York Regional Council allocates $12.8 million to 2023 budget to further address community challenges
Newmarket – York Regional Council approved an additional $12.8 million as part of the 2023 budget to provide further support to residents impacted by homelessness, mental health and housing.
As York Region’s population continues to grow, more residents need support to address critical and complex challenges. Across York Region, rapidly rising housing costs, lack of affordable supply and a need for support services focusing on preventing and addressing homelessness and supporting residents’ mental health are increasing.
For 2023, the $12.8 million funding will be allocated to:
- $4.1 million to address urgent needs of residents experiencing homelessness
- $5.5 million to increase, sustain and enhance the community housing system
- $3.2 million to enhance the Community Investment Fund to address gaps in critical community services, including mental health and supports for sex trafficking survivors
A complete list of the proposed projects is available here.
As part of Regional Council’s commitment, through the Pandemic Management and Recovery Reserve Fund, a total of $51 million will be funded to this important work over the 2023 - 2026 term of Council. The equivalent of an additional 1% tax levy increase for community needs will be drawn from Regional funding reserves, avoiding an additional tax levy in 2023.
The additional funding aligns with the recently approved York Region Strategic Plan, specifically in the area of Healthy Communities. It also helps meet the priorities and outcomes identified in Housing Solutions: A Place for Everyone, York Region’s 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan and the 2021 to 2024 Housing York Inc. Plan.
Using reserve funding for operating expenditures is not sustainable in the long term and staff will report back to Council through the 2025 budget on program outcomes and options for permanent and sustainable funding.
Although Council has made significant investments to increase the supply of community housing, additional investments are needed to address these challenges to help reduce homelessness and to address other gaps in the system of community supports.
York Region will continue to advocate senior levels of government for increased investment in areas of federal and provincial responsibility, such as for mental health and human trafficking.
The Regional Municipality of York consists of nine local cities and towns and provides a variety of programs and services to 1.2 million residents and 52,000 businesses with 636,000 employees. More information about the Region’s key service areas is available at york.ca/regionalservices
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Media Contact:
Eman Ali, Corporate Communications, The Regional Municipality of York
Phone: 289-231-1318,