Ballantrae Water Supply System Upgrades
York Region is building and upgrading our water and wastewater infrastructure to provide safe, cost-efficient and reliable water and wastewater services to the Region’s residents, businesses and communities.
Duration: Work has started and will continue to November 2025
- Upgrading the Ballantrae Water Supply System
- Upgrades will ensure continued supply of safe, quality drinking water to the community
Impacts to Travellers
- There are no planned impacts to your water or wastewater services; access to all businesses and homes will be maintained
- There may be increased construction-related traffic at the site
- Due to the nature of the work, there will be some construction-related noise from equipment and trucks and every effort to minimize this will be made
As with all construction projects, some work may be rescheduled due to weather or other conditions. York Region will provide advance notice where possible. We understand construction is disruptive; thank you for your patience while we complete this vital work. If you have any questions or concerns, staff will be pleased to respond. Contact us using any method noted below and quote “Contract RFTC-1145-23”.
Visit for more information about York Region’s water and wastewater construction projects.
Accessible formats of this notice and communication supports are available upon request.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Access York
York Region, Public Works