Injury Prevention Resources

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results found

Title Description Additional Language
Bicycle Helmet Fit Poster Explains the 2V1 shake, shake shake rule for ensuring your child's helmet fits properly
Concussion Factsheet What you need to know about signs and symptoms, recovery and return to activities.
Eye Health Fact sheet with tips for older adults to promote eye health and prevent falls
Fall Risk Self-Assessment – Staying Independent Use this checklist to find out if you, or someone you know, are at risk of falling
Food Safety for Older Adults A guide with information about food safety for older adults.
Foot Health Fact sheet with tips for older adults to promote foot health and prevent falls
Over the Counter Medications Fact sheet with tips for older adults to promote safe medication use and prevent falls
Preventing Harmful Childhood Falls: A Checklist Use this fall prevention checklist to identify the potential fall risks at home and at play and make changes to help keep your child safe
Safety around Furniture Fact sheet with tips for older adults to promote safety around furniture and prevent falls
Sleep Fact sheet with tips for older adults to promote sleep and prevent falls