Celebrating 25 Years of York Region Paramedic Services

Celebrating 25 Years of Compassion and Care

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of York Region Paramedic Services.

In January 2000, the Regional Municipality of York began to oversee the delivery of land ambulance services. York Region Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was created through the amalgamation of six ambulance services that had previously operated in the Region.

Today, York Region Paramedic Services employes nearly 800 staff members, including 550 frontline paramedics, community paramedics and special operations paramedics. Beyond the frontlines our staff includes, logistics, fleet, scheduling, wellbeing supports, communications and community events and operational planning.

25 Years of Compassion and Care

York Region Paramedic Services: Caring for Residents 24/7

Check out York Paramedics - YouTube for more videos!

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