The Regional Municipality of York
Report No. 16
of the Committee of the Whole
Meeting Held on November 9, 2017
For Consideration by
The Council of The Regional Municipality of York
on November 16, 2017
[Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request
Contact: Regional Clerk’s Office, @email, 18774649675 extension 71320]
The Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. on November 9, 2017 with Regional Chair Emmerson in the chair.
The following were also in attendance:
J. Altmann, N. Armstrong, D. Barrow, M. Bevilacqua, N. Davison, G. Dawe, M. Ferri, V. Hackson, J. Heath, B. Hogg, J. Jones, J. Li, S. Pellegrini, M. Quirk, F. Scarpitti, S. Singh, V. Spatafora, J. Taylor
D. Basso, L. Bigioni, A.M. Carroll, P. Casey, K. Chislett, P. Freeman, E. Hankins, B. Hughes, J. Hulton, P. Jankowski, W. Kemp, S. Kennedy, D. Kuzmyk, D. Lindeblom, B. Macgregor, E. Mahoney, C. Raynor, V. Shuttleworth, B. Titherington, M.F. Turner, K. Whitney
Table of Contents
Planning and Economic Development Items
Finance and Administration Items
Opening Remarks from Regional Chairman
1. Regional Chair Emmerson made the following remarks:
“I would like to begin today’s meeting by acknowledging that York Region extends over lands originally used and occupied by Indigenous Peoples, and on behalf of York Region, I would like to thank First Nations and the Métis for sharing this land.
I would also like to acknowledge the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation as our closest First Nation community.”
2. Character Community Foundation of York Region
Committee of the Whole received the deputation by Megan Thomas regarding the Character Community Foundation of York Region.
Planning and Economic Development
Regional Councillor Li chaired the Planning and Economic Development section of Committee of the Whole.
3. Communications – Planning and Economic Development
[Click on the titles of the following Communications to view them]
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. Receipt of the communication from Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services, and Joy Hulton, Regional Solicitor, dated November 7, 2017 regarding “Bill 148 - Fair Workplaces Better Jobs Act, 2017.”
2. Receipt and referral to staff of the communication from Stephen Huycke, Director of Legislative Services/Town Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill, dated November 7, 2017 regarding “Richmond Hill Resolution - Approval in Principle of the Draft Official Plan Amendment and Draft Zoning By-law Amendment for the Lake Wilcox Special Policy Area.”
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
4. Holiday Shopping Bylaw
5. 2016 Census Population and Household Demographic Data [4.2 MB]
6. Creating a Regional Climate Change Action Plan
7. Appointments to the York Region Planning Advisory Committee
8. York Region Broadband Strategy Annual Update 2017
9. Richmond Hill/Langstaff Gateway Regional Centre - Growth Capacity and Timing
Committee of the Whole recessed from 12:59 p.m. to 1:46 p.m.
Finance and Administration
Mayor Barrow chaired the Finance and Administration section of Committee of the Whole.
[Click on the titles of the following Reports to view them]
10. Property Tax Treatment for Regional Transit Facilities
11. Elimination of Vacant Unit Rebate Program
12. Delegation of Authority During Summer Recess - June 30, 2017 – September 20, 2017
13. Contract Award for Licensing, Hosting, Maintenance and Related Services for eProcurement
14. Extension of Insurance Broker Services
15. Authorization of Name Change to YRT Bus Terminal at Vaughan Metropolitan Centre
16. 2018 Municipal Election
17. Acquisition of Land - 3825 Major Mackenzie Drive - City of Vaughan
18. Compensation for Expropriation - Yonge Street from Davis Drive to Green Lane - Town of Newmarket and Town of East Gwillimbury
19. Expropriation of Land - Viva Bus Rapid Transit Corridor - Highway 7 West, Centre Street, Bathurst Street - City of Vaughan [4.1 MB]
Other Business
20. Remembrance Day
Chair Emmerson acknowledged that Saturday, November 11 is Remembrance Day and encouraged everyone to take part in the memorials at their local cenotaphs.
21. Markham to Host 31st World Hakka Conference
Regional Councillor Li advised that the City of Markham was recently selected to host the 31st World Hakka Conference taking place in October 2021.
22. eSCRIBE Training Session
Chairman Emmerson advised that an eSCRIBE training session will be held following the November 16, 2017 Council meeting to educate members on the new iPad app.
23. November recognized by City of Markham as Hindu Heritage Month
Regional Councillor Armstrong indicated that November has been recognized by the City of Markham as Hindu Heritage Month and encouraged everyone to attend a celebration being held at Markham City Hall on November 12, 2017.
Private Session
Committee of the Whole resolved into private session at 2:15 p.m. to consider the following:
1. Private Attachment to Item Clause 7 - Appointments to the York Region Planning Advisory Committee – Personal Information
2. Private Attachment to Item Clause 17 - Acquisition of Land - 3825 Major Mackenzie Drive - City of Vaughan - Land Acquisition
3. Private Attachment to Item Clause 18 - Compensation for Expropriation - Yonge Street from Davis Drive to Green Lane - Town of Newmarket and Town of East Gwillimbury - Land Acquisition
4. Private Verbal Update – Personal Information
Committee of the Whole resumed in public session at 2:26 p.m. and reported the following:
24. Private Attachment to Clause 7 - Appointments to the York Region Planning Advisory Committee – Personal Information
Committee of the Whole referred consideration of the private attachment to Council’s private session on November 16, 2017.
25. Private Attachment to Clause 17 - Acquisition of Land - 3825 Major Mackenzie Drive - City of Vaughan - Land Acquisition
Committee of the Whole received the private attachment referred to in Clause 17.
26. Private Attachment to Clause 18 - Compensation for Expropriation - Yonge Street from Davis Drive to
Green Lane - Town of Newmarket and Town of East Gwillimbury - Land Acquisition
Committee of the Whole received the private attachment referred to in Clause 18.
27. Private Verbal Update – Personal Information
Committee of the Whole received the private verbal update.
The Committee of the Whole meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
November 9, 2017 W. Emmerson
Newmarket, Ontario Regional Chair
C. Raynor
1-877-464-9675 x71300