York Regional Council – Thursday, April 27, 2023
Live streaming of the public session of Council and Committee of the Whole meetings is available on the day of the meeting from 9 a.m. until the close of the meeting. Past sessions are also available at york.ca/councilandcommittee
York Region population steadily increases as development continues to drive growth
York Regional Council received an update on York Region’s growth and development trends through the annual Growth and Development Review. The report provides an update on population, building activity, construction value and other important indicators of economic vitality and community building.
Highlights from the Growth and Development Review 2022:
- Total population growth of 11,300 people in 2022 to 1,239,500 residents, a 0.9% increase over 2021
- A $4.3 billion estimated construction value for all sectors
- A 4.9% increase in non-residential building permit construction value, reaching a 20-year high of $1.7 billion
- A total residential construction value of $2.6 billion, which remains aligned with the Region’s 10-year average
- 5,264 homes completed in 2022, comprised of 39% apartments, 38% single detached and 23% semi-detached and townhomes
- A continued increase in resale home prices with a 42% in total number of resale units, demonstrating a shift in York Region’s housing market
- A 24% increase in development charger collected, the highest level collected in the last five years
York Region continues to recover from employment losses through the COVID-19 pandemic and shows resiliency for future job creation, with an estimate of 615,760 jobs delivered through over 33,000 businesses surveyed through the Region’s Employment Survey in 2022. Unemployment rates have also improved at 4.2% as of December 2022, down from 6.4% at mid-year 2022. These numbers support the York Region Official Plan goal of one job for every two residents is being met.
The annual Growth and Development Review helps inform how York Region plans for provided services and infrastructure to ensure all residents are accommodated. The review also supports policy development, research, population targets and housing initiatives.
York Region makes $377 million investment in roads and transit with more than 240 projects planned for 2023
Regional Council approved $377 million to continue enhancing and maintaining the Regional road and transit system in 2023, contributing to an overall $3.9 billion in transportation projects over the next 10 years.
This investment is part of the 2023-2033 Public Works 10-Year Capital Plan, which is comprised of a total $2.15 billion to add capacity to the Regional transportation and transit networks and $1.75 billion for roads and transit asset management.
To enhance roads and transit, construction work on 92 projects is planned this year. Projects include:
- Road widening, rehabilitation and intersection improvements
- Mid-block crossings over 400-series highways
- Bridge and culvert rehabilitation
- Transit terminal and upgrades to operations maintenance facilities
- Transit fleet electrification
This builds on work completed in 2022, with $281.9 million invested in road and transit projects across the Region. Projects included road widening, intersection improvements, new cycling lanes and transit facilities.
For more information and a list of construction projects happening across the Region, visit york.ca/roadconstruction
York Region Transit system enhancements continue as ridership rises after COVID-19 pandemic
Regional Council received an update on York Region Transit’s (YRT) 2022 system performance, highlighting continued reliability throughout changing travel patterns and increasing travel demand.
In 2022, YRT continued to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic with revenue ridership increasing to 15.5 million in 2022 compared to 9.4 million in 2021. Ridership is expected to continue to rise and return to pre-pandemic levels of 22.3 million over the next several years.
Enhancements to YRT in 2022 included:
- Refurbishing 48 buses through asset management programs
- Replacing 63 concrete bus stop pads, installing 21 new pads, upgrading 11 bus shelters and installing 22 new shelters throughout the Region
- Adding two new electric buses into service in support of the Transit Bus Fleet Electrification Plan, converting all YRT buses to zero-emission technology by 2047
- Opening of Cornell Bus Terminal and Major Mackenzie West Terminal
- Piloting solar-powered technology for passenger information screens
- Continuing to advance the Yonge North Subway Extension into York Region and associated transit-oriented communities
Fare and service integration continues to be a priority through collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation, Metrolinx and other Greater Toronto Horseshoe Area (GTHA) transit agencies. As part of this work, in 2022 the Ride-to-GO program was improved to allow free travel on YRT to and from GO Transit.
