Housing Providers Resources

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Title Description Additional Language
Notice of Rent Subsidy Change and Overpayment of Subsidy - Tenants Letter template for notifying tenants of increase or decrease in RGI and the overpayment of subsidy
Notice to Divest Property Letter template for notifying tenants/members of requirement to divest property
Notice to Increase to Market Housing Charge - Co-operative Members Letter template for notifying co-operative members of an RGI increase to market (24 months at market)
Notice to Pursue Income Letter template to notify tenants/members of requirement to pursue income
Overhoused Notice of Decision Letter template for notifying tenants/members that they are overhoused
Regional Rent Assistance Appeal of Decision Form Provide this form to tenant/members requesting a decision review
Regional Rent Assistance Benefit Calculation Form Complete this form to calculate the Regional Rent Assistance Benefit amount
Regional Rent Assistance Guide Review this guide for information on the Regional Rent Assistance Program
Regional Rent Assistance Rent Benefit Request Form Provide this form to applicants of the Regional Rent Assistance program
Reminder Notice - Request for Information Letter template to request outstanding information from tenants/members