York Region Recognizes International Day to Combat Islamophobia
York Regional Council and The Regional Municipality of York join municipalities and nations across the world in recognizing International Day to Combat Islamophobia.
At a time when hate speech, discrimination and violence are prevalent around the world, International Day to Combat Islamophobia provides an opportunity to recognize, call out and oppose faith-based discrimination, Islamophobia and other forms of hatred.
As one of the fastest growing and most diverse communities in Canada, York Region remains committed to building welcoming and inclusive communities that recognize and celebrate all dimensions of diversity. Our diversity is a source of economic vitality. It contributes to the rich cultural fabric of our communities and serves as a reminder we all have an obligation to combat discrimination and build a more inclusive York Region.
Since 2011, York Region has seen a 47% increase in our Muslim population, yet these residents continue to experience hostility and intolerance by means of threats, harassment, abuse, incitement and intimidation. In fact, according to the latest hate crime data from York Regional Police, residents of Muslim faith report the second highest incident rates of hate-based crime.
Islamophobia has no place in our communities and we must continue to work together to help all residents feel safe.
Today, and every day, we must all do our part to promote tolerance, peace and interfaith harmony across our communities and build a York Region that is welcoming to all.
Wayne Emmerson
York Region Chairman and CEO
Media Contact:
Corporate Communications, The Regional Municipality of York
1-877-464-9675, ext. 71234