Pay an Automated Traffic Penalty
Traffic violations such as driving through a red light or driving over the speed limit on York Regional roads may result in receiving an automated ticket or fine called a penalty order.
The Administrative Penalties Tribunal is York Region’s process to pay or dispute penalty orders (tickets) resulting from automated red light cameras, automated speed enforcement cameras and other bylaw violations. Currently, red light camera violations are being processed through the Provincial Offences Courts but will be transitioned to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal soon.
You will need your penalty order number and vehicle licence plate information.
1. Pay the Penalty Order
You must pay within 30 days of the deemed service date listed on your penalty order.
Pay online
Visa or Mastercard
Pay in-person
York Region Administrative Penalty Tribunal
Address: 17150 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor, Newmarket
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.
Pay by telephone 1-888-448-0000
Staff can help you make a credit card payment over the phone.
2. Dispute the Penalty Order
To dispute your penalty order, you must submit a screening review request within 30 days of the deemed service date listed on your penalty order.
Submit a screening review request
To request a screening review, you need:
- Penalty order number
- Registered vehicle licence plate information
Include in your request:
- Why the penalty order should be reviewed
- How much additional time is needed to pay the penalty order in full (if applicable)
- Any supporting documents
Request a screening review extension
If you need more time to prepare for your screening review, you can ask for an extension. A screening officer will review your request and documents.
If 30 days have passed and you believe you have a good reason for missing the deadline, you can request an extension. The screening officer will decide if your request is approved.
Request a screening review or extension
Missed screenings or hearings
If you miss your scheduled screening or hearing, the penalty order will be confirmed and an additional $60 fee will be added to the amount due.
You may request a hearing officer review if you are dissatisfied with the screening review decision
To request a hearing review, you need:
- Penalty order number
- Vehicle license plate information
Include in your request:
- Why you feel the Screening Officer’s decision was unreasonable
- Any supporting documents
- If 30 days have passed and you believe you have a good reason for missing the deadline, you can ask for an extension
Frequently Asked Questions
How to prepare for a screening review
Book Your Screening Review Online
- Book within 30 days of the deemed service date on your penalty order
- Choose a written or virtual/phone screening review
- If you require an accommodation and need an in-person review, select this option and staff will help you
Gather Your Evidence
Prepare all documents, photos, and supporting information for your Screening Review Request
Authorization (if applicable)
If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle, complete the authorization section online to act as an agent for the vehicle owner
Understand the Screening Officer’s Role
Screening Officers are York Region staff who review your request and evidence. They can confirm, cancel or give more time to pay the penalty order.
Contact Information
For any questions or to request accessible accommodation, contact the Administrative Penalty Tribunal at or by telephone (1-888-448-0000)
How to prepare for a hearing review
Book Your Hearing Review Online
Submit a hearing review request within 30 days of receiving the screening officer’s decision.
Request an Extension (if needed)
If you need more time to prepare for your hearing, submit a request within 30 days of receiving the Screening officer's decision. The Hearing Officer will decide if your request is approved.
Authorization (if applicable)
If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle, complete the authorization section online to act as an agent for the vehicle owner.
Understand the Hearing Officer’s Role
The Hearing Officer is an independent adjudicator, not a York Region employee. They can cancel, confirm or give you more time to pay the penalty order. Their role is to review the Screening Officer’s decision, not new evidence.
Contact Information
For any questions or accessible accommodation, contact the Administrative Penalty Tribunal at or by telephone (1-888-448-0000).
Other general questions
Where can I find out more information about camera locations and calibration?
Learn more about Automated Speed Enforcement.
What happens if I don’t pay the penalty order?
If you don’t pay or commence a dispute option within 30 days, your Ontario vehicle plate permit may not be renewed, and you may face additional fees. Plate renewal can only happen once all penalties and fees are paid.
More information on screening reviews
What is a Screening Officer?
Screening Officers are York Region staff who review your request and the reasons for the screening. They can confirm (keep as is), extend payment time or cancel the penalty order.
How are screening reviews conducted?
You can choose to have your review in writing by email (quickest), virtually, by phone, or in person if you require an accommodation. Screening reviews are conducted during business hours. Each review is 15-minutes, and you need an online appointment.
Can I request an in-person screening review?
If you can only attend in person due to a physical, medical, or other limitation, please request accommodation in advance. Contact us at or 1-888-448-0000.
Will the Administrative Penalty Tribunal provide language interpreters?
No, you need to provide your own interpreter if required.
What should I do if I am not the registered vehicle plate owner of the photographed vehicle?
If you are not the registered vehicle plate owner, you must complete the Authorized to Act on Behalf section. Only those over the age of 16 years can be authorized to act on behalf of the registered vehicle owner.
What happens if I fail to appear for my screening review?
If you fail to appear for a screening review, a $60 Non-Appearance Fee will be added to your penalty order.
What is the role of the Screening Officer?
The Screening Officer will review the penalty order and the evidence you provided. They may cancel, extend payment time, or confirm (keep as is) the penalty order.
How will I receive the Screening Officer’s decision?
You will get the Screening Officer's decision by email.
What if I feel that the Screening Officer's review decision was unreasonable?
If you feel the screening review decision was unreasonable, you can request a hearing review. This option will be included in your screening decision email.
What happens if I don’t pay the amount set out in the screening decision?
If you don’t pay or request a hearing review within 30 days of the due date, your Ontario vehicle plate permit will not be renewed. Renewal will only happen once all penalties and fees are paid.
More information on hearing reviews
How do I request a hearing review?
You must submit a hearing review request within 30 days of receiving the Screening Officer’s decision.
Can I request an extension for the hearing review request?
Yes, you can request an extension within 30 days of getting the Screening Officer's decision and if you believe you have a good reason.
What if I am not the registered vehicle plate owner of the photographed vehicle?
If you are not the registered vehicle plate owner but plan to attend a hearing review, you must complete the Authorized to Act on Behalf Section when you are completing your request online. Only those over the age of 16 years can be authorized.
Who is the Hearing Officer?
A Hearing Officer is an independent adjudicator, not a staff member of York Region. They may cancel, extend payment time, or confirm (keep as is) the penalty order.
What is the role of the Hearing Officer?
The Hearing Officer reviews the screening decision and can cancel, extend payment time, or confirm (keep as is) the penalty order.
Is the Hearing Officer’s decision final?
Yes, the Hearing officer's decision is final. There are no further options through the Administrative Penalty Tribunal.
Can I request an in-person hearing review?
If you can only attend in person due to a physical, medical, or other limitation, please request accommodation in advance. Contact or 1-888-448-0000.
Related resources
- View a sample penalty order to confirm what type of ticket you have to pay
- Bylaw No. 2024-37 Administrative Penalty System for Contraventions Detected using Camera Systems
- Bylaw No. 2024-38 A Bylaw to Establish an Administrative Penalty Tribunal and to Establish the Roles of Screening and Hearing Officers
- O. Reg. 355/22: Administrative Penalties For Contraventions Detected Using Camera Systems
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