Teston Road IEA Study
Teston Road Area Improvements Highway 400 to Bathurst Street in the City of Vaughan
The Regional Municipality of York is conducting an Individual Environmental Assessment (IEA) Study to examine transportation improvements in the Teston Road area, between Highway 400, Bathurst Street, Major Mackenzie Drive and Kirby Road in the City of Vaughan.
We want to hear from you
You are invited to take part in the online open house to learn about the study process, transportation problems and opportunities and alternatives to the undertaking. You will be able to comment on the options presented through a survey. Visit Teston Road IEA web page for more information and to participate.
The online survey will be available from July 26, 2021 to August 16, 2021.

Please let us know if you require accommodations to participate or if you are unable to join the online open house. Online materials and an accessible version of this notice are available upon request. This notice was issued on July 22, 2021.
York Region’s number one priority is protecting the health and safety of staff and all our communities. As we monitor the ongoing COVID-19 situation in York Region, we continue to be committed to effective engagement and consultation with the public and stakeholders in accordance with the Environmental Assessment process.
To submit a comment, question or for more information, please contact:
General Inquiries:
Phone: 1-877-464-9675 ext. 75000
TTY: 1-866-512-6228
Email: @email
To better assist you, please quote Teston Road IEA in your inquiry.
An accessible version of this notice is available upon request.
This study will be carried out according to the approved Terms of Reference and the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Personal information submitted (e.g. name, address and phone number) is collected, maintained and disclosed under the authority of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for transparency and consultation purposes. Personal information you submit will become part of the public record that is available to the general public, unless you request that your personal information remain confidential.