Community Data Resources
York Region’s communities are constantly changing. The Regional Municipality of York has created many resources to describe the changes taking place and that provide demographic and socio-economic information about our communities. These resources are based on data collected by Statistics Canada as well as other community data sources such as the Early Development Instrument (EDI). The Regional Municipality of York and community organizations use the information to:
- Plan local programs and services
- Recognize and assess community needs.
- Understand and respond to demographic trends
Community Partners
The creation of Community Data Resources is made possible through partnerships between various government agencies and community organizations.
The York Region Data Consortium purchases socio-economic and demographic data to give residents and community organizations access to social data and analyses. The Consortium is chaired by Nation Cheong, Vice President, Community Opportunities and Mobilization, United Way Greater Toronto. The members of the York Region Data Consortium include:
- City of Markham
- City of Richmond Hill
- City of Vaughan
- Mackenzie Health
- Regional Municipality of York
- Township of King
- Town of Aurora
- Town of East Gwillimbury
- Town of Georgina
- Town of Newmarket
- Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
- United Way Greater Toronto
- YMCA of Greater Toronto
- York Catholic District School Board
- York Region District School Board
- York Regional Police
- York University Institute for Social Research
Related Resources
- Statistics and Data Resources
- Census and Demographic Data
- Early Development Instrument (EDI)
- York Region Open Data
- Demographic Maps for York Region Population
- Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet)’s Community Data Program
- Understanding the Numbers: Working Together to Prevent, Reduce and End Homelessness in York Region
- Accessibility
- Bylaws
- Careers
- Community Outreach
- Contact Us
- Council and Committee
- Emergencies
- Fees for Service
- Finances
- Local Municipalities
- Municipal Election
- Permits
Plans, Reports and Strategies
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Archaeological Management Plan
- Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan
- Climate Change Action Plan
- Community and Annual Reports
- Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
- Corporate Asset Management
- Strategic Plan
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Employment and Industry Report
- Energy Reporting
- Greening Strategy
- Growth and Development Review
- Healthy Built Environment
- Housing Solutions: A place for everyone
- Integrated Waste Management Master Plan
- Long Term Water Conservation Strategy
- Plan to Support Seniors
- Transportation Master Plan
- Water and Wastewater Master Plan
- York Region Paramedic Services Master Plan
- Sustainable Mobility Plan
- Privacy and Disclaimer
- Provincial Offences Tickets
- Regional Property Taxes
- Regional Services
- Report a Problem
- Resources
- Senior Management
- Statistics and Data
- Traffic Camera Enforcement
- Vision