YRT operates a family of services, including rapid transit, conventional, Mobility On-Request and paratransit. Mobility On-Request, a cost-effective and flexible service delivery model designed to provide service to travellers in lower-demand areas, continues to operate in place of 15 local conventional bus routes ensuring transit options remain available. Services, schedules and routes are regularly monitored and adjusted to meet customer demand.
Key water and wastewater infrastructure projects underway to support growth in York Region
Regional Council received an update on the status of key waster and wastewater capital infrastructure projects required to support future growth and ensure the existing system is maintained in a state of good repair.
To support the water and wastewater system, 62 active construction projects are currently underway throughout York Region. Key projects include:
- Completing upgrades at the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant and twinning the primary trunk sewer as part of the York Durham Primary Sewage System
- Providing infrastructure solutions to support growth in the Towns of Aurora, East Gwillimbury and Newmarket
- Progressing designs for Northeast and West Vaughan Servicing Projects to meet advanced construction timelines
- Designing additional water and wastewater servicing projects in the Township of King
- Completing wastewater servicing construction in the Cities of Richmond Hill and Markham in advance of the Yonge North Subway Extension
- Designing the Sutton Water Resource Recovery Facility expansion in the Town of Georgina
- Supporting Peel Region and City of Toronto cost-shared projects
Infrastructure rehabilitation and replacement projects to maintain current service levels are critical for a sustainable system into the future. York Region proactively manages and maintains existing infrastructure to ensure reliability and compliance with all regulatory requirements, balanced with construction of new water and wastewater infrastructure to support a growing community.
For more information visit york.ca/waterconstruction
Integrated Management System drives improvement and mitigates risk
York Region’s 2022 Integrated Management System Update Report for Water, Wastewater and Waste Management shares the effectiveness of our management system and summarizes key strategies to mitigate service delivery risk. With the Integrated Management System, York Region reduces its operational impacts on the environment, supports quality drinking water and continually improves processes.
Highlights from this year’s Integrated Management System update include:
- The Integrated Management System is mature, well-established and provides a structured approach to risk mitigation and continual improvement
- Audits performed at water, wastewater and waste management facilities provided valuable insight into delivery of the Region’s services and resulted in enhanced operational performance and regulatory due diligence
- In 2022, water, wastewater and waste management operations participated in three extensive multi-site external audits, which resulted in zero non-conformities and successful re-accreditation to Drinking Water Quality Management Standard
In 2022, the Integrated Management System policy was updated to reflect the importance of digital initiatives and was redesigned and displayed at all registered water, wastewater and waste management facilities.
York Region was the first organization in North America to apply International Organization for Standardization’s Environmental Management Standard (ISO 14001) to a wastewater system, which sets out criteria and a framework an organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system.
York Region’s population growth is third highest in Ontario over past five years
York Region’s 2021 Census data was released in 2022 on topics including population, households and housing, immigration, ethnocultural diversity and many others.
Highlights on York Region’s growth as monitored by the 2021 Census include:
- A 5.7% growth rate between 2016 and 2021, third highest growth rate in Ontario
- A diversified housing stock with growth in multi-unit homes outpacing growth in single-detached homes in 2021
- Growth driven by immigration, with 47.8% of York Region residents born outside of Canada
- An increase in residents who live and work in the same municipality, representing 68% of the working population, compared to 52% in 2016
Statistics Canada’s Census collects information on the demographic and social characteristics of the population which helps inform how the Region plans for services and infrastructure alongside other reports like the Growth and Development Review.
All Census findings can be found at york.ca/census or interactively through this dashboard.
York Region’s Economic Development Action Plan continues to strengthen business community
Regional Council received a update on the 2020-2023 Economic Development Action Plan update, demonstrating York Region’s successful completion of approximately 90% of the actions identified in the plan.
All 20 action items outlined in the plan are underway and nearing completion after working closely with York Region businesses, local municipal economic development offices and various industry partners.
