Improvements coming to Rumble Pond South Park
Transportation improvements prepare York Region to meet the needs of motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and transit users today and into the future. York Region is making improvements to Patterson Creek and Rumble Pond-South Park on the east side of Bathurst Street from Mill Street to 230 metres south.
Duration: Mid-August 2024 to June 2025

- Creek realignment
- Retaining wall construction
- Trail improvements
- Additional plantings
- Tree protection will be in place during construction, however, tree removal may be required
- Additional trees and shrubs will be planted to compensate for those disturbed or removed during construction
Impacts to travellers:
- Bathurst Street and Mill Street will remain open to through traffic; however, periodic lane closures will be required to accommodate equipment and material delivery
- Periodic lane closures will be limited to Monday to Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Safety is a priority; please slow down through construction areas
- Access to homes and businesses will be maintained
- The trail will be closed from the Mill Street entrance to approximately 180 metres south to the Rumble Pond playground and trail users will be directed to an alternate route
Residents may experience noise from heavy construction machinery, vehicles and crews. Properties backing onto the trail may have access temporarily restricted to ensure safety during construction.
As with all construction projects, work may be rescheduled due to weather. York Region will provide advance notice where possible.
Thank you for your patience during the construction period. We understand construction creates challenges for the community and we are working to deliver this project with minimal disruption. If you have any questions or concerns, staff will be pleased to respond. Contact us using any method noted below and quote “Contract: 23-250” in your inquiry.
Accessible formats of this notice and communication supports are available upon request.
General Inquiries:
York Region Transportation Operations, Public Works
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
After hours emergency: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75200