If you are looking for information about Waste Depots in York Region please visit, York.ca/WasteDepots, or if you are looking for Household Hazardous Waste information please visit York.ca/HHW.
Enter the item you no longer need or select a category and Bindicator will find the best options for where it should go.
This is commercial hazardous waste. Please contact a hazardous waste disposal company to safely dispose of this waste. It is not accepted at any York Region depot.
This item is electronic waste (e-waste) and can be taken to a York Region Waste Facility for proper recycling and disposal. Limits apply. Residents are responsible for removing all personal information from items before drop off. Tip: This item can be repaired at an electronics repair shop.
Damaged blue boxes and other curbside bins may be exchanged at the local municipality from where they were issued. Please contact your local municipality for more details. Blue boxes purchased from a store that are broken can be placed in the garbage. Check your local municipal website for size restrictions at the curb. Otherwise, drop this item off as garbage for a fee at select waste depots.