Highlights of initiatives and achievements under the plan in 2022 include:
- Regional business advisory services, including the York Small Business Enterprise Centre, shifted back from pandemic response to focus on business recovery and growth
- York Region participated in Toronto’s Collision Conference, showcasing the #YRtech pavilion and bringing together local municipalities, business and innovation partners; over $250 million in business investments along with 800 new jobs was announced at the conference
- Many major business investment and expansion projects announced, including Astera Labs, High QA, Loblaw and Syntronic, contributing to job growth
- Members appointed for the 2023 to 2026 term of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Advisory Committee to provide input to York Region staff on the delivery of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector Strategy
- Initial share of funding through the Region’s Innovation Investment Fund provided to ventureLAB to expand the Hardware Catalyst Initiative
Economic uncertainty still remains, though businesses in York Region are showing a steady recovery and employment is continuing to increase throughout the Region.
For more information on economic development and available resources to grow a business, visit YorkLink.ca
2022 Public Works Research and Innovation Update
York Region Public Works’ research and innovation program uses research results and innovative pilot projects to address business needs and drive efficiencies. In 2022, research and innovation projects improved insights into community health, minimized travel delays, made roads safer and advanced strategic priorities.
Research focus areas based on York Region’s Corporate Strategic Priorities include:
- Healthy Communities: Wastewater surveillance for emerging substances of concern, pedestrian and cycling intersection safety pilot, collision avoidance and pedestrian warning system for transit drivers; projects help enhance and inform public health decisions
- Sustainable Environment: Biological control for Emerald Ash Borer, tree species migration trial, new “Lendery” program at Vaughan Public library for household item borrowing; projects help protect our natural environment
- Economy Vitality: Snowplow signal system for efficient snow removal, PRESTO contactless credit card payments, circular cities and regions initiative; projects enable Regional economic activity
- Good government: Fully digitized water and wastewater monitoring, water user rate study to determine a fair and sustainable approach to water system full cost recovery, virtual public engagement; projects make effective use of Regional resources
Through strong partnerships with academics, industry experts and associations, conservation authorities and other utilities, the Region leverages funding and expertise to develop innovative solutions to improve service delivery.
York Region continues to be a leader in workplace innovation culture and evidence-based decision-making. A list of research and innovation highlights and projects is available through the 2022 Public Works Research and Innovation Update.
ventureLab continues to drive strong innovation
Regional Council received an update on innovation and job growth supported through ventureLAB, York Region’s provincially recognized Regional Innovation Centre.
York Region’s partnership with ventureLAB continues to bring value to entrepreneurs and growing companies in York Region, attracting top talent and showcasing business innovation.
Highlights of ventureLab’s 2022 results include:
- 247 registered clients, a 14% increase from 2021
- $42 million in revenues generated by ventureLAB clients
- $69.5 million in public and private sector funding
- York Region-based clients generated $16 million in revenues and an additional $5 million in public and private sector funding
- 72 new products commercialized by Hardware Catalyst Initiative companies since 2020
ventureLAB continues to support development and delivery of programs and services targeting technology-based entrepreneurs looking to start or grow a business. Since its inception in 2011, ventureLAB has helped 3,500 businesses create over 5,000 jobs across all service areas.
For more information on economic development and available resources to grow a business, visit YorkLink.ca and learn more about ventureLAB at ventureLAB.ca
York Region progresses streamlined development application and approval process
York Region is committed to streamlining the development approval process and continues encouraging partnership with all levels of government and the development industry to implement workable solutions and improve processes.
York Region received a commitment of up to $500,000 through the Provincial Streamline Development Approval Fund to facilitate process improvements for development application approvals with the end goal of increasing housing supply.
The initial $250,000 in funding has been received to date, with the remaining to be provided upon project completion. Funding has been utilized for a number or projects to date, including:
- Piloting a Collaborative Application Preparation process established with local municipal partners and conservation authorities to improve quality of development applications and support a timelier application decision process
- Enhancing YorkTrax, the Region’s digital development application and tracking system, to support planning data exchange with local municipalities
- Developing cohesive standards such as a common application form will simplify the process and improve customer experience across the Region and use resources efficiently
In addition to projects underway, York Region has asked the province to work together in partnership to continue refining the development approval process, including improving commenting times to municipalities.
