Housing Providers Resources

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Title Description Additional Language
Household Acknowledgment Form Provider this form to applicants to the Regional Rent Assistance program
How to Obtain a Proof of Income Statement or Notice of Assessment A step-by-step guide on how to obtain a Proof of Income Statement or Notice of Assessment
In-Situ Application Checklist Complete this form to evaluate requests for In-Situ status
In-Situ Priority Application - FAQ Refer to this fact sheet for information on In-Situ Priority
Notice of Increase to Market Rent - Tenants Letter template for notifying tenants of an RGI increase to market (24 months at market)
Notice of Ineligibility for Rent Subsidy - Co-operative Members Letter template for notifying co-operative members of their ineligibility for RGI
Notice of Ineligibility for Rent Subsidy - Tenants Letter template for notifying tenants of their ineligibility for RGI
Notice of Rent Subsidy Change - Co-operative Members Letter template for notifying co-operative members of increase or decrease in RGI
Notice of Rent Subsidy Change - Tenants Letter template for notifying tenants of increase or decrease in RGI
Notice of Rent Subsidy Change and Overpayment of Subsidy - Co-operative Members Letter template for notifying co-operative members of increase or decrease in RGI and the overpayment of subsidy