COVID-19 In-Home Vaccination Registration

Online registration form self-screening questions:

COVID-19 in-home vaccination is provided in limited circumstances only to individuals who are unable to leave their home for medical appointments and meet the program eligibility criteria. Please review the following questions:

  • Are you a resident of a Long-Term Care Home or a Retirement Home?
  • Are you able to leave your home for medical appointments or other errands?

If you answered yes to either question you are not eligible for an in-home vaccination. Long Term Care Homes and Retirement Homes will arrange vaccination for their residents.
If you do not reside in a Long Term Care Home or Retirement Home and you can leave your home for medical appointments or other errands, you can receive a COVID-19 vaccine at a pharmacy, through your health care provider if they offer the vaccine or at a Public Health clinic.
If you answered no to both questions, please proceed by clicking the registration link below. You will be contacted for additional eligibility screening and registration.