Development Planning Review
York Region reviews and comments on development applications submitted under the Planning Act and is responsible for ensuring Provincial planning regulations and Regional interests are protected.
All development applications are received, processed and circulated by the local municipality. Contact the appropriate local municipality regarding their application process:
Town of Aurora, Town of East Gwillimbury, Town of Georgina, Township of King, Town of Newmarket, City of Markham, City of Richmond Hill, City of Vaughan and Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville.
York Region assumes different roles for each application type:
- Commenting agency on zoning bylaw amendments, draft plans of subdivision and condominium, site plans, consents and minor variance applications, applications to amend the Minister’s Zoning Order and Parkway Belt West Plan all local Official Plans and Official Plan Amendment applications
- Engineering approvals for any work within the Region's right-of-way or impacting Regional infrastructure related to development (e.g. road, water, wastewater infrastructure, access, utilities)
Please forward any questions regarding York Region development review and approvals to Contact the appropriate local municipality regarding development application submission process.
York Region Development Application Status and Teams Dashboard
Active Development Applications currently being reviewed by York Region and assigned staff are displayed on the York Region - Development Applications Status and Teams Dashboard. It features an interactive map that can filter applications based on date received, municipality and/or the application type.
Getting Started
- Review our development application submission checklist for detailed requirements
- Learn about our review fees
- Contact the York Region development teams if you have questions
All submissions must be submitted digitally through
Regional Development Charges
All new developments in York Region are required to pay Development Charges. For Zoning by-law amendment and Site Plan applications, the applicant is required to execute an Agreement with York Region stating the date at which Development Charge rates are frozen for the development proposal.
Payment Options for Fees and Securities
Payment of Fees
To make a payment, please use the following options:
- Send all cheques through mail or courier outlining the file number and applicant's name
- Drop-off cheques at 17250 Yonge Street — use Drop Box at the north facing entrance doors and e-mail noting drop-off
Use wire or electronic fund transfer — e-mail for details
Delivery of Security Deposit
Security Deposit may be in the form of a letter of credit or a certified cheque.
To deliver a letter of credit or a certified cheque, please use the following options:
- Send letter of credit or certified cheque through mail or courier outlining the file number and applicant's name
- Drop-off letter of credit or certified cheque 17250 Yonge Street — use Drop Box at the north facing entrance doors and e-mail noting drop-off
Regional Official Plan Applications
The Regional Official Plan is a statutory document which sets out land use policy to guide future growth and development. If an owner proposes to develop a property differently than what is prescribed by the approved Regional Official Plan, they must apply to the local municipality for a Regional Official Plan Amendment.
Applications are received, processed and circulated by the local municipality regarding a Regional Official Plan Amendment application process.
For questions regarding York Region’s process, please contact
Submission Requirements
Local Official Plan Applications
An Official Plan is a statutory document which sets out land use policy to guide future growth and development. If an Owner proposes to develop a property differently than what is prescribed by the Local Official Plan, they must apply for an Official Plan Amendment.
York Region provides comments on items of Regional interest like Regional roads, transit and servicing infrastructure.
Applications are received/processed and circulated by the local municipality. Contact the appropriate local municipality regarding Official Plan Amendment application process. For questions regarding the Region’s process, please contact
Submission Requirements
Plan of Subdivision and Condominium Applications
York Region is a commenting agency on applications for Plans of Subdivision and Condominium. Plan of Subdivision applications are typically needed when three or more lots or blocks are proposed to be created/subdivided that will be sold individually, or new roads are being created, existing roads are being extended, and/ or new services are being installed. York Region reviews, comments, and provides conditions of approval protecting Regional interests. York Region also provides clearance of approved conditions related to the Region, as part of the final approval process for these applications.
Applications are circulated and approved by the local municipality. Contact the appropriate local municipality regarding draft plan of subdivision and draft plan of condominium application process. For questions regarding the Region’s process, please contact
Submission Requirements
Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Severance and Minor Variance Applications
York Region is a commenting agency on all Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Severance and Minor Variance applications. Regional staff reviews these applications to ensure Regional interests are protected. The Region will provide comments on an application where properties are adjacent to Regional roads or infrastructure, or may have Regional interests.
Applications are circulated and approved by the local municipality. Contact the appropriate local municipality regarding Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Severance and Minor Variance application process. For questions regarding the Region’s process, please contact
Submission Requirements
Please refer to the Development Engineering Review page for the York Region’s Site Plan review process.
Related Resources
- Development Teams Contact List
- Development Applications Submission Checklist
- 2025 Development Applications Fees
- Mid and High Rise Development Process and Implementation Guide
- Standard Development Construction Practices for Work on Regional Roads
- Security Reduction and Release Requirements
- Blank Statutory Declaration
- Compliance Documentation for Connecting New Watermains to Regional Infrastructure
- Track the Status of Development Application
External Resources
- Assistance for Businesses
- Assistance for Non-profits
- Doing Business With York Region
Economic and Development Services
Land Development
- Call Before You Dig – Locates
- Construction Design Guidelines and Standards
- Development Application Supporting Studies
- Development Charges
- Development Construction Inspection
- Development Engineering Review
- Development Financial and Servicing Incentives
- Development Planning Review
- Drinking Water Source Protection
- Environmental Assessment Study
- Land Development Legal Services
- Non-Potable Groundwater Requests
- Request Environmental Site Assessment Data for a Property
- Road Design Drawing Storage and Retrieval
- Source Water Protection Permit
- Streetscape Program
- Supporting Regional Growth
- Agriculture and Agri-Food
- Assistance for Businesses
- Economic Development Action Plan
- Things to do in York Region
Land Development
- Information for Investors
- Water Saving and Protection Incentives For Businesses