The Regional Municipality of York
Report No. 3 of the
York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee
Meeting Held on September 12, 2018
For Consideration by
Committee of the Whole of
The Regional Municipality of York
on January 10, 2019
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, @email, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m. on September 12, 2018.
The following were in attendance:
V. Spatafora
L. Bolt, A. Dennis, S. Foglia, L. Fortnum, K. Hill, L. Hulme-Smith,
B. Lynch, F. Maggisano, S. Palombo, J. Phromratsamy,
J. Simmons, A. Tocco
K. Adeney, S. Ayres, K. Chislett, C. Clark, J. DeGagne, S. Doyle,
L. Gonsalves, T. Kirkwood, A. Lauzon (YRP), J. Mitchell,
V. Navolskyy, C. Robson, P. Thiru
Disclosures of Interest
Laurie Fortnum declared an interest in Clause 1: Presentation - Mid-Point Review of Housing Solutions: York Region's 10-Year Housing Plan, as she is employed in the Home Now program and did not participate in the discussion or vote on the item.
[Click on the title of the following Presentation to view it]
1. Mid-Point Review of Housing Solutions: York Region's 10-Year Housing Plan
The Committee received the presentation by Jody DeGagne, Manager, Housing Strategy and Program Delivery, Housing Services Branch, Community and Health Services regarding ‘Mid- Point Review of Housing Solutions: York Region's 10-Year Housing Plan’.
[Click on the title of the following Communication to view it]
2. Inclusion Charter for York Region
The Committee received the communication from Christopher Raynor, Regional Clerk dated June 29, 2018 regarding ‘Inclusion Charter for York Region’.
Other Business
3. Update on Accessibility Activities
The Committee received an update on accessibility activities from Kim Adeney, Program Manager, Accessibility, Strategies and Partnerships Branch, Community and Health Services Department, as follows:
Greater Toronto Area Accessibility Advisory Committee Joint Meeting on Accessible Transit
1. Three members of this committee attended the Greater Toronto Area Accessibility Advisory Committee joint meeting on accessible transit. There was discussion of holding similar meetings twice per year, as well as this committee hosting one of those meetings.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Independent Review
2. On August 29, 2018 York Region hosted one of five provincial public consultation sessions for the third review of the AODA, led by the Honourable David Onley.
Recruitment for York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee
3. Recruitment for six available positions on the York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee will be taking place, with applications being available from November 1 to November 30, 2018.
Volunteer Opportunities
4. Members of this committee will be able to participate in volunteer opportunities that arise between now and the establishment of the new AAC, in the capacity of a volunteer rather than a committee member.
4. Thanks from the Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee
Due to his retirement after 10 years of holding the position of Chair of the AAC, Regional Councillor Spatafora expressed his appreciation in working with the committee members, and thanked Lisa Gonsalves, Kim Adeney, Lois Davies and staff for their support and guidance over the years. Regional Councillor Spatafora highlighted the development and implementation of initiatives that have resulted in award winning best practices, as well as ensuring that York Region’s programs and services are accessible and inclusive to people of all abilities.
5. Thanks from the Accessibility Advisory Committee
Joann Simmons, on behalf of members of the AAC, expressed thanks to Regional Councillor Spatafora and staff.
The York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting adjourned at 4:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
September 12, 2018 V. Spatafora
Newmarket, Ontario Chair
C. Clark
1-877-464-9675 x71305