Development Construction Inspection
Development Construction involves construction inspection and administration for all Engineering Approval and Site Plan developments within York Region which abut, connect to or are adjacent to York Region roads and underground infrastructure. The construction inspections and contract administration are undertaken for:
- Grading and excavations
- Traffic and staging
- Drainage and sewers
- watermain installation
- Granular placement
- Sub-drain installation
- Concrete curb and gutters
- Asphalt paving
- Traffic control signals
- Street lighting
- Pavement markings and signage
- Installation of AODA features
- Concrete headwalls and retaining walls
- Sidewalks and multi-use paths
- Landscaping and enhanced streetscaping
- Environmental protection
- Protection of Regional and adjacent private property and public safety
Additionally, construction administration involves planning and managing pre-construction and site meetings, processing security reductions and releases, constructability review of proposed designs, checking of DC Credit/reimbursement quantities, ensuring liabilities are minimized, and liaising with other Regional branches to ensure the Region’s infrastructure and the safety of public are being looked after at all times.
York Region Development Application Status and Teams Dashboard
Active Development Applications currently being reviewed by York Region and assigned staff are displayed on the York Region - Development Applications Status and Teams Dashboard. It features an interactive map that can filter applications based on date received, municipality and/or the application type.
Payment Options for Fees and Securities
Payment of Fees
To make a payment, please use the following options:
- Send all cheques through mail or courier outlining the file number and applicant's name
- Drop-off cheques at 17250 Yonge Street — use Drop Box at the north facing entrance doors and e-mail noting drop-off
Use wire or electronic fund transfer — e-mail for details
Delivery of Security Deposit
Security Deposit may be in the form of a letter of credit or a certified cheque.
To deliver a letter of credit or a certified cheque, please use the following options:
- Send letter of credit or certified cheque through mail or courier outlining the file number and applicant's name
- Drop-off letter of credit or certified cheque 17250 Yonge Street — use Drop Box at the north facing entrance doors and e-mail noting drop-off
Development Engineering Design and Construction Guidelines and Standards
Development consultants and contractors undertaking work within the Regional Road allowance should consult the following resources:
- Refer to Road Construction Design Guidelines and Standards for Road Design Guidelines, CAD Standards, Standard Drawings (Civil, Electrical, Streetscape, Transit, Utility), Specifications and Development Charge Credits
- The Mid and High Rise Development Process and Implementation Guide provides guiding principles, standards and checklists for mid and high density development applications in the Region’s built-up areas, particularly in the Centres and Corridors, and also for Site Plan applications in general. Please note Section 23 has been updated
- Visit the Streetscape Program page for streetscape and landscape design requirements and standards
To access the Ontario Provincial Standards for Roads and Public Works, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Transportation Ontario Provincial Standards Volume page.
Construction Related Financial Requirements
Security Reduction Requirements
Reductions in security deposit, to a minimum of 15% of the original security deposit or $20,000.00, whichever is greater, may be authorized after a site inspection has confirmed works have been constructed as per approved drawings and any other Regional requirements have been satisfied. The reduced balance will then be retained for a period of two years for maintenance and lien claim purposes. Below is a list of items required as part of a security reduction request:
- Letter from Applicant/Consultant requesting security reduction.
- Letter from the Consultant confirming that the works are completed as per the certified “As-built” drawings, including CCTV video on USB, and an inspection report of all newly constructed sewers and watermains within the Regional right-of-way.
- Digital copy of “As-built” drawings to be submitted from the Applicant/Consultant in pdf format. Physical drawing submissions will no longer be accepted.
- Final Geotechnical Consultant certification in the Regional right-of-way, including material testing, mix design analysis, compaction results, and reports, if applicable.
- Notarized/Stamped Statutory Declaration (using York Region standard form) signed by the Applicant and Commissioner of Oaths.
- Certificate of Substantial Performance issued by Consultant.
- Ontario Land Surveyor’s certificate and legal survey drawings confirming that all survey monuments have been verified or replaced and there are no encroachments of features/signs/stairs/steps/fences and other structures pertaining to the development frontage, if applicable.
- Verification that land conveyance has been completed and registered to York Region, if applicable.
- Landscape Architect’s certificate confirming that all landscaping has been completed in the field and constructed as per the approved landscape drawings, if applicable.
- Letter from a Professional Engineer confirming that the noise attenuation features installed meet the approved noise study and are in conformance with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change guidelines and Region Noise Policy, if applicable.
- Copy of executed Site Plan/Subdivision Agreement (first and last pages of signed agreement) confirming that lands have been conveyed and environmental conditions cleared, if applicable.
- Copy of certified cheque used to pay for the 10 Year Traffic and Pedestrian Signal Maintenance Fee, if applicable to the proposed intersection(s).
- Verification that the Certificate of Insurance (COI) is currently valid and compliant (using York Region standard form).
- Confirmation that all required reserves have been lifted and all related legal processing fees have been paid.
Security Release Requirements
Prior to authorizing the final release of any remaining securities, a final inspection must be carried out and the above-noted security reduction requirements must be cleared. If the Region issues a deficiency list after the final inspection, the owner shall rectify the deficiencies within a maximum period of 90 days of non-winter weather. If the owner fails to rectify the deficiencies within this period, then the Region may draw upon any or all of the remaining securities once this period has passed. Below is a list of requirements to obtain a security release:
- Letter from Applicant/Consultant requesting final security release
- Notarized Statutory Declaration signed by the Applicant
Release of security is subject to final clearance from other Regional Branches.
Additional Notes for Security Reduction and Release
- Electronic/digital copies of all above documents to be provided in PDF format. Documents shall be submitted via email, DVD or USB to the appropriate Development Construction Coordinator.
- All required documents shall be submitted as a complete package. Piecemealed submissions will not be accepted.
- Security Reductions and Releases may be subject to final clearance from other Regional Departments and other requests from Development Engineering as necessary.
- Inspections by Regional Staff must be conducted and cleared prior to granting of Security Reductions or Releases.
- Security Release requests will not be accepted unless the works under the Regional approval have reached total performance.
- The above applicable information is to be provided to the appropriate Development Construction Coordinator with reference to the York Region file numbers on all requests.
Related Resources
- Development Teams Contact List
- Development Applications Submission Checklist
- 2025 Development Applications Fees
- Mid and High Rise Development Process and Implementation Guide
- Standard Development Construction Practices for Work on Regional Roads
- Security Reduction and Release Requirements
- Blank Statutory Declaration
- Compliance Documentation for Connecting New Watermains to Regional Infrastructure
- Track the Status of Development Applications
External Resources
- Assistance for Businesses
- Assistance for Non-profits
- Doing Business With York Region
Economic and Development Services
Land Development
- Call Before You Dig – Locates
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Development Application Supporting Studies
- Development Charges
- Development Construction Inspection
- Development Engineering Review
- Development Financial and Servicing Incentives
- Development Planning Review
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Land Development Legal Services
- Non-Potable Groundwater Requests
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
- Road Design Drawing Storage and Retrieval
- Source Water Protection Permit
- Streetscape Program
- Supporting Regional Growth
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Assistance for Businesses
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Things to do in York Region
Land Development
- Information for Investors
- Water Saving and Protection Incentives For Businesses