you our acknowledgement
We are committed to resolving problems as efficiently and effectively as possible in a fair and transparent manner
Please note that Court Services staff cannot comment on decisions made by the judiciary. For information on complaints involving the judiciary, please contact The Justice of the Peace Review Council in writing or by fax. Please visit Justices of the Peace Review Council for more information.
The Justice of the Peace Review Council P.O. Box 914
1 Queen Street East, Box 65
Toronto, Ontario, M5C2W5
416-327-2339 (Fax)