York Region Rapid Transit Corporation
Board of Directors
Minutes of the
Board Meeting Held on March 10, 2016
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, @email, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Board of Directors of York Region Rapid Transit Corporation met at 1:12 p.m. in Committee Room A, Regional Administrative Centre, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, Ontario. Mayor Scarpitti chaired the meeting.
Directors present:
Mayor Scarpitti, Chair
Mayor Bevilacqua, Vice-Chair
Regional Chair Emmerson
Mayor Barrow
Regional Councillor Jones
Regional Councillor Spatafora
Mayor Van Bynen
Others present:
Regional Councillor Armstrong
D. Albers, M. Cheong, N. Chipun, D. Hutson, J. Lin, P. May,
C. Ryall, B. Tam, M.F. Turner
Regional Staff:
A.M. Carroll, P. Casey, C. Clark, B. Hughes, J. Hulton,
B. Macgregor, D. Miles, B. Titherington
Disclosures of Interest
16-03 Minutes of the Board Meeting held on January 21, 2016
It was moved by Regional Councillor Spatafora and seconded by Mayor Barrow that the Board confirm the Minutes of the January 21, 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors of York Region Rapid Transit Corporation, which was Carried.
16-04 Project Status Highlights
The Board was provided with a presentation of Project Status Highlights by M.F. Turner, President, Paul May, Chief Engineer, Dale Albers, Chief Communications Officer and Carolyn Ryall, Design Chief, Infrastructure and Development. Discussion included delay claims and requests for detailed costs, including separation of costs for the Spadina Subway project and the VivaNext project along Highway 7.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Jones and seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that the Board receive the foregoing presentation, which was Carried.
[Click on the title of the following Report to view it]
16-05 Project Status Quarterly – Q3 & Q4 2015 [3.3 MB]
Mr. M. Cheong, Chief Financial Officer, presented information.
A report of the Chief Financial Officer dated March 10, 2016 was presented recommending that:
1. The attached Project Status Quarterly – Q3 & Q4 2015 report from the Chief Financial Officer be received for information.
It was moved by Regional Councillor Jones and seconded by Regional Councillor Spatafora that the foregoing recommendation be adopted, which was Carried.
16-06 Private Session
The Board resolved in private session from 1:54 p.m. to 2:32 p.m.
There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 2:32 p.m..
Mayor Scarpitti, Chair
Christopher Raynor, Assistant Secretary