Dental Health Resources

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Title Description Additional Language
Basic Oral Care for School Age Children Basic Oral Care for School Age Children
Flossing Method Flossing Method
Fluoride Information Fact Sheet Fluoride Information Fact Sheet
Healthy Teeth, Healthy Kids Questionnaire for parents and caregivers and information about oral health for young children aged 18-36 months
I Have Gingivitis? I Have Gingivitis?
Oral Health for Babies and Children Oral Health for Babies and Children
Oral Piercing Information and Care Oral Piercing Information and Care
Pit and Fissure A pit and fissure sealant is a plastic coating that can be applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars.
Playing Sports… Protect Your Smile! Wear a Mouthguard Playing Sports… Protect Your Smile! Wear a Mouthguard
Preparing for Your Child's First Dental Visit Preparing for Your Child’s First Dental Visit