YorkSafe Inspection Reports
YorkSafe is an inspection reporting program. You can locate and look up the most current inspection reports of your favourite establishments such as restaurants, pools, whirlpools, wading pools, splash pads, small drinking water systems, child care centres, before and after school programs, recreational camps and personal service settings.

Green Proof of Public Health Inspection signs are given to establishments that pass inspections. A sticker on the sign shows whether or not a food establishment has at least one certified food handler on-site at the time of inspection. Red Closed signs are given to establishments that do not pass inspection and pose an immediate health hazard.
Search YorkSafe
Disclaimer: The YorkSafe website contains information about premises inspections conducted over the past two years. By using this page you accept the terms of use.
Current Inspection Reports
Benefits of YorkSafe
There are many benefits to the YorkSafe inspection reporting program:
- Transparent inspection process
- Learn the inspection results for an establishment and make an informed decision to attend the establishment
- Know the date of an establishment’s last inspection
- Attract more visitors to your establishment by passing a health inspection and displaying the green Proof of Public Health Inspection sign
Frequently Asked Questions
What is YorkSafe
YorkSafe is York Region's enhanced public health inspection reporting program that discloses the results of routine inspections, complaint inspections and re-inspections. Public Health Inspectors check a variety of establishments in York Region to ensure they are meeting minimum public health requirements. YorkSafe allows inspection results to be easily shared with the public. The YorkSafe program includes food establishments, small drinking water systems, recreational water facilities such as public swimming pools, child care centres, before and after school programs, recreational camps, personal services settings such as hair salons, tattoo studios and spas. At the end of each routine inspection, complaint inspection and re-inspection establishments are provided with a YorkSafe "Proof of Public Health Inspection" sign. Establishments can post "Proof of Public Health Inspection" signs by their main entrance.
What does 'Pass' mean?
A pass means that:
- No infractions have been noted at the time of inspection; OR
- Infractions may have been noted, however the number and/or type of infractions identified do not represent an immediate risk to the health of the public under the Health Protection and Promotion Act
- A re-inspection may occur if infractions need to be corrected. Sometimes minor issues noted during the inspection do not have to be addressed until the next routine inspection.
- Health hazards that may have been noted during the inspection have been eliminated. An establishment can still receive a green sign if there are infractions
Are there any establishments that are exempt from the YorkSafe program?
Some food service establishments will be exempt from the YorkSafe program. These establishments include: farmers' market vendors, special event vendors and hot lunch/milk programs.
What does an inspector look for during a public health inspection?
Public Health inspectors inspect a variety of facilities. See what they look for during an inspection.
How can I lodge a complaint against an inspected facility I see on YorkSafe?
Public health complaints can be made against an establishment inspected by York Region by contacting York Region Health Connection at:
- 1-800-361-5653, TTY 1-866-252-9933
- Health.Inspectors@york.ca
All complaints will be investigated, however only substantiated complaints are posted on the YorkSafe site. This means that only complaints that have been investigated and the results of that complaint investigation reveal that the issue was valid will appear on the YorkSafe site.
Related Resources
- Infection Prevention Resources
- Application to Open a Small Drinking Water System
- Small Drinking Water System Operator Designation Form
- Application to Operate a Recreational Water Facility
- Request for Inspection of Seasonal Farm Workers' Housing
- Notice of Intention: New Personal Service Settings Operation; Additional Services; Construction
Video: YorkSafe Potential Health Risks
- Breastfeeding
- Cancer
- Dental
- Environmental Health
- Food Safety
- Health Information Line - Health Connection
Health Professionals
- Announcements and Resources
- COVID-19 Information for Health Professionals
- Cannabis
- Child Growth and Development
- E-Newsletter for Health Care Professionals
- Early Years Support Services Registry
- Health Statistics and Reports
- Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Management
- Information for Dental and Other Health Professionals and Educators
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Monkeypox
- Quitting Smoking
- Sexual Health and Blood Borne Infections Information
- Substance Use and Harm Reduction Information for Health Professionals
- Tuberculosis
- Vaccination Information for Healthcare Professionals
- Healthy Schools
- Immunizations
- Infectious Diseases and Prevention
- Injury Prevention
- Inspections, Investigations and Monitoring
- Long-Term Care and Supports
- Nutrition
- Paramedic Services
- Child Growth and Development
- Children with Special Needs
- EarlyON Child and Family Centres
- Family Violence
- Feeding Babies and Young Children
- Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program
- Mental Health and Wellness in Pregnancy and Parenthood
- Parenting Education and Support
- Positive Discipline
- Prenatal and Newborns
- Transition to Parenting
- Physical Activity
- Prenatal and Newborns
- Sexual Health
- Substance Use