All levels of government, applicants and commenting agencies need to work collaboratively towards a streamlined development review process to increase transparency, advance planning modernization and confidently work towards the provincial goal to build more homes faster.
Follow York Region’s other initiatives in housing supply at york.ca/housing
Federal Housing Accelerated Fund to support affordable housing options
Regional Council received an update on the Federal Housing Accelerator Fund, a $4 billion project designed to support the creation 100,000 shelter spaces and community, affordable and transitional housing units across Canada.
As an upper-tier municipal government, York Region does not directly hold authority over the approval of building permits and as result is ineligible for funding through the Housing Accelerator Fund. However, the Region can support and help coordinate funding applications from its nine cities and towns by providing relevant data and ensuring consistent and coordinated alignment tin local municipal approaches to addressing housing need.
Applications for the Federal Housing Accelerator Fund will open in June 2023, with approvals expected to be paid beginning in Fall 2023. Regional Council remains committed to supporting its local municipal partners through this application process and continuing to explore additional sources of funding to address housing affordability across the Region.
Speed limit reductions at 10 locations across York Region will increase traveller safety
Regional Council approved reducing speed limits at 10 locations on various Regional roads. Reductions include:
- The Queensway South from 80 metres south of Joe Dales Drive/McMillan Drive to Glenwoods Avenue in the Town of Georgina – 60 km/hr to 50 km/hr
- Weir’s Sideroad from 400 metres north of Ravenshoe Road to Old Homestead Road in the Town of Georgina – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- Lloydtown-Aurora Road from 1 kilometre east of 8th Concession to 400 metres east of 8th Concession in the Township of King – 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr
- Lloydtown-Aurora Road from 400 metres east of 8th Concession Road to Highway 27 in the Township of King – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- McCowan Road from 945 metres north of Major Mackenzie Drive East to Stouffville Road in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and City of Markham – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- Kennedy Road from 300 metres north of Major Mackenzie Drive East to 150 metres south of Stouffville Road in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and City of Markham – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- Warden Avenue from Heritage Hill Drive to Stouffville Road in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and City of Markham – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- Woodbine Avenue from 478 metres south of 19th Avenue to Stouffville Road in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and City of Markham – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- Stouffville Road from Woodbine Avenue to 700 metres west of Highway 48 in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville – 80 km/hr to 70 km/hr
- Ninth Line from 150 metres north of 16th Avenue to 200 metres north of Donald Cousens Parkway in the City of Markham – 70 km/hr to 60 km/hr
Annual review of speed limits on Regional roads and revisions are recommended and approved based on principles, including industry standards and the Regional Speed Limit Policy, which guides decisions for a consistent approach. The Highway Traffic Act gives Regional Council authority to revise speed limits under 100 km/hr.
To notify travellers of the speed limit changes, speed limit signs are placed at the beginning of each changed speed zone, and for the first 60 to 90 days include a sign on the top with the word “NEW”.
Pedestrian signal to be installed on Highway 11 in the Town of East Gwillimbury
Regional Council approved the Town of East Gwillimbury’s request for installation of a pedestrian signal on Highway 11 at The Landing (formerly Blue Door Shelter) to improve safety and connectivity. The signal will connect with a future multi-use path on the east side of Yonge Street/Highway 11 that will go from Green Lane to Sherwood Glen/Dogwood Boulevard and provide access to amenities, transit and parks.
York Region works to lower licensed child care fees for families
Regional Council received an update on the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care program, a system aiming to lower child care fees and provide more accessible child care options.
