Improvements coming to King Road and Keele Street
Transportation improvements prepare York Region to meet the needs of motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and transit users today and into the future. York Region is improving King Road and Keele Street.
Duration: September 2024 to December 2025

2024 construction includes:
- Rehabilitating a bridge on King Road west of Keele Street that allows trains to pass freely under the road
- Adding southbound and northbound left turn lanes on Keele Street at King Road
- Installing a new pedestrian signal on Keele Street, 100 metres south of King Road
2025 construction includes:
- Rehabilitating a bridge on Keele Street, north of King Road
- Continued intersection improvements
Impacts to travellers:
- King Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction from September 2024 to November 2025
- To increase traffic flow and lessen the impact on local neighbourhoods, York Region has:
- Installed signs to direct traffic to Jane Street and Dufferin Street
- Increased traffic signal timing on King Road
- Installed no stopping signs on Keele Street, south of King Road
- Installed large ‘Local Traffic Only” signs at the intersections of King Road at Charles Street and John Street and Keele Street and Norman Street
- York Region continues to monitor signal timing and making adjustments as needed, work with the Township of King on additional traffic calming measures such as speed humps to slow down vehicles and to expedite activation of new traffic signals at the Keele Street and Norman Street intersection
Parking restriction:
New parking/stopping restrictions apply to Keele Street to support the new pedestrian signal and left turn lanes, including:
- King Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction from September 2024 to December 2024
- Additional temporary lane closures will be limited to Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with traffic control persons directing traffic
- The road will remain open to through traffic; however, lane closures are required
Access to homes and businesses will be maintained
As with all construction projects, work may be rescheduled due to weather. York Region will provide advance notice where possible.
York Region cares about your community and we are committed to delivering transportation improvements and operation safety measures. If you have any questions or concerns, staff will be pleased to respond. Contact us using any method noted below and quote “Contract: 24-132” in your inquiry.
General Inquiries:
York Region, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
After hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200