Participation by child care operators was optional and operators were required to opt-in to the system by Tuesday, November 1, 2022. In York Region, 90% of licensed child care sites opted to participate, representing over 37,000 licensed child care spaces. Parents at these sites have experienced a reduction of fees by up to 50%. By September 2025, it is anticipated child care fees for participating centres will be lowered to an average of $10 per day.
York Region is also advocating for an additional 7,372 child care spaces to be added to this program to meet the needs of our growing communities. The request is currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Education.
The Region will continue to work closely with child care operators, families and the province through the implementation of these programs to ensure the strong foundations in York Region’s system are maintained and expanded to support the learning, development and well-being of all children.
To learn more, please visit york.ca/childcare
Framework to support newcomers
Regional Council approved the framework to support the creation of the York Region 2023 to 2026 Newcomer Inclusion Plan.
Building off the success of the 2017-2021 York Region Newcomer Strategy, the new strategy will be developed with a continued focus on supporting the success of newcomers settling in York Region in areas of economic prosperity, social inclusion and healthy communities.
Using the approved framework, staff will continue working with the Newcomer Inclusion Table, local municipalities and community partners to develop the York Region 2023 to 2026 Newcomer Inclusion Plan. York Region staff will bring the 2023 to 2026 plan to Regional Council for approval in fall 2023.
More information on the Newcomer Inclusion Table is available at york.ca/NewcomerServices
Improving access to capital repair funding for community housing providers
York Region is replacing its existing capital loan program with a grant program to better address the capital repair needs of community housing providers in a more timely and efficient manner.
York Region, as Service Manager, is responsible for funding and administering community housing under the Housing Services Act, 2011; helping ensure community housing remains safe and in a good state of repair for current and future residents.
York Region’s capital loan program funds repairs for community housing providers who are unable to cover the costs through their capital reserves. Although the program has addressed repairs that would otherwise go unfunded, the loan program is cumbersome and housing providers are unable to pay back the loans without Regional subsidies.
The new grant program approved by Council helps ensure capital repairs are completed in a timely manner and protects the affordability of existing community housing units without increases in tax levy as the funding is already included in the budget.
Housing providers that receive a conditional capital grant would be required to follow Regionally established program guidelines, fill a designated number of units through the subsidized housing wait list and remain affordable for 10 years.
Visit york.ca/housing for more information.
Transforming Long-Term Care
Regional Council received an update on changes impacting the Region’s two long-term care homes, Maple Health Centre and Newmarket Health Centre.
On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, the province amended Regulation 264/22 under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021. These amendments aim to advance the plan to fix long-term care in the areas of staffing, medication management, drug administration and resident experience. Long-term care homes in Ontario will benefit from these changes to varying degrees.
York Region has been active in advocating to improve policy planning and decision-making for long-term care. Two of the changes reflect recommendations made in the Region’s submission to the province in April 2022.
Staff are developing an implementation plan aligning with the recent regulatory changes and will report to Council in Fall 2023 with the actions taken by the homes in response to the changes.
National Public Works Week
York Region is celebrating National Public Works Week from May 20 to 27, 2023 with in-person and virtual engagements. Events and programs include Paint-a-Plow contest for Grade 5 students, school tours at Regional facilities and forests, and wraps up with Family Fun Day on Saturday, May 27, 2023.
In 2022, Public Works staff worked hard to ensure public and worker safety, delivering critical services and projects, including:
- Continued COVID-19 wastewater surveillance testing
- Delivery of safe and clean drinking water which achieved a 100% water standard score
- Monitored 894 traffic controls and signals; built, operated and maintained 4,300 lane kilometres of Regional roads and infrastructure
- Completed construction of two York Region Transit bus terminals in the Cities of Markham and Vaughan
- Added two more electric buses to the transit fleet, with 180 more to be added over the next three years through federal funding
- Provided conventional York Region Transit, Viva and Mobility On-Request services
- Processed over 368,000 tonnes of waste, diverting 94% from landfills
- Repaired and added a new accessible York Regional Forest trail at Hollidge tract in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and purchased a new tract in the Town of East Gwillimbury
National Public Works Week is celebrated across North America in coordination with Canadian and Ontario Public Works Associations.
For more information visit york.ca/publicworks
National Day of Mourning
Regional Council recognized Friday, April 28, 2023, as National Day of Mourning. By lowering flags at Regional facilities, York Region paid respect to the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents.
National Immunization Week
Regional Council recognized April 24 to 30, 2023, as National Immunization Week, highlighting the importance for people of all ages to catch up on their immunizations and stop the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases.
Residents are encouraged to visit york.ca/immunizations to learn more about the available child and adult immunization programs. York Region also maintains and reviews immunization records for all children attending a licensed child care centre or school in the community.
International Guide Dog Day
Regional Council recognized Wednesday, April 26, 2023, as International Guide Dog Day, by encouraging residents to learn more about the impressive work of guide dogs in providing individuals living with a vision disability greater independence.
York Region celebrates Earth Day
Regional Council recognized Earth Day on Saturday, April 22, 2023, encouraging individuals, businesses and government organizations to take action to preserve and protect our health, families and livelihoods by Investing In Our Planet.
First celebrated on April 22, 1970, Earth Day is now a world-wide environmental movement to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth’s natural environment and support environmental protection.
As a long-standing leader in environmental protection, York Region encourages the community to celebrate Earth Day all year long by taking individual and collective actions to reduce waste, practice sustainable mobility, reduce energy consumption and protect the natural environment.
National Volunteer week
Regional Council recognized April 16 to 22, 2023 as National Volunteer Week and thanks residents across York Region who share their time, talent and energy to make our communities a better place for all.
International Day of Pink
Regional Council recognized International Day of Pink on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, by standing in solidarity in the continued fight for equity and acceptance for all.
International Day of Pink is a world-wide observance that aims to raise awareness against bullying, discrimination, homophobia and transphobia. Through endorsement of the Inclusion Charter for York Region, Regional Council remains committed to building welcoming and inclusive communities where all residents can live free from discrimination.
Celebrating Health For All on World Health Day
Regional Council recognized Friday, April 7, 2023, as World Health Day and celebrated the 75th anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO).
As part of its 75th celebration, the WHO has called on communities around the world to join them on a journey to achieve Health For All and ensure people around the world have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them without financial hardship.
York Region is not immune to the health inequities that lead to preventable illnesses and deaths. Through the Corporate Strategic Plan, Regional Council aims to improve health outcomes by focusing on the livability, healthy, safety and social well-being our communities by supporting access to high-quality health and social services.
Standing up against hate and discrimination
Following two troubling events that took place at mosques in the City of Markham between April 6 and 10, 2023, Regional Council reiterated their commitment to building a welcoming and inclusive community where diversity is celebrated and everyone can live free from discrimination.
The incidents, which took place during the holy month of Ramadan, demonstrate ongoing discrimination against York Region’s Muslim community. In denouncing these acts of hate, Regional Council calls on all residents to stand up against discrimination and help foster a safe and welcoming community for all.
World Autism Day
Regional Council recognized Sunday, April 2, 2023, as World Autism Day, which aims to increase awareness and acceptance of autism through the lived experienced of autistic people.
Through York Region Early Intervention Services, children and families living with special needs can access cost-free service and supports, including the development of individual program plans for children, skill development, service coordination and class room adaptations. Learn more at york.ca/childrensservices
Next meeting of York Regional Council
York Regional Council will meet on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 9 a.m. in the York Region Administrative Centre Council Chambers, located at 17250 Yonge Street in the Town of Newmarket. The meeting will be streamed on york.ca/live
The Regional Municipality of York consists of nine local cities and towns and provides a variety of programs and services to more than 1.2 million residents and 55,600 businesses with more than 615,000 employees. More information about the Region’s key service areas is available at york.ca/regionalservices
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Media Contact:
Kylie-Anne Doerner, Corporate Communications
The Regional Municipality of York
Phone: 1-877-464-9675, ext. 71232, Cell: 905-806-7138
Email: @email